Class OMAGServerAdminServices


public class OMAGServerAdminServices extends Object
OMAGServerAdminServices provides part of the server-side implementation of the administrative interface for an Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Server. In particular, this class supports the configuration of the server name, server type and organization name. It also supports the setting up of the Open Metadata Repository Services' local repository and cohort.
  • Constructor Details

    • OMAGServerAdminServices

      public OMAGServerAdminServices()
  • Method Details

    • getServerTypeClassification

      public ServerTypeClassificationResponse getServerTypeClassification(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the derived server type that is created from the classification of the server configuration.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      server type classification response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverType parameter.
    • setServerType

      public VoidResponse setServerType(String userId, String serverName, String typeName)
      Set up the descriptive type of the server. This value is added to distributed events to make it easier to understand the source of events. The default value is "Open Metadata and Governance Server".
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      typeName - short description for the type of server.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverType parameter.
    • setOrganizationName

      public VoidResponse setOrganizationName(String userId, String serverName, String name)
      Set up the name of the organization that is running this server. This value is added to distributed events to make it easier to understand the source of events. The default value is null.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      name - String name of the organization.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or organizationName parameter.
    • setServerDescription

      public VoidResponse setServerDescription(String userId, String serverName, String description)
      Set up the description of this server. The default value is null.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server description.
      description - String description of the server.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or organizationName parameter.
    • setServerUserId

      public VoidResponse setServerUserId(String userId, String serverName, String serverUserId)
      Set up the user id to use when there is no external user driving the work (for example when processing events from another server).
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverUserId - String user is for the server.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverURLRoot parameter.
    • setServerPassword

      public VoidResponse setServerPassword(String userId, String serverName, String serverPassword)
      Set up the user id to use when there is no external user driving the work (for example when processing events from another server).
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serverPassword - String password for the server.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverURLRoot parameter.
    • setMaxPageSize

      public VoidResponse setMaxPageSize(String userId, String serverName, int maxPageSize)
      Set an upper limit in the page size that can be requested on a REST call to the server. The default value is 1000.
      userId - - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - - local server name.
      maxPageSize - - max number of elements that can be returned on a request.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or maxPageSize parameter.
    • setBasicServerProperties

      public VoidResponse setBasicServerProperties(String userId, String serverName, ServerPropertiesRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up the basic server properties in a single request.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - property details
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or maxPageSize parameter.
    • getBasicServerProperties

      public BasicServerPropertiesResponse getBasicServerProperties(String userId, String serverName)
      Set up the basic server properties in a single request.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      properties response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or maxPageSize parameter.
    • setEventBus

      public VoidResponse setEventBus(String userId, String serverName, String connectorProvider, String topicURLRoot, Map<String,Object> configurationProperties)
      Set up the default event bus for embedding in event-driven connector. The resulting connector will be used in the OMRS Topic Connector for each cohort, the in and out topics for each Access Service and the local repositories event mapper. When the event bus is configured, it is used only on future configuration. It does not affect existing configuration.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connectorProvider - connector provider for the event bus (if it is null then Kafka is assumed).
      topicURLRoot - the common root of the topics used by the open metadata server.
      configurationProperties - property name/value pairs used to configure the connection to the event bus connector
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException it is too late to configure the event bus - other configuration already exists or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • getEventBus

      public EventBusConfigResponse getEventBus(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the current configuration for the event bus.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      event bus config response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException it is too late to configure the event bus - other configuration already exists or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • deleteEventBus

      public VoidResponse deleteEventBus(String userId, String serverName)
      Delete the current configuration for the event bus.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException it is too late to configure the event bus - other configuration already exists or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • setServerURLRoot

      @Deprecated public VoidResponse setServerURLRoot(String userId, String serverName, String url)
      Set up the root URL for this server that is used to construct full URL paths to calls for this server's REST interfaces that is used by other members of the cohorts that this server connects to. The default value is "localhost:9443". ServerURLRoot is used during the configuration of the local repository. If called after the local repository is configured, it has no effect.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      url - String url.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverURLRoot parameter.
    • setServerRootURL

      public VoidResponse setServerRootURL(String userId, String serverName, URLRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up the root URL for this server that is used to construct full URL paths to calls for this server's REST interfaces that is used by other members of the cohorts that this server connects to. The default value is "localhost:9443". ServerURLRoot is used during the configuration of the local repository. If called after the local repository is configured, it has no effect.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - String url.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverURLRoot parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException unusual state in the admin server.
    • setDefaultAuditLog

