Class GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/view-services/glossary-author/users/{userId}") public class GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource extends Object
The GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource provides the server-side implementation of the Glossary Author OMVS. This interface provides term authoring interfaces for subject area experts.
  • Constructor Details

    • GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource

      public GlossaryAuthorGraphRESTResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • getGraph

      @GetMapping(path="/graph/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Graph> getGraph(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="asOfTime",required=false) Date asOfTime, @RequestParam(value="nodeFilter",required=false) String nodeFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="relationshipFilter",required=false) String relationshipFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="statusFilter",required=false) StatusFilter statusFilter)
      Get the graph of nodes and relationships radiating out from a node. Return the nodes and relationships that radiate out from the supplied node (identified by a GUID). The results are scoped by types of relationships, types of nodes and classifications as well as level.
      serverName - serverName under which this request is performed, this is used in multi tenanting to identify the tenant
      userId - userId under which the request is performed
      guid - the starting point of the query.
      nodeFilterStr - Comma separated list of node names to include in the query results. Null means include all entities found, irrespective of their type.
      relationshipFilterStr - comma separated list of relationship names to include in the query results. Null means include all relationships found, irrespective of their type.
      asOfTime - Requests a historical query of the relationships for the entity. Null means return the present values.
      statusFilter - By default only active instances are returned. Specify ALL to see all instance in any status.
      A graph of nodeTypes.
      • UnrecognizedGUIDException the supplied guid was not recognised
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • MetadataServerUncontactableException not able to communicate with a Metadata respository service.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • FunctionNotSupportedException Function not supported this indicates that a find was issued but the repository does not implement find functionality in some way.
    • getGraphCounts

      @GetMapping(path="/graph-counts/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<GraphStatistics> getGraphCounts(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="asOfTime",required=false) Date asOfTime, @RequestParam(value="nodeFilter",required=false) String nodeFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="relationshipFilter",required=false) String relationshipFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="statusFilter",required=false) StatusFilter statusFilter)
      Get the graph statistics of nodes and relationships radiating out from a node. Return the nodes and relationships statistics that radiate out from the supplied node (identified by a GUID). The results are scoped by types of relationships, types of nodes and classifications as well as level. The graph statistics include counts that the user can use to scope the query, to reduce the number of nodes displayed. This is combat the issue that a large number of nodes being displayed would make the screen too busy and unusable.
      serverName - serverName under which this request is performed, this is used in multi tenanting to identify the tenant
      userId - userId under which the request is performed
      guid - the starting point of the query.
      nodeFilterStr - Comma separated list of node names to include in the query results. Null means include all entities found, irrespective of their type.
      relationshipFilterStr - comma separated list of relationship names to include in the query results. Null means include all relationships found, irrespective of their type.
      asOfTime - Requests a historical query of the relationships for the entity. Null means return the present values.
      statusFilter - By default only active instances are returned. Specify ALL to see all instance in any status.
      A graph of nodeTypes.
      • UnrecognizedGUIDException the supplied guid was not recognised
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • MetadataServerUncontactableException not able to communicate with a Metadata respository service.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • FunctionNotSupportedException Function not supported this indicates that a find was issued but the repository does not implement find functionality in some way.