
@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/api/open-metadata/runtime-manager") public class RuntimeManagerResource extends Object
The RuntimeManagerResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Runtime Manager OMVS. =
  • Constructor Details

    • RuntimeManagerResource

      public RuntimeManagerResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • getPlatformsByName

      @PostMapping("/platforms/by-name") public SoftwareServerPlatformsResponse getPlatformsByName(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam int startFrom, @RequestParam int pageSize, @RequestBody(required=false) FilterRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns the list of platforms with a particular name.
      serverName - name of called server
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return
      requestBody - qualified name or display name of the platform
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getPlatformsByDeployedImplType

      @PostMapping("/platforms/by-deployed-implementation-type") public SoftwareServerPlatformsResponse getPlatformsByDeployedImplType(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam int startFrom, @RequestParam int pageSize, @RequestParam(required=false,defaultValue="false") boolean getTemplates, @RequestBody(required=false) FilterRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns the list of platforms with a particular deployed implementation type.
      serverName - name of called server
      requestBody - name of the deployed implementation type - if null, all projects are returned
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return
      getTemplates - boolean indicating whether templates or non-template platforms should be returned.
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getPlatformByGUID

      @PostMapping("/platforms/{platformGUID}") public SoftwareServerPlatformResponse getPlatformByGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String platformGUID, @RequestBody(required=false) EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns details about the platform's catalog entry (asset).
      serverName - name of called server
      platformGUID - unique identifier of the platform
      requestBody - effective time
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getPlatformReport

      @GetMapping("/platforms/{platformGUID}/report") public PlatformReportResponse getPlatformReport(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String platformGUID)
      Returns details about the running platform.
      serverName - name of called server
      platformGUID - unique identifier of the platform
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getServersByName

      @PostMapping("/software-servers/by-name") public SoftwareServersResponse getServersByName(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam int startFrom, @RequestParam int pageSize, @RequestBody(required=false) FilterRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns the list of servers with a particular name.
      serverName - name of called server
      requestBody - qualified name or display name of the server
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return
      a list of servers InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getServersByDeployedImplType

      @PostMapping("/software-servers/by-deployed-implementation-type") public SoftwareServersResponse getServersByDeployedImplType(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam int startFrom, @RequestParam int pageSize, @RequestParam(required=false,defaultValue="false") boolean getTemplates, @RequestBody FilterRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns the list of servers with a particular deployed implementation type.
      serverName - name of called server
      requestBody - name of the deployed impl type - if null, all servers are returned
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return
      getTemplates - boolean indicating whether templates or non-template servers should be returned.
      a list of servers InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getServerByGUID

      @PostMapping("/software-servers/{serverGUID}") public SoftwareServerResponse getServerByGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody(required=false) EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody requestBody)
      Returns details about the server's catalog entry (asset).
      serverName - name of called server
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the platform
      requestBody - effective time
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getServerReport

      @GetMapping("/omag-servers/{serverGUID}/instance/report") public ServerReportResponse getServerReport(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID)
      Returns details about the running server.
      serverName - name of called server
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      a list of platforms InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property server(s). UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • activateWithStoredConfig

      @PostMapping(path="/omag-servers/{serverGUID}/instance") public SuccessMessageResponse activateWithStoredConfig(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID)
      Activate the Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) server using the configuration document stored for this server.
      serverName - local server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the server name is invalid or OMAGConfigurationErrorException there is a problem using the supplied configuration.
    • shutdownServer

      @DeleteMapping(path="/omag-servers/{serverGUID}/instance") public VoidResponse shutdownServer(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID)
      Temporarily shutdown the named OMAG server. This server can be restarted as a later time.
      serverName - local server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the serverName is invalid.
    • shutdownAndUnregisterServer

      @DeleteMapping(path="/omag-servers/{serverGUID}") public VoidResponse shutdownAndUnregisterServer(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID)
      Permanently deactivate any active servers and unregister from any cohorts.
      serverName - local server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the serverName is invalid.
    • addOpenMetadataArchiveFile

      @PostMapping(path={"/omag-servers/{serverGUID}/instance/load/open-metadata-archives/file","/metadata-access-stores/{serverGUID}/instance/load/open-metadata-archives/file"}) public VoidResponse addOpenMetadataArchiveFile(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody String fileName)
      Add a new open metadata archive to running repository.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      fileName - name of the open metadata archive file.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or fileName parameter.
    • addOpenMetadataArchive

