Class GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/view-services/glossary-author/users/{userId}/categories") public class GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTResource extends Object
The GlossaryAuthorRESTServicesInstance provides the org.odpi.openmetadata.viewervices.glossaryauthor.server implementation of the Glossary Author Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for categories. This interface provides category authoring interfaces for subject area experts.
  • Constructor Details

    • GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTResource

      public GlossaryAuthorViewCategoryRESTResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • createCategory

      @PostMapping public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> createCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @RequestBody Category suppliedCategory)
      Create a Category.

      Categories with the same name can be confusing. Best practise is to create categories that have unique names. This Create call does not police that Category names are unique. So it is possible to create categories with the same name as each other.

      serverName - name of the local server.
      userId - userid
      suppliedCategory - Category to create.
      response, when successful contains the created category. when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • MetadataServerUncontactableException not able to communicate with a Metadata respository service.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • UnrecognizedGUIDException the supplied guid was not recognised.
      • ClassificationException Error processing a classification.
      • StatusNotSupportedException A status value is not supported.
    • getCategory

      @GetMapping(path="/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> getCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid)
      Get a category.
      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      guid - guid of the category to get
      response which when successful contains the category with the requested guid when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • MetadataServerUncontactableException not able to communicate with a Metadata respository service.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • UnrecognizedGUIDException the supplied guid was not recognised
      • FunctionNotSupportedException Function not supported
    • findCategory

      @GetMapping public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> findCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @RequestParam(value="searchCriteria",required=false) String searchCriteria, @RequestParam(value="exactValue",required=false,defaultValue="false") Boolean exactValue, @RequestParam(value="ignoreCase",required=false,defaultValue="true") Boolean ignoreCase, @RequestParam(value="asOfTime",required=false) Date asOfTime, @RequestParam(value="startingFrom",required=false) Integer startingFrom, @RequestParam(value="pageSize",required=false) Integer pageSize, @RequestParam(value="sequencingOrder",required=false) SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, @RequestParam(value="sequencingProperty",required=false) String sequencingProperty)
      Find Category
      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      searchCriteria - String expression matching Category property values.
      exactValue - a boolean, which when set means that only exact matches will be returned, otherwise matches that start with the search criteria will be returned.
      ignoreCase - a boolean, which when set means that case will be ignored, if not set that case will be respected
      asOfTime - the categories returned as they were at this time. null indicates at the current time.
      startingFrom - the starting element number for this set of results. This is used when retrieving elements beyond the first page of results. Zero means the results start from the first element.
      pageSize - the maximum number of elements that can be returned on this request.
      sequencingOrder - the sequencing order for the results.
      sequencingProperty - the name of the property that should be used to sequence the results.
      A list of categories meeting the search Criteria
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • getCategoryRelationships

      @GetMapping(path="/{guid}/relationships") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Relationship> getCategoryRelationships(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="asOfTime",required=false) Date asOfTime, @RequestParam(value="startingFrom",required=false) Integer startingFrom, @RequestParam(value="pageSize",required=false) Integer pageSize, @RequestParam(value="sequencingOrder",required=false) SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, @RequestParam(value="sequencingProperty",required=false) String sequencingProperty)
      Get Category relationships. The server has a maximum page size defined, the number of relationships returned is limited by that maximum page size.
      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      guid - guid of the category to get
      asOfTime - the relationships returned as they were at this time. null indicates at the current time. If specified, the date is in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
      startingFrom - the starting element number for this set of results. This is used when retrieving elements beyond the first page of results. Zero means the results start from the first element.
      pageSize - the maximum number of elements that can be returned on this request.
      sequencingOrder - the sequencing order for the results.
      sequencingProperty - the name of the property that should be used to sequence the results.
      a response which when successful contains the category relationships when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • updateCategory

      @PutMapping(path="/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> updateCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestBody Category suppliedCategory, @RequestParam(value="isReplace",required=false,defaultValue="false") Boolean isReplace)
      Update a Category

      Status is not updated using this call.

      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      guid - guid of the category to update
      suppliedCategory - category to update
      isReplace - flag to indicate that this update is a replace. When not set only the supplied (non null) fields are updated.
      a response which when successful contains the updated category when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • deleteCategory

      @DeleteMapping(path="/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> deleteCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid)
      Delete a Category instance

      The deletion of a category is only allowed if there is no category content (i.e. no categories or categories).

      There are 2 types of deletion, a soft delete and a hard delete (also known as a purge). All repositories support hard deletes. Soft deletes support is optional.

      A soft delete means that the category instance will exist in a deleted state in the repository after the delete operation. This means that it is possible to undo the delete. A hard delete means that the category will not exist after the operation. when not successful the following Exceptions can occur

      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      guid - guid of the category to be deleted.=
      a void response when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • restoreCategory

      @PostMapping(path="/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> restoreCategory(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid)
      Restore a Category

      Restore allows the deleted Category to be made active again. Restore allows deletes to be undone. Hard deletes are not stored in the repository so cannot be restored.

      serverName - local UI server name
      userId - userid
      guid - guid of the category to restore
      response which when successful contains the restored category when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • getCategorizedTerms

      @GetMapping(path="/{guid}/terms") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Term> getCategorizedTerms(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="searchCriteria",required=false) String searchCriteria, @RequestParam(value="exactValue",required=false,defaultValue="false") Boolean exactValue, @RequestParam(value="ignoreCase",required=false,defaultValue="true") Boolean ignoreCase, @RequestParam(value="startingFrom",required=false,defaultValue="0") Integer startingFrom, @RequestParam(value="pageSize",required=false) Integer pageSize)
      Get the terms that are categorized by this Category
      serverName - serverName under which this request is performed, this is used in multi tenanting to identify the tenant
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user, under which the request is performed
      guid - guid of the category to get terms
      searchCriteria - String expression to match the categorized Term property values.
      exactValue - a boolean, which when set means that only exact matches will be returned, otherwise matches that start with the search criteria will be returned.
      ignoreCase - a boolean, which when set means that case will be ignored, if not set that case will be respected
      startingFrom - the starting element number for this set of results. This is used when retrieving elements
      pageSize - the maximum number of elements that can be returned on this request.
      A list of terms is categorized by this Category when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.
    • getCategoryChildren

      @GetMapping(path="/{guid}/categories") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Category> getCategoryChildren(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="searchCriteria",required=false) String searchCriteria, @RequestParam(value="exactValue",required=false,defaultValue="false") Boolean exactValue, @RequestParam(value="ignoreCase",required=false,defaultValue="true") Boolean ignoreCase, @RequestParam(value="startingFrom",required=false,defaultValue="0") Integer startingFrom, @RequestParam(value="pageSize",required=false) Integer pageSize)
      Get this Category's child Categories. The server has a maximum page size defined, the number of Categories returned is limited by that maximum page size.
      serverName - serverName under which this request is performed, this is used in multi tenanting to identify the tenant
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user, under which the request is performed
      guid - guid of the parent category
      searchCriteria - String expression matching child Category property values.
      exactValue - a boolean, which when set means that only exact matches will be returned, otherwise matches that start with the search criteria will be returned.
      ignoreCase - a boolean, which when set means that case will be ignored, if not set that case will be respected
      startingFrom - the starting element number for this set of results. This is used when retrieving elements
      pageSize - the maximum number of elements that can be returned on this request.
      A list of child categories filtered by the search criteria if one is supplied. when not successful the following Exception responses can occur
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • PropertyServerException Property server exception.