Package org.odpi.openmetadata.adminservices.server

package org.odpi.openmetadata.adminservices.server
  • Classes
    OMAGConformanceSuiteConfigServices configures the Open Metadata Conformance Suite workbenches in an OMAG Server.
    OMAGServerAdminForAccessServices provides the server-side support for the services that add access services configuration to an OMAG Server.
    OMAGServerAdminForEngineServices provides the server-side support for the services that add engine services configuration to an OMAG Server.
    OMAGServerAdminForIntegrationDaemonServices provides the server-side support for the services that configure the specialized part of the integration daemon.
    OMAGServerAdminForViewServices provides the server-side support for the services that add view services configuration to an OMAG Server.
    OMAGServerAdminSecurityServices provides the capability to set up open metadata security connectors.
    OMAGServerAdminServices provides part of the server-side implementation of the administrative interface for an Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Server.
    OMAGServerAdminStoreServices provides the capability to store and retrieve configuration documents.
    OMAGServerErrorHandler provides common error handling routines for the admin services
    OMAGServerExceptionHandler provides common error handling routines for the admin services