Class ConfigViewServicesViewResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/view-services/server-author/users/{userId}/servers/{serverToBeConfiguredName}") public class ConfigViewServicesViewResource extends Object
ConfigViewServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs).
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigViewServicesViewResource

      public ConfigViewServicesViewResource()
  • Method Details

    • configureViewService

      @PostMapping(path="/view-services/{serviceURLMarker}") public ServerAuthorConfigurationResponse configureViewService(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverToBeConfiguredName, @PathVariable String serviceURLMarker, @RequestBody(required=false) Map<String,Object> viewServiceOptions)
      Enable a single view service.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverToBeConfiguredName - name of the server to be configured.
      viewServiceOptions - property name/value pairs used to configure the view services
      serviceURLMarker - string indicating which view service it is configuring
      the current stored configuration or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • disableViewService

      @DeleteMapping(path="/view-services/{serviceURLMarker}") public ServerAuthorConfigurationResponse disableViewService(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serverToBeConfiguredName, @PathVariable String serviceURLMarker)
      Disable a single view service.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverToBeConfiguredName - name of the server to be configured.
      serviceURLMarker - string indicating which view service it is configuring
      the current stored configuration or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.