Class ConfigViewServicesResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/open-metadata/admin-services/users/{userId}/servers/{serverName}") public class ConfigViewServicesResource extends Object
ConfigViewServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs).
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigViewServicesResource

      public ConfigViewServicesResource()
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguredViewServices

      @GetMapping(path="/view-services") public RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse getConfiguredViewServices(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName)
      Return the list of view services that are configured for this server.
      userId - calling user
      serverName - name of server
      list of view service descriptions
    • getViewServicesConfiguration

      @GetMapping(path="/view-services/configuration") public ViewServicesResponse getViewServicesConfiguration(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName)
      Return the view services configuration for this server.
      userId - calling user
      serverName - name of server
      response containing the view services configuration
    • setViewServicesConfiguration

      @PostMapping(path="/view-services/configuration") public VoidResponse setViewServicesConfiguration(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @RequestBody List<ViewServiceConfig> viewServiceConfigs)
      Add the view services configuration for this server as a single call. This operation is used for editing existing view service configuration.
      userId - calling user
      serverName - name of server
      viewServiceConfigs - list of configured view services
    • getViewServiceConfig

      @GetMapping("/view-services/{serviceURLMarker}") public ViewServiceConfigResponse getViewServiceConfig(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLMarker)
      Return the configuration of a specific view service.
      userId - calling user
      serverName - name of server
      serviceURLMarker - string indicating the view service of interest
      response containing the configuration of the view service
    • configureViewService

      @PostMapping(path="/view-services/{serviceURLMarker}") public VoidResponse configureViewService(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLMarker, @RequestBody ViewServiceRequestBody requestBody)
      Configure a single view service.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serviceURLMarker - string indicating which view service it is configuring
      requestBody - if specified, the view service config containing the remote OMAGServerName and OMAGServerPlatformRootURL that the view service will use.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • configureAllViewServices

      @PostMapping(path="/view-services") public VoidResponse configureAllViewServices(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @RequestBody ViewServiceRequestBody requestBody)
      Enable all view services that are registered with this server platform.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      requestBody - view service config containing the remote OMAGServerName and OMAGServerPlatformRootURL for view services to use.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGConfigurationErrorException the event bus has not been configured or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter.
    • clearViewService

      @DeleteMapping(path="/view-services/{serviceURLMarker}") public VoidResponse clearViewService(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLMarker)
      Remove the config for a view service.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      serviceURLMarker - string indicating which view service to clear
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException unusual state in the admin server.
    • clearAllViewServices

      @DeleteMapping(path="/view-services") public VoidResponse clearAllViewServices(@PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String serverName)
      Disable the view services. This removes all configuration for the view services.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter or OMAGConfigurationErrorException unusual state in the admin server.