Class KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector

All Implemented Interfaces:
AuditLoggingComponent, SecureConnectorExtension, VirtualConnectorExtension, CatalogTargetIntegrator, IntegrationConnector, TopicIntegratorOMISConnector

public class KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector extends TopicIntegratorConnector implements CatalogTargetIntegrator
KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector catalogues active topics in a kafka broker.
  • Constructor Details

    • KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector

      public KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector()
  • Method Details

    • refresh

      public void refresh() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Requests that the connector does a comparison of the metadata in the third party technology and open metadata repositories. Refresh is called when the integration connector first starts and then at intervals defined in the connector's configuration as well as any external REST API calls to explicitly refresh the connector. This method performs two sweeps. It first retrieves the topics from the event broker (Kafka) and validates that are in the catalog - adding or updating them if necessary. The second sweep is to ensure that all the topics catalogued actually exist in the event broker.
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface IntegrationConnector
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem with the connector. It is not able to refresh the metadata.
    • refreshEndpointTarget

      public void refreshEndpointTarget(ApacheKafkaAdminConnector apacheKafkaAdminConnector) throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Processes any event broker configured in this connector's connection.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem within the connector.
    • integrateCatalogTarget

      public void integrateCatalogTarget(RequestedCatalogTarget requestedCatalogTarget) throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Perform the required integration logic for the assigned catalog target.
      Specified by:
      integrateCatalogTarget in interface CatalogTargetIntegrator
      requestedCatalogTarget - the catalog target
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is an unrecoverable error and the connector should stop processing.
    • refreshEventBroker

      public void refreshEventBroker(String targetRootURL, String templateGUID, String templateQualifiedName) throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Requests that the connector does a comparison of the metadata in the third party technology and open metadata repositories. Refresh is called when the integration connector first starts and then at intervals defined in the connector's configuration as well as any external REST API calls to explicitly refresh the connector. This method performs two sweeps. It first retrieves the topics from the event broker (Kafka) and validates that are in the catalog - adding or updating them if necessary. The second sweep is to ensure that all the topics catalogued actually exist in the event broker.
      targetRootURL - URL to the Kafka Broker
      templateGUID - optional template to use when creating new topics
      templateQualifiedName - qualifiedName for template - only set if templateGUID is set
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem with the connector. It is not able to refresh the metadata.
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Shutdown kafka monitoring
      Specified by:
      disconnect in interface IntegrationConnector
      disconnect in class IntegrationConnectorBase
      ConnectorCheckedException - something failed in the super class