Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetmanager.server.spring

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetmanager.server.spring
REST API operations and Swagger Annotations The asset manager has multiple parts to its REST API, each focusing on a different collection of metadata types. The AssetManagerOMASResource defines the general operations for all types of asset managers. This includes the operations for retrieving the out topic, for registering an asset manager and retrieving the identifiers of a pre-registered asset manager. The GlossaryExchangeResource supports metadata from glossaries. This includes the glossary's categories, terms and term to term relationships.
  • Classes
    Server-side REST API support for asset manager independent REST endpoints
    The CollaborationExchangeResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).
    ConnectionExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for connections, endpoints and connector types.
    DataAssetExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for data asset such as data sets.
    GlossaryExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
    GlossaryExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for glossaries.
    LineageExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for processes, ports and lineage mapping.
    SchemaExchangeResource is the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager OMAS's support for schemas.
    The StewardshipExchangeResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the Asset Manager Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS).