Interface GovernanceContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
ProvisioningGovernanceContext, RemediationGovernanceContext, TriageGovernanceContext, VerificationGovernanceContext, WatchdogGovernanceContext
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GovernanceContext
GovernanceContext provides the governance action service with access to information about the governance request along with the open metadata repository interfaces. The abstract methods are implemented by the technology that supports the real metadata store.
  • Method Details

    • getEngineActionGUID

      String getEngineActionGUID()
      Return the unique identifier of the engine action that this service request is associated with.
      string guid
    • getRequestType

      String getRequestType()
      Return the unique identifier of the asset being discovered.
      string guid
    • getRequestParameters

      Map<String,String> getRequestParameters()
      Return the properties that hold the parameters used to drive the governance action service's processing.
      property map
    • getRequesterUserId

      String getRequesterUserId()
      Return the userId of the original person, process, service that requested this action.
      string userId
    • getRequestSourceElements

      List<RequestSourceElement> getRequestSourceElements()
      Return the list of metadata elements associated with the request to the governance action service. This list will not change during the lifetime of the service.
      list of request source elements
    • getActionTargetElements

      List<ActionTargetElement> getActionTargetElements()
      Return the list of elements that this governance action service should work on.
      cached list of action target metadata elements
    • getOpenMetadataStore

      OpenMetadataStore getOpenMetadataStore()
      Return the client to access metadata from the open metadata repositories. This enables the governance action service to retrieve more information about the metadata elements linked to the request source and action target elements.
      metadata store client
    • createIncidentReport

      String createIncidentReport(String qualifiedName, int domainIdentifier, String background, List<IncidentImpactedElement> impactedResources, List<IncidentDependency> previousIncidents, Map<String,Integer> incidentClassifiers, Map<String,String> additionalProperties) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create an incident report to capture the situation detected by this governance action service. This incident report will be processed by other governance activities.
      qualifiedName - unique identifier to give this new incident report
      domainIdentifier - governance domain associated with this action (0=ALL)
      background - description of the situation
      impactedResources - details of the resources impacted by this situation
      previousIncidents - links to previous incident reports covering this situation
      incidentClassifiers - initial classifiers for the incident report
      additionalProperties - additional arbitrary properties for the incident reports
      unique identifier of the resulting incident report
      InvalidParameterException - null or non-unique qualified name for the incident report
      UserNotAuthorizedException - this governance action service is not authorized to create an incident report
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem with the metadata store
    • updateActionTargetStatus

      void updateActionTargetStatus(String actionTargetGUID, EngineActionStatus status, Date startDate, Date completionDate, String completionMessage) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Update the status of a specific action target. By default, these values are derived from the values for the governance action service. However, if the governance action service has to process name target elements, then setting the status on each individual target will show the progress of the governance action service.
      actionTargetGUID - unique identifier of the governance action service.
      status - status enum to show its progress
      startDate - date/time that the governance action service started processing the target
      completionDate - date/time that the governance process completed processing this target.
      completionMessage - message to describe completion results or reasons for failure
      InvalidParameterException - the action target GUID is not recognized
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to update the action target properties
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to the metadata store
    • recordCompletionStatus

      void recordCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status, List<String> outputGuards) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Declare that all the processing for the governance action service is finished and the status of the work.
      status - completion status enum value
      outputGuards - optional guard strings for triggering subsequent action(s)
      InvalidParameterException - the completion status is null
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to update the governance action service completion status
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to the metadata store
    • recordCompletionStatus

      void recordCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status, List<String> outputGuards, List<NewActionTarget> newActionTargets) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Declare that all the processing for the governance action service is finished and the status of the work.
      status - completion status enum value
      outputGuards - optional guard strings for triggering subsequent action(s)
      newActionTargets - list of action target names to GUIDs for the resulting governance action service
      InvalidParameterException - the completion status is null
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to update the governance action service completion status
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to the metadata store
    • recordCompletionStatus

      void recordCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status, List<String> outputGuards, Map<String,String> newRequestParameters, List<NewActionTarget> newActionTargets) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Declare that all the processing for the governance action service is finished and the status of the work.
      status - completion status enum value
      outputGuards - optional guard strings for triggering subsequent action(s)
      newRequestParameters - additional request parameters. These override/augment any request parameters defined for the next invoked service
      newActionTargets - list of action target names to GUIDs for the resulting governance action service
      InvalidParameterException - the completion status is null
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to update the governance action service completion status
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to the metadata store
    • recordCompletionStatus

      void recordCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status, List<String> outputGuards, Map<String,String> newRequestParameters, List<NewActionTarget> newActionTargets, String completionMessage) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Declare that all the processing for the governance action service is finished and the status of the work.
      status - completion status enum value
      outputGuards - optional guard strings for triggering subsequent action(s)
      newRequestParameters - additional request parameters. These override/augment any request parameters defined for the next invoked service
      newActionTargets - list of action target names to GUIDs for the resulting governance action service
      completionMessage - message to describe completion results or reasons for failure
      InvalidParameterException - the completion status is null
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to update the governance action service completion status
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to the metadata store
    • getCompletionStatus

      CompletionStatus getCompletionStatus()
      Return any completion status from the governance action service.
      completion status enum