Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.projectmanagement.converters

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.projectmanagement.converters
The converters are responsible for converting entities, classifications and relationships retrieved from the open metadata repositories into Community Profile OMAS beans. The inheritance structure follows closely to the inheritance structure of the beans themselves and the naming convention is consistent. The converter used is the one that corresponds to the desired bean. When a converter is created, it is passed the entity with its embedded classifications and a relationship if required on the constructor. The bean is retrieved by calling getBean().
  • Classes
    ActorProfileConverter generates a ActorProfileElement bean from a ActorProfile entity.
    PersonRoleConverter generates a PersonRoleProperties bean from an PersonRoleProperties entity and the relationships connected to it.
    ProjectConverter generates an ProjectCollectionMember bean from an Project entity and a ResourceList relationship to it.
    ProjectManagementOMASConverter provides the generic methods for the Community Profile beans converters.
    RelatedElementConverter generates a RelatedElement from a relationship and attached entity