      public VoidResponse setDefaultAuditLog(String userId, String serverName, NullRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up the default audit log for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - null request body
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or null userId parameter.
    • addConsoleAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse addConsoleAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, List<String> supportedSeverities)
      Set up the console (stdout) audit log destination for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      supportedSeverities - list of severities that should be logged to this destination (empty list means all)
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or null userId parameter.
    • addSLF4JAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse addSLF4JAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, List<String> supportedSeverities)
      Set up the SLF4J audit log destination for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      supportedSeverities - list of severities that should be logged to this destination (empty list means all)
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or null userId parameter.
    • addFileAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse addFileAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, String directoryName, List<String> supportedSeverities)
      Set up the File based audit log destination for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      directoryName - name of directory
      supportedSeverities - list of severities that should be logged to this destination (empty list means all)
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or null userId parameter.
    • addEventTopicAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse addEventTopicAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, String topicName, List<String> supportedSeverities)
      Set up the File based audit log destination for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      topicName - name of topic
      supportedSeverities - list of severities that should be logged to this destination (empty list means all)
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or null userId parameter.
    • addStartUpOpenMetadataArchiveFile

      public VoidResponse addStartUpOpenMetadataArchiveFile(String userId, String serverName, String fileName)
      Add a new open metadata archive to load at startup.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      fileName - name of the open metadata archive file.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or fileName parameter.
    • setInMemLocalRepository

      public VoidResponse setInMemLocalRepository(String userId, String serverName, NullRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up an in memory local repository. This repository uses hashmaps to store content. It is useful for demos, testing and POCs.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - null request body
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setGraphLocalRepository

      public VoidResponse setGraphLocalRepository(String userId, String serverName, Map<String,Object> storageProperties)
      Set up a graph store as the local repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      storageProperties - properties used to configure Egeria Graph DB
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setXTDBInMemRepository

      public VoidResponse setXTDBInMemRepository(String userId, String serverName, NullRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up an XTDB store as the local repository. This store uses XTDB to provide a historical metadata repository that operates in memory. This version of the XTDB repository is designed for testing.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - null request body
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setXTDBLocalKVRepository

      public VoidResponse setXTDBLocalKVRepository(String userId, String serverName, NullRequestBody requestBody)
      Set up an XTDB store as the local repository. This store uses XTDB with RocksDB KV store to provide a high performance historical metadata repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - null request body
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setXTDBLocalRepository

      public VoidResponse setXTDBLocalRepository(String userId, String serverName, Map<String,Object> storageProperties)
      Set up an XTDB store as the local repository. This store uses XTDB to provide a high performance historical metadata repository. It is scalable with different back ends and can be run in a HA context with multiple versions of the same server deployed to the same repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      storageProperties - properties used to configure the back end storage for the graph
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setReadOnlyLocalRepository

      public VoidResponse setReadOnlyLocalRepository(String userId, String serverName)
      Set up a read only store as the local repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setNoRepositoryMode

      public VoidResponse setNoRepositoryMode(String userId, String serverName)
      Remove all configuration for a local repository. This is the default setting. This call can be used to remove subsequent local repository configuration.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • setPluginRepositoryConnection

      public VoidResponse setPluginRepositoryConnection(String userId, String serverName, Connection connection)
      Provide the connection to the local repository - used when the local repository mode is set to plugin repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection - connection to the OMRS repository connector.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or repositoryProxyConnection parameter or
    • setPluginRepositoryConnection

      public VoidResponse setPluginRepositoryConnection(String userId, String serverName, String connectorProvider, Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)
      Provide the connection to the local repository. This is used when the local repository mode is set to plugin repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connectorProvider - connector provider class name to the OMRS repository connector.
      additionalProperties - additional parameters to pass to the repository connector
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or repositoryProxyConnection parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the local repository mode has not been set.
    • setRepositoryProxyConnection

      public VoidResponse setRepositoryProxyConnection(String userId, String serverName, Connection connection)
      Provide the connection to the local repository - used when the local repository mode is set to repository proxy.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection - connection to the OMRS repository connector.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or repositoryProxyConnection parameter or
    • setRepositoryProxyConnection

      public VoidResponse setRepositoryProxyConnection(String userId, String serverName, String connectorProvider, Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)
      Provide the connection to the local repository. This is used when the local repository mode is set to repository proxy.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connectorProvider - connector provider class name to the OMRS repository connector.
      additionalProperties - additional parameters to pass to the repository connector
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or repositoryProxyConnection parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the local repository mode has not been set.
    • setRepositoryProxyEventMapper

      public VoidResponse setRepositoryProxyEventMapper(String userId, String serverName, Connection connection)
      Provide the connection to the local repository's event mapper if needed. The default value is null which means no event mapper. An event mapper is needed if the local repository has additional APIs that can change the metadata in the repository without going through the open metadata and governance services.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection - connection to the OMRS repository event mapper.
      void response OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryEventMapper parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the local repository mode has not been set
    • setRepositoryProxyEventMapper

