
public class IntegrationGroupHandler extends Object
The IntegrationGroupHandler is responsible for maintaining information about the integration connectors in an integration group.
  • Field Details

    • serverName

      protected String serverName
    • serverUserId

      protected String serverUserId
    • auditLog

      protected AuditLog auditLog
    • maxPageSize

      protected int maxPageSize
    • integrationGroupName

      protected String integrationGroupName
    • integrationGroupGUID

      protected String integrationGroupGUID
    • integrationGroupProperties

      protected IntegrationGroupProperties integrationGroupProperties
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegrationGroupHandler

      public IntegrationGroupHandler(String integrationGroupName, Map<String,IntegrationContextManager> contextManagerMap, Map<String,String> integrationServiceNameMap, IntegrationConnectorCacheMap integrationConnectorCacheMap, String serverName, String serverUserId, GovernanceConfigurationClient configurationClient, AuditLog auditLog, int maxPageSize)
      Create a client-side object for managing an integration connector.
      integrationGroupName - the properties of the integration group.
      integrationConnectorCacheMap - manages the dynamic map of connectors.
      contextManagerMap - details of the context manager for each registered integration service.
      integrationServiceNameMap - details of the full name for each registered integration service.
      serverName - the name of the integration daemon server where the integration group is running
      serverUserId - user id for the server to use
      configurationClient - client to retrieve the configuration
      auditLog - logging destination
      maxPageSize - maximum number of results that can be returned in a single request
  • Method Details

    • getIntegrationGroupName

      public String getIntegrationGroupName()
      Return the integration group name - used for error logging.
      integration group name
    • getSummary

      public IntegrationGroupSummary getSummary()
      Return a summary of the integration group
      integration group summary
    • getIntegrationGroupGUID

      public String getIntegrationGroupGUID()
      Return the unique identifier for the integration group's entity stored in the metadata server (if known).
      string or null
    • getContextManager

      public IntegrationContextManager getContextManager(String serviceURLMarker)
      Return the context manager for the requested service.
      serviceURLMarker - identifier for the service
      context manager or null
    • refreshConfig

      Request that the integration group refresh its configuration by calling the metadata server. This request ensures that the latest configuration is in use.
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      UserNotAuthorizedException - user id is not allowed to access configuration
      PropertyServerException - problem in configuration server
    • refreshConnectorConfig

      public void refreshConnectorConfig(String integrationConnectorGUID) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Request that the integration group refreshes its configuration for a single integration connector by calling the metadata server. This request just ensures that the latest configuration is in use.
      integrationConnectorGUID - unique identifier of the integration connector entity
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      UserNotAuthorizedException - user id is not allowed to access configuration
      PropertyServerException - problem in configuration server