Class OMASServiceInstance

Direct Known Subclasses:
AssetConsumerServicesInstance, AssetManagerServicesInstance, AssetOwnerServicesInstance, CommunityProfileServicesInstance, DataManagerServicesInstance, DataScienceServicesInstance, DesignModelServicesInstance, DigitalArchitectureServicesInstance, DigitalServiceServicesInstance, GAFMetadataManagementInstance, GovernanceProgramServicesInstance, GovernanceServerInstance, ITInfrastructureServicesInstance, OCFMetadataServicesInstance, OpenIntegrationInstance, ProjectManagementServicesInstance, SecurityManagerServicesInstance, SoftwareDeveloperServicesInstance, StewardshipActionServicesInstance

public class OMASServiceInstance extends AuditableServerServiceInstance
OMASServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server. It is also responsible for registering itself in the instance map.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • OMASServiceInstance

      public OMASServiceInstance(String serviceName, OMRSRepositoryConnector repositoryConnector, AuditLog auditLog, String localServerUserId, int maxPageSize) throws NewInstanceException
      Set up the local repository connector that will service the REST Calls.
      serviceName - name of this service
      repositoryConnector - link to the repository responsible for servicing the REST calls.
      auditLog - logging destination
      localServerUserId - userId used for server initiated actions
      maxPageSize - maximum page size
      NewInstanceException - a problem occurred during initialization
    • OMASServiceInstance

      public OMASServiceInstance(String serviceName, OMRSRepositoryConnector repositoryConnector, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog, String localServerUserId, int maxPageSize) throws NewInstanceException
      Set up the local repository connector that will service the REST Calls.
      serviceName - name of this service
      repositoryConnector - link to the repository responsible for servicing the REST calls.
      supportedZones - list of zones that access service is allowed to serve Assets from.
      defaultZones - list of zones that access service should set in all new Assets.
      publishZones - list of zones that the access service sets up in published Asset instances.
      auditLog - logging destination
      localServerUserId - userId used for server initiated actions
      maxPageSize - maximum page size
      NewInstanceException - a problem occurred during initialization
    • OMASServiceInstance

      public OMASServiceInstance(String serviceName, OMRSRepositoryConnector repositoryConnector, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog, String localServerUserId, int maxPageSize, String inTopicConnectorProviderName, Connection inTopicEventBusConnection, String outTopicConnectorProviderName, Connection outTopicEventBusConnection) throws NewInstanceException
      Set up the local repository connector that will service the REST Calls.
      serviceName - name of this service
      repositoryConnector - link to the repository responsible for servicing the REST calls.
      supportedZones - list of zones that access service is allowed to serve Assets from.
      defaultZones - list of zones that access service should set in all new Assets.
      publishZones - list of zones that the access service sets up in published Asset instances.
      auditLog - logging destination
      localServerUserId - userId used for server initiated actions
      maxPageSize - maximum page size
      inTopicConnectorProviderName - class name of the client side in topic connector
      inTopicEventBusConnection - connection for the event bus configured with the in topic
      outTopicConnectorProviderName - class name of the client side out topic connector
      outTopicEventBusConnection - connection for the event bus configured with the out topic
      NewInstanceException - a problem occurred during initialization
  • Method Details

    • getServerName

      public String getServerName() throws NewInstanceException
      Return the server name. Used during OMAS initialization which is why the exception is different.
      getServerName in class OMAGServerServiceInstance
      serverName name of the server for this instance
      NewInstanceException - a problem occurred during initialization
    • validateActiveRepository

      protected void validateActiveRepository(String methodName) throws PropertyServerException
      Validate that the repository services are ok for this instance.
      methodName - calling method
      PropertyServerException - problem with the repository services
    • getInTopicClientConnection

      public Connection getInTopicClientConnection(String callerId) throws PropertyServerException
      Return the connection used in the client to create a connector to send events from the in topic.
      callerId - unique identifier of the caller
      connection object for client
      PropertyServerException - problem connecting to event bus