      public VoidResponse setRepositoryProxyEventMapper(String userId, String serverName, String connectorProvider, String eventSource, Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)
      Provide the connection to the local repository's event mapper if needed. The default value is null which means no event mapper. An event mapper is needed if the local repository has additional APIs that can change the metadata in the repository without going through the open metadata and governance services.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connectorProvider - Java class name of the connector provider for the OMRS repository event mapper.
      eventSource - topic name or URL to the native event source.
      additionalProperties - additional properties for the event mapper connection
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryEventMapper parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • getLocalMetadataCollectionId

      public GUIDResponse getLocalMetadataCollectionId(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the local metadata collection id. If the local repository is not configured then the invalid parameter exception is returned.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      guid response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or name parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • setLocalMetadataCollectionId

      public VoidResponse setLocalMetadataCollectionId(String userId, String serverName, String metadataCollectionId)
      Return the local metadata collection id. If the local repository is not configured then the invalid parameter exception is returned.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      metadataCollectionId - new value for the metadata collection id
      guid response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or name parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • getLocalMetadataCollectionName

      public StringResponse getLocalMetadataCollectionName(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the local metadata collection id. If the local repository is not configured then the invalid parameter exception is returned.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      guid response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or name parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • setLocalMetadataCollectionName

      public VoidResponse setLocalMetadataCollectionName(String userId, String serverName, String localMetadataCollectionName)
      Set up the local metadata collection name. If this is not set then the default value is the local server name.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      localMetadataCollectionName - metadata collection name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or name parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • addCohortRegistration

      public VoidResponse addCohortRegistration(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, CohortTopicStructure cohortTopicStructure, Map<String,Object> configurationProperties)
      Enable registration of server to an open metadata repository cohort. This is a group of open metadata repositories that are sharing metadata. An OMAG server can connect to zero, one or more cohorts. Each cohort needs a unique name. The members of the cohort use a shared topic to exchange registration information and events related to changes in their supported metadata types and instances. They are also able to query each other's metadata directly through REST calls.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      cohortName - name of the cohort
      cohortTopicStructure - the style of cohort topic set up to use
      configurationProperties - additional properties for the cohort
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName, cohortName or serviceMode parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • getCohortTopicName

      public StringResponse getCohortTopicName(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName)
      Retrieve the topic name that is used by this server to contact the other members of the open metadata repository cohort. This call can only be made once the cohort is set up with addCohortRegistration().
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      string response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • getDedicatedCohortTopicNames

      public DedicatedTopicListResponse getDedicatedCohortTopicNames(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName)
      Retrieve the current topic names for the three dedicated topics of the cohort. This call can only be made once the cohort is set up with addCohortRegistration().
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      list of topics response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • overrideCohortTopicName

      public VoidResponse overrideCohortTopicName(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, String topicName)
      Change the topic name that is used by this server to contact the other members of the open metadata repository cohort. Note this name needs to be configured to same in all members of a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      topicName - new topic name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • overrideRegistrationCohortTopicName

      public VoidResponse overrideRegistrationCohortTopicName(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, String topicName)
      Change the topic name that is used by this server to register members in the open metadata repository cohort. Note this name needs to be configured to same in all members of a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      topicName - new topic name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • overrideTypesCohortTopicName

      public VoidResponse overrideTypesCohortTopicName(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, String topicName)
      Change the topic name that is used by this server to verify type consistency with the other members of the open metadata repository cohort. Note this name needs to be configured to same in all members of a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      topicName - new topic name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • overrideInstancesCohortTopicName

      public VoidResponse overrideInstancesCohortTopicName(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, String topicName)
      Change the topic name that is used by this server to exchange metadata instances with the other members of the open metadata repository cohort. Note this name needs to be configured to same in all members of a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      topicName - new topic name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or cohortName parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the cohort is not setup, or set up in a non-standard way.
    • addAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse addAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, Connection auditLogDestination)
      Set up the list of audit log destinations. These destinations are expressed as Connection objects to the connectors that will handle the audit log records.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      auditLogDestination - connection object for audit log destination
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • updateAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse updateAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, String suppliedConnectionName, Connection suppliedConnection)
      Update an audit log destination connection that is identified with the supplied destination connection name with the supplied connection object. It is possible to supply a suppliedConnectionName that matches an existing connection and the new connection specifies a different qualifiedName. in this way it is possible to rename Connections.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      suppliedConnectionName - name of the audit log destination to be updated
      suppliedConnection - connection object that defines the audit log destination
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or suppliedConnectionName parameter.
    • clearAuditLogDestination

      public VoidResponse clearAuditLogDestination(String userId, String serverName, String suppliedConnectionName)
      Delete an audit log destination connection, that is identified with the supplied destination connection name.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      suppliedConnectionName - qualified name of the audit log destination to be deleted
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or suppliedConnectionName parameter.
    • setAuditLogDestinations

