Package org.odpi.openmetadata.adminservices.spring
package org.odpi.openmetadata.adminservices.spring
ClassesClassDescriptionConfigAccessServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs).ConfigAccessServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Conformance Suite services in an OMAG server.ConfigDefaultsResource sets properties in the configuration document that are used as default values when configuring the subsystems in an OMAG Server.ConfigEngineServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Engine Services (OMESs).ConfigIntegrationServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata Integration Services (OMISs).ConfigOpenMetadataServerSecurityResource provides the API to configure the security connector that validates Open Metadata and Governance requests issued to a specific OMAG server.ConfigPropertiesResource provides part of the server-side implementation of the administrative interface for an Open Metadata and Governance (OMAG) Server.ConfigRepositoryServicesResource provides the configuration services for setting up the repository services subsystems.OMAGServerConfigResource returns the current configuration document for the server.OMAGServerConfigsResource exposes APIs for server configurations.ConfigStoreResource provides the API to configure the connector that should be used to manage configuration documents.ConfigViewServicesResource provides the configuration for setting up the Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs).