Package org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.multitenant
package org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.multitenant
ClassesClassDescriptionAuditableServerServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.AuditableServerServiceInstanceHandler supports registered services that have an audit log.GovernanceServerServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.GovernanceServerServiceInstanceHandler provides the base class for a governance server's instance handler.OMAGServerPlatformInstanceMap provides part of the mapping for inbound REST requests to the appropriate service instances for the requested server.OMAGServerServiceInstance represents an instance of a service in an OMAG Server.OMAGServerServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for an OMAG server service instance.OMASServiceInstance caches references to OMRS objects for a specific server.OMASServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the access service instances.Represents an instance of an Open Metadata Engine Service (OMES) running in a specific server.OMESServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the engine service instances.It is responsible for registering itself in the instance map.OMVSServiceInstanceHandler retrieves information from the instance map for the view service instances.