      public VoidResponse setAuditLogDestinations(String userId, String serverName, List<Connection> auditLogDestinations)
      Set up the list of audit log destinations. These destinations are expressed as Connection objects to the connectors that will handle the audit log records.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      auditLogDestinations - list of connection objects
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • getAuditLogDestinations

      public ConnectionListResponse getAuditLogDestinations(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the list of audit log destinations. These destinations are expressed as Connection objects to the connectors that will handle the audit log records.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection list response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • clearAuditLogDestinations

      public VoidResponse clearAuditLogDestinations(String userId, String serverName)
      Clear the list of audit log destinations. These destinations are expressed as Connection objects to the connectors that will handle the audit log records.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • setOpenMetadataArchives

      public VoidResponse setOpenMetadataArchives(String userId, String serverName, List<Connection> openMetadataArchives)
      Set up the list of open metadata archives. These are open metadata types and instances that are loaded at repository start up.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      openMetadataArchives - list of connection objects
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • getOpenMetadataArchives

      public ConnectionListResponse getOpenMetadataArchives(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the list of open metadata archives. These are open metadata types and instances that are loaded at repository start up.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection list response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • clearOpenMetadataArchives

      public VoidResponse clearOpenMetadataArchives(String userId, String serverName)
      Clear the list of open metadata archives for loading at server startup.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • setLocalRepositoryConfig

      public VoidResponse setLocalRepositoryConfig(String userId, String serverName, LocalRepositoryConfig localRepositoryConfig)
      Set up the configuration for the local repository. This overrides the current values.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      localRepositoryConfig - configuration properties for the local repository.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryConfig parameter.
    • getLocalRepositoryConfig

      public LocalRepositoryConfigResponse getLocalRepositoryConfig(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the configuration for the local repository. This overrides the current values.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      local repository config response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName.
    • clearLocalRepositoryConfig

      public VoidResponse clearLocalRepositoryConfig(String userId, String serverName)
      Remove all configuration for a local repository. The default is no local repository. This call can be used to remove subsequent local repository configuration.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or localRepositoryMode parameter.
    • resetRemoteCohortURL

      public VoidResponse resetRemoteCohortURL(String userId, String serverName, URLRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the URL broadcast across the cohort to allow other members to issue queries to this repository. This method is needed to reconfigure a server that has moved from one platform to another. Once the URL is updated, and the server restarted, it will broadcast its new URL to the rest of the cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - String url.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or serverURLRoot parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException unusual state in the admin server.
    • setCohortConfig

      public VoidResponse setCohortConfig(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName, CohortConfig cohortConfig)
      Set up the configuration properties for a cohort. This may reconfigure an existing cohort or create a cohort. Use setCohortMode to delete a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      cohortName - name of the cohort
      cohortConfig - configuration for the cohort
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName, cohortName or cohortConfig parameter.
    • getCohortConfig

      public CohortConfigResponse getCohortConfig(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName)
      Return the current configuration for a cohort.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      cohort config response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName, cohortName or serviceMode parameter. OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus is not set.
    • clearCohortConfig

      public VoidResponse clearCohortConfig(String userId, String serverName, String cohortName)
      Set up the mode for an open metadata repository cohort. This is a group of open metadata repositories that are sharing metadata. An OMAG server can connect to zero, one or more cohorts. Each cohort needs a unique name. The members of the cohort use a shared topic to exchange registration information and events related to changes in their supported metadata types and instances. They are also able to query each other's metadata directly through REST calls.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      cohortName - name of the cohort.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName, cohortName or serviceMode parameter.
    • setOMAGServerConfig

      public VoidResponse setOMAGServerConfig(String userId, String serverName, OMAGServerConfig omagServerConfig)
      Set up the configuration properties for an OMAG Server in a single command.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      omagServerConfig - configuration for the server
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or OMAGServerConfig parameter.
    • deployOMAGServerConfig

      public VoidResponse deployOMAGServerConfig(String userId, String serverName, URLRequestBody destinationPlatform)
      Push the configuration for the server to another OMAG Server Platform.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      destinationPlatform - location of the platform where the config is to be deployed to
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException there is a problem using the supplied configuration or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or destinationPlatform parameter.
    • getStoredConfiguration

      public OMAGServerConfigResponse getStoredConfiguration(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the complete set of configuration properties in use by the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      OMAGServerConfig properties or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • retrieveAllServerConfigs

      public OMAGServerConfigsResponse retrieveAllServerConfigs(String userId)
      Return the stored configuration documents stored on the platform
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      OMAGServerConfigs properties or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid parameter occurred while processing.
    • clearOMAGServerConfig

      public VoidResponse clearOMAGServerConfig(String userId, String serverName)
      Remove the configuration for the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      void or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.