Class RepositoryServicesConfig


public class RepositoryServicesConfig extends AdminServicesConfigHeader
RepositoryServicesConfig provides the configuration properties that are needed by the OMRS components to manage access to the metadata repositories that are members of the open metadata repository cohorts that this server connects to.
  • auditLogConnection is a connection describing the connector to the AuditLog that the OMRS component should use.
  • openMetadataArchiveConnections is a list of Open Metadata Archive Connections. An open metadata archive connection provides properties needed to create a connector to manage an open metadata archive. This contains pre-built TypeDefs and metadata instance. The archives are managed by the OMRSArchiveManager.
  • localRepositoryConfig describes the properties used to manage the local metadata repository for this server.
  • enterpriseAccessConfig describes the properties that control the cohort federation services that the OMRS provides to the Open Metadata AccessServices (OMASs).
  • cohortConfigList provides details of each open metadata repository cohort that the local server is connected to.
  • Constructor Details

    • RepositoryServicesConfig

      public RepositoryServicesConfig()
      Default constructor does nothing
    • RepositoryServicesConfig

      public RepositoryServicesConfig(RepositoryServicesConfig template)
      Copy/clone constructor
      template - object to copy
  • Method Details

    • getAuditLogConnections

      public List<Connection> getAuditLogConnections()
      Return the Connection properties used to create an OCF Connector to the AuditLog.
      Connection object
    • setAuditLogConnections

      public void setAuditLogConnections(List<Connection> auditLogConnections)
      Set up the Connection properties used to create an OCF Connector to the AuditLog.
      auditLogConnections - list of Connection objects
    • getOpenMetadataArchiveConnections

      public List<Connection> getOpenMetadataArchiveConnections()
      Return the list of Connection object, each of which is used to create the Connector to an Open Metadata Archive. Open Metadata Archive contains pre-built metadata types and instances.
      list of Connection objects
    • setOpenMetadataArchiveConnections

      public void setOpenMetadataArchiveConnections(List<Connection> openMetadataArchiveConnections)
      Set up the list of Connection object, each of which is used to create the Connector to an Open Metadata Archive. Open Metadata Archive contains pre-built metadata types and instances.
      openMetadataArchiveConnections - list of Connection objects
    • getLocalRepositoryConfig

      public LocalRepositoryConfig getLocalRepositoryConfig()
      Return the configuration properties for the local repository.
      configuration properties
    • setLocalRepositoryConfig

      public void setLocalRepositoryConfig(LocalRepositoryConfig localRepositoryConfig)
      Set up the configuration properties for the local repository.
      localRepositoryConfig - configuration properties
    • getEnterpriseAccessConfig

      public EnterpriseAccessConfig getEnterpriseAccessConfig()
      Return the configuration for the federation services provided by OMRS to the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).
      configuration properties
    • setEnterpriseAccessConfig

      public void setEnterpriseAccessConfig(EnterpriseAccessConfig enterpriseAccessConfig)
      Set up the configuration for the federation services provided by OMRS to the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).
      enterpriseAccessConfig - configuration properties
    • getCohortConfigList

      public List<CohortConfig> getCohortConfigList()
      Return the configuration properties for each open metadata repository cohort that this local server connects to.
      list of cohort configuration properties
    • setCohortConfigList

      public void setCohortConfigList(List<CohortConfig> cohortConfigList)
      Set up the configuration properties for each open metadata repository cohort that this local server connects to.
      cohortConfigList - list of cohort configuration properties
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class Object
      JSON style description of variables.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Validate that an object is equal depending on their stored values.
      equals in class Object
      objectToCompare - object
      boolean result
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return a hash code based on the values of this object.
      hashCode in class Object
      in hash code