Class IntegrationContextManager

Direct Known Subclasses:
AnalyticsIntegratorContextManager, APIIntegratorContextManager, CatalogIntegratorContextManager, DatabaseIntegratorContextManager, DisplayIntegratorContextManager, FilesIntegratorContextManager, InfrastructureIntegratorContextManager, LineageIntegratorContextManager, OrganizationIntegratorContextManager, SecurityIntegratorContextManager, TopicIntegratorContextManager

public class IntegrationContextManager extends Object
IntegrationContextManager is the base class for the context manager that is implemented by each integration service.
  • Field Details

    • partnerOMASPlatformRootURL

      protected String partnerOMASPlatformRootURL
    • partnerOMASServerName

      protected String partnerOMASServerName
    • openIntegrationClient

      protected OpenIntegrationClient openIntegrationClient
    • governanceConfiguration

      protected GovernanceConfiguration governanceConfiguration
    • connectedAssetContext

      protected ConnectedAssetContext connectedAssetContext
    • openMetadataStoreClient

      protected OpenMetadataClient openMetadataStoreClient
    • localServerUserId

      protected String localServerUserId
    • localServerPassword

      protected String localServerPassword
    • serviceOptions

      protected Map<String,Object> serviceOptions
    • maxPageSize

      protected int maxPageSize
    • auditLog

      protected AuditLog auditLog
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegrationContextManager

      protected IntegrationContextManager()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • initializeContextManager

      public void initializeContextManager(String partnerOMASServerName, String partnerOMASPlatformRootURL, String userId, String password, Map<String,Object> serviceOptions, int maxPageSize, AuditLog auditLog)
      Initialize server properties for the context manager.
      partnerOMASServerName - name of the server to connect to
      partnerOMASPlatformRootURL - the network address of the server running the OMAS REST services
      userId - caller's userId embedded in all HTTP requests
      password - caller's userId embedded in all HTTP requests
      serviceOptions - options from the integration service's configuration
      maxPageSize - maximum number of results that can be returned on a single REST call
      auditLog - logging destination
    • createClients

      public void createClients(int maxPageSize) throws InvalidParameterException
      Suggestion for subclass to create client(s) to partner OMAS.
      maxPageSize - maximum value allowed for page size
      InvalidParameterException - the subclass is not able to create one of its clients
    • setUpMetadataSource

      protected String setUpMetadataSource(String metadataSourceQualifiedName, String typeName, String classificationName, String deployedImplementationType) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Retrieve the metadata source's unique identifier (GUID) or if it is not defined, create the software server capability for this event broker.
      metadataSourceQualifiedName - unique name of the software capability that represents this integration service
      typeName - subtype name of the software capability
      classificationName - optional classification for the software capability
      unique identifier of the metadata source
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters passed (probably on initialize) is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the integration daemon's userId does not have access to the partner OMAS
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem in the remote server running the partner OMAS
    • setContext

      public IntegrationContext setContext(String connectorId, String connectorName, String connectorUserId, IntegrationConnector integrationConnector, String integrationConnectorGUID, PermittedSynchronization permittedSynchronization, boolean generateIntegrationReport, String metadataSourceQualifiedName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Set up the context in the supplied connector. This is called between initialize() and start() on the connector.
      connectorId - unique identifier of the connector (used to configure the event listener)
      connectorName - name of connector from config
      connectorUserId - userId for the connector
      integrationConnector - connector created from connection integration service configuration
      integrationConnectorGUID - unique identifier of the integration connector entity (only set if working with integration groups)
      permittedSynchronization - controls the direction(s) that metadata is allowed to flow
      generateIntegrationReport - should the connector generate an integration reports?
      metadataSourceQualifiedName - unique name of the software server capability that represents the metadata source.
      the new integration context
      InvalidParameterException - the connector is not of the correct type
      UserNotAuthorizedException - user not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing the property server