      @PostMapping(path={"/omag-servers/{serverGUID}/instance/load/open-metadata-archives/archive-content","/metadata-access-stores/{serverGUID}/instance/load/open-metadata-archives/archive-content"}) public VoidResponse addOpenMetadataArchive(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody OpenMetadataArchive openMetadataArchive)
      Add a new open metadata archive to running repository.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      openMetadataArchive - openMetadataArchive for the open metadata archive.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or openMetadataArchive parameter.
    • refreshConfig

      @GetMapping(path="/engine-hosts/{serverGUID}/governance-engines/{governanceEngineName}/refresh-config") public VoidResponse refreshConfig(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String governanceEngineName)
      Request that the governance engine refresh its configuration by calling the metadata server. This request is useful if the metadata server has an outage, particularly while the governance server is initializing. This request just ensures that the latest configuration is in use.
      serverName - name of the governance server
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      governanceEngineName - unique name of the governance engine
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or GovernanceEngineException there was a problem detected by the governance engine.
    • getConfigurationProperties

      @GetMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/{connectorName}/configuration-properties") public PropertiesResponse getConfigurationProperties(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String connectorName)
      Retrieve the configuration properties of the named integration connector running in the integration daemon.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      connectorName - name of a specific connector
      properties map or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration service.
    • updateConfigurationProperties

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/configuration-properties") public VoidResponse updateConfigurationProperties(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody ConnectorConfigPropertiesRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the configuration properties of the integration connectors, or specific integration connector if a connector name is supplied. This update is in memory and will not persist over a server restart.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      requestBody - name of a specific connector or null for all connectors and the properties to change
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration service.
    • updateEndpointNetworkAddress

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/{connectorName}/endpoint-network-address") public VoidResponse updateEndpointNetworkAddress(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String connectorName, @RequestBody StringRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the endpoint network address for a specific integration connector. This update is in memory and will not persist over a server restart.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      connectorName - name of a specific connector
      requestBody - new endpoint address
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration service.
    • updateConnectorConnection

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/{connectorName}/connection") public VoidResponse updateConnectorConnection(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String connectorName, @RequestBody Connection requestBody)
      Update the connection for a specific integration connector. This update is in memory and will not persist over a server restart.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      connectorName - name of a specific connector
      requestBody - new connection object
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration service.
    • refreshConnectors

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/refresh") public VoidResponse refreshConnectors(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody(required=false) NameRequestBody requestBody)
      Issue a refresh() request on all connectors running in the integration daemon, or a specific connector if the connector name is specified.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      requestBody - optional name of the connector to target - if no connector name is specified, all connectors managed by this integration service are refreshed.
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration daemon.
    • restartConnectors

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-connectors/restart") public VoidResponse restartConnectors(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody(required=false) NameRequestBody requestBody)
      Restart all connectors running in the integration daemon, or restart a specific connector if the connector name is specified.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      requestBody - optional name of the connector to target - if no connector name is specified, all connectors managed by this integration service are refreshed.
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration daemon.
    • refreshIntegrationGroupConfig

      @GetMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/integration-groups/{integrationGroupName}/refresh-config") public VoidResponse refreshIntegrationGroupConfig(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String integrationGroupName)
      Request that the integration group refresh its configuration by calling the metadata access server. Changes to the connector configuration will result in the affected connectors being restarted. This request is useful if the metadata access server has an outage, particularly while the integration daemon is initializing. This request just ensures that the latest configuration is in use.
      serverName - name of the governance server
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      integrationGroupName - unique name of the integration group
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or IntegrationGroupException there was a problem detected by the integration group.
    • publishOpenLineageEvent

      @PostMapping(path="/integration-daemons/{serverGUID}/open-lineage-events/publish") public VoidResponse publishOpenLineageEvent(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @RequestBody String event)
      Pass an open lineage event to the integration service. It will pass it on to the integration connectors that have registered a listener for open lineage events.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      event - open lineage event to publish.
    • connectToCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohort-members/{serverGUID}/cohorts/{cohortName}/connect") public BooleanResponse connectToCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      A new server needs to register the metadataCollectionId for its metadata repository with the other servers in the open metadata repository. It only needs to do this once and uses a timestamp to record that the registration event has been sent. If the server has already registered in the past, it sends a reregistration request.
      serverName - server to query
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known
    • disconnectFromCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohort-members/{serverGUID}/cohorts/{cohortName}/disconnect") public BooleanResponse disconnectFromCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Disconnect communications from a specific cohort.
      serverName - server to query
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known
    • unregisterFromCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohort-members/{serverGUID}/cohorts/{cohortName}/unregister") public BooleanResponse unregisterFromCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverGUID, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Unregister from a specific cohort and disconnect from cohort communications.
      serverName - server to query
      serverGUID - unique identifier of the server to call
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known