This package defines the beans used to build the REST request and response payloads.
REST APIs can pass parameters in their URLs (called path variables) as well has having a RequestBody bean
for additional, more complex, or optional parameters. Responses are returned in response beans.
The response beans encode the return type of the method as well as any exceptions and associated messages.
ClassesClassDescriptionCommentResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a Comment object as a response.APIOperationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SchemaType objects as a response.AssetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a asset bean object as a response.AssetsResponse returns a list of assets from the server.CertificationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Certification objects as a response.CommentRequestBody provides a structure for passing a comment as a request body over a REST API.CommentResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a Comment object as a response.CommentsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Comment objects as a response.OCFConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new asset.OCFConnectionResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.ConnectionsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Connection objects as a response.ExternalIdentifiersResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalIdentifier objects as a response.ExternalReferencesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalReference objects as a response.FeedbackRequestBody provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.GlossaryTermListResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.GlossaryTermResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Glossary Term object as a response.InformalTagsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of InformalTag objects as a response.LicensesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of License objects as a response.LikesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Like objects as a response.LocationsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of ExternalIdentifier objects as a response.MeaningResponse is the response structure used on the OCF Metadata Management REST API calls that returns a Meaning object as a response.MeaningsResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.MoreInformationResponse returns a list of referenceables that are connected to the element identified on the request that is connected by the MoreInformation relationship from the server.NoteLogResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a NoteLogHeader object as a response.NoteLogsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of NoteLogHeader objects as a response.NotesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Note objects as a response.OCFOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Open Connector Framework (OCF) bean-based request bodies.OCFOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for or Open Connector Framework (OCF) bean-based REST responses.OriginRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin as a request body over a REST API.OwnerRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset owner as a request body over a REST API.PagedResponse is used for responses that can contain paged responsesRatingRequestBody provides a structure for passing star rating as a request body over a REST API.RatingsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Rating objects as a response.ReferenceableRequestBody provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties as a request body over a REST API.ReferenceablesResponse returns a list of referenceables from the server.RelatedAssetsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of AssetRelatedAsset objects as a response.RelatedMediaReferencesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of RelatedMediaReference objects as a response.SchemaAttributesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SchemaAttribute objects as a response.SchemaRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new schema to attach to an asset.SchemaTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a StructSchemaType object as a response.TagRequestBody provides a structure for passing an informal tag as a request body over a REST API.TagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.TagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.ValidValueResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a valid value bean object as a response.ValidValuesResponse returns a list of assets from the server.