Enum Class OMAGAdminAuditCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<OMAGAdminAuditCode>, Constable, AuditLogMessageSet

public enum OMAGAdminAuditCode extends Enum<OMAGAdminAuditCode> implements AuditLogMessageSet
The OMAGAdminAuditCode is used to define the message content for the OMRS Audit Log. The 5 fields in the enum are:
  • Log Message Identifier - to uniquely identify the message
  • Severity - is this an event, decision, action, error or exception
  • Log Message Text - includes placeholder to allow additional values to be captured
  • Additional Information - further parameters and data relating to the audit message (optional)
  • SystemAction - describes the result of the situation
  • UserAction - describes how a user should correct the situation
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    OMAG-ADMIN-0216 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMAS) is supporting the access to all types of assets
    OMAG-ADMIN-0201 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the access to assets for all governance zones
    OMAG-ADMIN-0208 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed an invalid value of {1} in the {2} property
    OMAG-ADMIN-0211 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connector.
    OMAG-ADMIN-0212 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connection because the connector provider is incorrect.
    OMAG-ADMIN-0207 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the default threshold for reporting Karma Point Plateaus: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0203 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following governance zones as a default value for new Assets: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0001 - The {0} service is being ignored in the startup of server {1} because it is not registered to this platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-0204 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is awarding {1} karma point(s) to each person who contributes to open metadata
    OMAG-ADMIN-0210 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is unable to register a listener with the enterprise OMRS Topic for server {1} because it is null
    OMAG-ADMIN-0205 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is not collecting karma points in this server
    OMAG-ADMIN-0206 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following threshold for reporting Karma Point Plateaus: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0213 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following governance zones to determine when to publish completed Assets: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0214 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) is using the following resource endpoints as permitted endpoints: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0209 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is registering a listener with the enterprise OMRS Topic for server {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0217 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the following governance zones: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0202 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the following governance zones: {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-0215 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for server {1} requires a max page size of at least {2}, but was configured with {3}
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve a message definition object for logging.
    Retrieve a message definition object for logging.
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode IGNORING_UNREGISTERED_SERVICE
      OMAG-ADMIN-0001 - The {0} service is being ignored in the startup of server {1} because it is not registered to this platform

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode ALL_ZONES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0201 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the access to assets for all governance zones

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode SUPPORTED_ZONES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0202 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the following governance zones: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode DEFAULT_ZONES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0203 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following governance zones as a default value for new Assets: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode KARMA_POINT_COLLECTION_INCREMENT
      OMAG-ADMIN-0204 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is awarding {1} karma point(s) to each person who contributes to open metadata

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode NO_KARMA_POINT_COLLECTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-0205 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is not collecting karma points in this server

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode PLATEAU_THRESHOLD
      OMAG-ADMIN-0206 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following threshold for reporting Karma Point Plateaus: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode DEFAULT_PLATEAU_THRESHOLD
      OMAG-ADMIN-0207 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the default threshold for reporting Karma Point Plateaus: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode BAD_CONFIG_PROPERTY
      OMAG-ADMIN-0208 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed an invalid value of {1} in the {2} property

      OMAG-ADMIN-0209 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is registering a listener with the enterprise OMRS Topic for server {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode NO_ENTERPRISE_TOPIC
      OMAG-ADMIN-0210 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is unable to register a listener with the enterprise OMRS Topic for server {1} because it is null

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode BAD_TOPIC_CONNECTOR
      OMAG-ADMIN-0211 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connector. The error message was {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode BAD_TOPIC_CONNECTOR_PROVIDER
      OMAG-ADMIN-0212 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connection because the connector provider is incorrect. The error message was {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode PUBLISH_ZONES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0213 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is using the following governance zones to determine when to publish completed Assets: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode RESOURCE_ENDPOINTS
      OMAG-ADMIN-0214 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) is using the following resource endpoints as permitted endpoints: {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode VIEW_SERVICE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE_TOO_LOW
      OMAG-ADMIN-0215 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for server {1} requires a max page size of at least {2}, but was configured with {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode ALL_SEARCH_TYPES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0216 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMAS) is supporting the access to all types of assets

      public static final OMAGAdminAuditCode SUPPORTED_SEARCH_TYPES
      OMAG-ADMIN-0217 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) is supporting the following governance zones: {1}
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static OMAGAdminAuditCode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static OMAGAdminAuditCode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getMessageDefinition

      public AuditLogMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition()
      Retrieve a message definition object for logging. This method is used when there are no message inserts.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface AuditLogMessageSet
      message definition object.
    • getMessageDefinition

      public AuditLogMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition(String... params)
      Retrieve a message definition object for logging. This method is used when there are values to be inserted into the message.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface AuditLogMessageSet
      params - array of parameters (all strings). They are inserted into the message according to the numbering in the message text.
      message definition object.