
These beans describe the core properties that are passed to the server to create and update metadata.
  • Class
    The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
    AssetProperties is a java bean used to describe assets managed by the governance program.
    AssignmentScopeProperties provides a details of the scope of work/influence expected by the assigned actor(s).
    CertificationProperties describe the details of a certificate that shows that an element is certified with a particular certification type.
    Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
    ExecutionPointProperties describes the behavior of a component that automates a governance action.
    ExternalReferenceLinkProperties provides a structure for the properties that link an external reference to an object.
    ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
    GovernanceDefinitionMetricProperties defines the properties that link a metric to a governance definition.
    GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
    GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
    GovernanceDomainProperties describes a governance domain and the identifier used to group the governance definitions together for this domain.
    GovernanceDomainSetProperties describes a collection of related governance domains.
    GovernanceExpectationsProperties defines the values expected in the operation of the linked referenceable.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifierProperties describes a single level identifier for a specific governance classification.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetProperties describes a collection of level identifiers for a specific governance classification.
    GovernanceMeasurementsDataSetProperties provides a details of how a data set supports governance metrics by providing measurement data.
    GovernanceMeasurementsProperties defines the values that have been observed in the operation of the linked referenceable.
    GovernanceMetricProperties stores information about the way activity associated with a governance definition is to be measured.
    GovernanceResultsProperties defines the properties that link a metric to a data set that contains the measurements.
    The GovernanceRoleProperties describes a role within the governance program.
    GovernanceStatusIdentifierProperties describes a single status level identifier for a specific governance element.
    GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetProperties describes a collection of level identifiers for governance elements.
    GovernanceZoneProperties describes a governance zone which is a grouping of assets that are used for a specific purpose.
    The ITProfileProperties describes a automated agent that is taking governance action.
    LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
    LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
    OrganizationProfileProperties describes a top-level team in an organization.
    PeerDefinitionProperties provides a details of how two governance definitions are related.
    The PersonalProfileProperties describes an individual.
    PersonRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
    ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties over the Java API.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
    SecurityGroupProperties defines a security group technical control.
    SecurityTags holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
    StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
    A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
    A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
    SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
    SupportingDefinitionProperties provides a details of why a governance definition is supporting other governance definition.
    The PersonalProfileProperties describes an individual.
    UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.
    An iterator to walk through the list of assets assigned to a zone.