Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetmanager.server

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetmanager.server
Provides the server side support for the REST API. This includes the multi-tenant server instance and the REST API method implementations.
  • Classes
    AssetManagerOMASRegistration registers the access service with the OMAG Server administration services.
    The AssetManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the services that are generic for all types of asset managers.
    AssetManagerServicesInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.
    The AssetManagerRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
    ConnectionExchangeRESTServices is the server-side for managing Connections, Endpoints and ConnectorTypes.
    DataAssetExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for relational databases.
    ExternalReferenceExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
    GlossaryExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
    LineageExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for processes, ports and lineage mapping.
    SchemaExchangeRESTServices is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for schemas.
    StewardshipExchangeRESTServices provides part of the server-side support for the Asset Owner Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).