Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.governanceprogram.api
package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.governanceprogram.api
Governance Program OMAS Java API defines the means to maintain and query the definitions that make up the governance program.
- GovernanceDefinitionsInterface - Supports the definition of the governance drivers, policies and controls that define the motivation, goals and implementation approach for the governance program.
- GovernanceMetricsInterface - Defines the metrics that measure the success of the governance program. Typically a metric is associated with a governance definition.
- GovernanceClassificationLevelInterface - Defines the means of the standard governance classifications of Impact, Criticality, Retention, Confidence and Confidentiality.
- GovernanceRolesInterface - Defines the roles for the governance organization and the means to appoint people to them.
- GovernanceZonesInterface - Defines the governance zones for organizing assets so they can be governed.
- SubjectAreasInterface - Defines the subject areas for organizing data definitions so they can be governed.
- CertificationManagementInterface - Defines the types of certifications that form part of the governance program and the means to certify elements.
- RightsManagementInterface - Defines the types of licenses that form part of the governance program and the means to license elements.
- ExternalReferencesInterface - for managing external references to governance definitions.
- GovernanceProgramReviewInterface - for reviewing the status of the governance program.
InterfacesClassDescriptionThe CertificationManagementInterface provides the ability to manage the certification types that can be associated with elements.The ExternalReferencesInterface is used by the governance team to define external references to elements within the governance program.GovernanceClassificationLevelInterface defines the levels of the standard governance classifications of Impact, Criticality, Retention, Confidence and Confidentiality.The GovernanceDefinitionsInterface supports the definition of the governance drivers, policies and controls that define the motivation, goals and implementation approach for the governance program.The GovernanceMetricsInterface supports the definition of the metrics that measure the success of the governance program.The GovernanceProgramReviewInterface supports the periodic review of the governance program.GovernanceRolesInterface covers the definition of governance roles and their appointments.GovernanceStatusLevelInterface defines the status levels of status for governance elements.The GovernanceZonesInterface is used by the governance team to define the zones where the assets can be located.Defines the interface that is common to multiple element typesThe RightsManagementInterface supports the management of the types of licenses (terms and conditions) associated with elements.The SubjectAreasInterface is used by the governance team to define the subject area for topic related governance definitions.