Class IntegrationConnectorConfig


public class IntegrationConnectorConfig extends AdminServicesConfigHeader
IntegrationConnectorConfig provides the configuration properties used to create and manage an integration connector that exchanges metadata with a third party technology. The integration connectors can:
  • Listen on a blocking call for the third party technology to send a notification.
  • Register with an external notification service that sends notifications on its own thread.
  • Register a listener with the OMAS client to act on notifications from the OMAS's Out Topic.
  • Poll the third party technology each time that the refresh() method is called.
The configuration properties defines the connector to create and how it should be operated.
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegrationConnectorConfig

      public IntegrationConnectorConfig()
      Default constructor does nothing.
    • IntegrationConnectorConfig

      public IntegrationConnectorConfig(IntegrationConnectorConfig template)
      Copy/clone constructor
      template - object to copy
  • Method Details

    • getConnectorId

      public String getConnectorId()
      Return the unique identifier of this connector.
      string guid
    • setConnectorId

      public void setConnectorId(String connectorId)
      Set up the unique identifier of this connector.
      connectorId - string guid
    • getConnectorName

      public String getConnectorName()
      Return the name of the connector. This name is used for routing refresh calls to the connector as well as being used for diagnostics. Ideally it should be unique amongst the connectors for the integration service.
      String name
    • setConnectorName

      public void setConnectorName(String connectorName)
      Set up the name of the connector. This name is used for routing refresh calls to the connector as well as being used for diagnostics. Ideally it should be unique amongst the connectors for the integration service.
      connectorName - String
    • getConnectorUserId

      public String getConnectorUserId()
      Return the user id for the connector - if this is null, the integration daemon's userId is used on requests to the Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
      string name
    • setConnectorUserId

      public void setConnectorUserId(String connectorUserId)
      Set up the user id for the connector - if this is null, the integration daemon's userId is used on requests to the Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS).
      connectorUserId - string name
    • getConnection

      public Connection getConnection()
      Set up the connection for the integration connector.
      Connection object
    • setConnection

      public void setConnection(Connection connection)
      Set up the connection for the integration connector.
      connection - Connection object
    • getMetadataSourceQualifiedName

      public String getMetadataSourceQualifiedName()
      Return the qualified name of the metadata source for this integration connector. This is the qualified name of an appropriate software server capability stored in open metadata. This software server capability is accessed via the partner OMAS.
      string name
    • setMetadataSourceQualifiedName

      public void setMetadataSourceQualifiedName(String metadataSourceQualifiedName)
      Set up the qualified name of the metadata source for this integration connector. This is the qualified name of an appropriate software server capability stored in open metadata. This software server capability is accessed via the partner OMAS.
      metadataSourceQualifiedName - string name
    • getRefreshTimeInterval

      public long getRefreshTimeInterval()
      Return the number of minutes between each call to the connector to refresh the metadata. Zero means that refresh is only called at server start up and whenever the refresh REST API request is made to the integration daemon. If the refresh time interval is greater than 0 then additional calls to refresh are added spaced out by the refresh time interval.
      minute count
    • setRefreshTimeInterval

      public void setRefreshTimeInterval(long refreshTimeInterval)
      Set up the number of minutes between each call to the connector to refresh the metadata. Zero means that refresh is only called at server start up and whenever the refresh REST API request is made to the integration daemon. If the refresh time interval is greater than 0 then additional calls to refresh are added spaced out by the refresh time interval.
      refreshTimeInterval - minute count
    • getUsesBlockingCalls

      public boolean getUsesBlockingCalls()
      Return if the connector should be started in its own thread to allow it to block on a listening call.
      boolean flag
    • setUsesBlockingCalls

      public void setUsesBlockingCalls(boolean usesBlockingCalls)
      Set up if the connector should be started in its own thread to allow it to block on a listening call.
      usesBlockingCalls - boolean flag
    • getPermittedSynchronization

      public PermittedSynchronization getPermittedSynchronization()
      Return the permitted direction of metadata flow (see the enum definition for more details). Any attempt by the connector to send/receive metadata in a direction that is not permitted results in a UserNotAuthorizedException.
    • setPermittedSynchronization

      public void setPermittedSynchronization(PermittedSynchronization permittedSynchronization)
      Set up the permitted direction of metadata flow (see the enum definition for more details). Any attempt by the connector to send/receive metadata in a direction that is not permitted results in a UserNotAuthorizedException.
      permittedSynchronization - enum
    • getGenerateIntegrationReports

      public boolean getGenerateIntegrationReports()
      Return a flag indicating whether the integration connector should create an integration report.
      boolean flag (default = false)
    • setGenerateIntegrationReports

      public void setGenerateIntegrationReports(boolean generateIntegrationReports)
      Set up a flag indicating whether the integration connector should create an integration report.
      generateIntegrationReports - boolean flag
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class Object
      JSON style description of variables.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Validate that an object is equal depending on their stored values.
      equals in class Object
      objectToCompare - object
      boolean result
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return a hash code based on the values of this object.
      hashCode in class Object
      in hash code