Interface IntegrationConnector

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnalyticsIntegratorConnector, ApacheAtlasIntegrationConnector, APIBasedOpenLineageLogStoreConnector, APIIntegratorConnector, BasicFilesMonitorIntegrationConnectorBase, CatalogIntegratorConnector, CSVLineageImporterConnector, DatabaseIntegratorConnector, DataFilesMonitorIntegrationConnector, DataFolderMonitorIntegrationConnector, DisplayIntegratorConnector, DistributeAuditEventsFromKafkaConnector, FileBasedOpenLineageLogStoreConnector, FilesIntegratorConnector, GovernanceActionOpenLineageIntegrationConnector, HarvestOpenMetadataConnector, HarvestSurveysConnector, InfrastructureIntegratorConnector, IntegrationConnectorBase, IntegrationConnectorBase, JDBCIntegrationConnector, KafkaTopicIntegrationConnector, LineageIntegratorConnector, OMAGServerPlatformCatalogConnector, OMArchiveFilesMonitorIntegrationConnector, OpenAPIMonitorIntegrationConnector, OpenLineageCataloguerIntegrationConnector, OpenLineageEventReceiverIntegrationConnector, OpenLineageLogStoreConnectorBase, OrganizationIntegratorConnector, OSSUnityCatalogInsideCatalogSyncConnector, OSSUnityCatalogServerSyncConnector, PostgresServerIntegrationConnector, SecurityIntegratorConnector, TopicIntegratorConnector

public interface IntegrationConnector
IntegrationConnector is the abstract interface for a connector that is managed by the integration services. If the connector throws an exception from any of these methods, it is flagged with a failed status and will not be called again until it is restarted. The setConnectorName and setIntegrationContext methods are called after initialize() and before start().
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Free up any resources held since the connector is no longer needed.
    This method is for blocking calls to wait for new metadata.
    Requests that the connector does a comparison of the metadata in the third party technology and open metadata repositories.
    setConnectorName(String connectorName)
    Set up the connector name for logging (called just before start()).
    setContext(IntegrationContext integrationContext)
    Set up the standard integration context for the connector.
    Indicates that the connector is completely configured and can begin processing.
  • Method Details

    • setConnectorName

      void setConnectorName(String connectorName)
      Set up the connector name for logging (called just before start()).
      connectorName - connector name from the configuration
    • setContext

      void setContext(IntegrationContext integrationContext)
      Set up the standard integration context for the connector.
      integrationContext - integration context.
    • start

      void start() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Indicates that the connector is completely configured and can begin processing. This call can be used to register with non-blocking services.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem within the connector.
    • engage

      void engage() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      This method is for blocking calls to wait for new metadata. It is called from its own thread if the connector is configured to have its own thread. It is recommended that the engage() method returns when each blocking call completes. The integration daemon will pause a second and then call engage() again. This pattern enables the calling thread to detect the shutdown of the integration daemon.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem within the connector.
    • refresh

      void refresh() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Requests that the connector does a comparison of the metadata in the third party technology and open metadata repositories. Refresh is called when the integration connector first starts and then at intervals defined in the connector's configuration as well as any external REST API calls to explicitly refresh the connector.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem with the connector. It is not able to refresh the metadata.
    • disconnect

      void disconnect() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Free up any resources held since the connector is no longer needed.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem within the connector.