Interface DuplicateManagementInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
GovernanceContextClient, GovernanceContextClient, GovernanceContextClientBase, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClient, OpenGovernanceClientBase, OpenGovernanceServiceClient, OpenGovernanceServiceClient

public interface DuplicateManagementInterface
DuplicateManagementInterface defines methods that are used by governance services to manage duplicates in open metadata.
  • Method Details

    • linkElementsAsPeerDuplicates

      void linkElementsAsPeerDuplicates(String userId, String metadataElement1GUID, String metadataElement2GUID, int statusIdentifier, String steward, String stewardTypeName, String stewardPropertyName, String source, String notes, boolean setKnownDuplicate) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Link elements as peer duplicates. Create a simple relationship between two elements. If the relationship already exists, the properties are updated.
      userId - caller's userId
      metadataElement1GUID - unique identifier of the metadata element at end 1 of the relationship
      metadataElement2GUID - unique identifier of the metadata element at end 2 of the relationship
      statusIdentifier - what is the status of this relationship (negative means untrusted, 0 means unverified and positive means trusted)
      steward - identifier of the steward
      stewardTypeName - type of element used to identify the steward
      stewardPropertyName - property name used to identify steward
      source - source of the duplicate detection processing
      notes - notes for the steward
      setKnownDuplicate - boolean flag indicating whether the KnownDuplicate classification should be set on the linked entities.
      InvalidParameterException - the unique identifier's of the metadata elements are null or invalid in some way; the properties are not valid for this type of relationship
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to create this type of relationship
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem with the metadata store
    • linkConsolidatedDuplicate

      void linkConsolidatedDuplicate(String userId, String consolidatedElementGUID, int statusIdentifier, String steward, String stewardTypeName, String stewardPropertyName, String source, String notes, List<String> sourceElementGUIDs) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Identify an element that acts as a consolidated version for a set of duplicate elements. (The consolidated element is created using createMetadataElement.)
      userId - caller's userId
      consolidatedElementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element
      statusIdentifier - what is the status of this relationship (negative means untrusted, 0 means unverified and positive means trusted)
      steward - identifier of the steward
      stewardTypeName - type of element used to identify the steward
      stewardPropertyName - property name used to identify steward
      source - source of the duplicate detection processing
      notes - notes for the steward
      sourceElementGUIDs - List of the source elements that must be linked to the consolidated element. It is assumed that they already have the KnownDuplicateClassification.
      InvalidParameterException - the unique identifier's of the metadata elements are null or invalid in some way; the properties are not valid for this type of relationship
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the governance action service is not authorized to create this type of relationship
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem with the metadata store