Class GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody


public class GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody extends Object
GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody provides a structure for passing details of a governance service that is to be registered with a governance engine.
  • Constructor Details

    • GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody

      public GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody()
      Default constructor
    • GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody

      public GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody(GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody template)
      Copy/clone constructor
      template - object to copy
  • Method Details

    • getGovernanceServiceGUID

      public String getGovernanceServiceGUID()
      Return the unique identifier of the governance service.
    • setGovernanceServiceGUID

      public void setGovernanceServiceGUID(String governanceServiceGUID)
      Set up the unique identifier of the governance service.
      governanceServiceGUID - guid
    • getRequestType

      public String getRequestType()
      Return the request type used to call the governance service via this governance engine. If this request type is not supported by the governance service, map it to the request type it does understand using setServiceRequestType.
      name of the request type
    • setRequestType

      public void setRequestType(String requestType)
      Set up the request type used to call the governance service via this governance engine. If this request type is not supported by the governance service, map it to the request type it does understand using setServiceRequestType.
      requestType - name of the request type passed to the governance service
    • getServiceRequestType

      public String getServiceRequestType()
      Return the request type that this governance service supports. The requestType from the caller is mapped to this value if not null. This enables meaningful request types to be set up in a governance engine that then maps to a request type that the governance service understands.
      name of the request type passed to the governance service (request type used if null)
    • setServiceRequestType

      public void setServiceRequestType(String requestType)
      Set up the request type that this governance service supports. The requestType from the caller is mapped to this value if not null. This enables meaningful request types to be set up in a governance engine that then maps to a request type that the governance service understands.
      requestType - name of the request type passed to the governance service (request type used if null)
    • getRequestParameters

      public Map<String,String> getRequestParameters()
      Return the list of analysis parameters that are passed to the governance service (via the governance context). These values can be overridden on the actual governance request.
      map of parameter name to parameter value
    • setRequestParameters

      public void setRequestParameters(Map<String,String> requestParameters)
      Set up the list of analysis parameters that are passed to the governance service (via the governance context). These values can be overridden on the actual governance request.
      requestParameters - map of parameter name to parameter value
    • toString

      public String toString()
      JSON-style toString.
      toString in class Object
      list of properties and their values.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Equals method that returns true if containing properties are the same.
      equals in class Object
      objectToCompare - object to compare
      boolean result of comparison
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return hash code for this object
      hashCode in class Object
      int hash code