All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CollectionDef, EnumDef, PrimitiveDef

public abstract class AttributeTypeDef extends TypeDefElementHeader
The AttributeTypeDef class is used to identify the type of an attribute. These can be:
  • PrimitiveDef
  • CollectionDef
  • EnumDef
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • version

      protected long version
    • versionName

      protected String versionName
    • category

      protected AttributeTypeDefCategory category
    • guid

      protected String guid
    • name

      protected String name
    • description

      protected String description
    • descriptionGUID

      protected String descriptionGUID
    • descriptionWiki

      protected String descriptionWiki
  • Constructor Details

    • AttributeTypeDef

      protected AttributeTypeDef()
      Default constructor
    • AttributeTypeDef

      protected AttributeTypeDef(AttributeTypeDefCategory category)
      Minimal constructor is passed the category of the attribute type. Note that since AttributeTypeDef is an abstract class, this method can only be called from a subclass.
      category - category of this TypeDef
    • AttributeTypeDef

      protected AttributeTypeDef(AttributeTypeDefCategory category, String guid, String name)
      Typical constructor is passed the values that describe the type. Note that since AttributeTypeDef is an abstract class, this method can only be called from a subclass.
      category - category of this TypeDef
      guid - unique id for the TypeDef
      name - unique name for the TypeDef
    • AttributeTypeDef

      protected AttributeTypeDef(AttributeTypeDef template)
      Copy/clone constructor copies the values from the supplied template. Note that since AttributeTypeDef is an abstract class, this method can only be called from a subclass.
      template - AttributeTypeDef
  • Method Details

    • cloneFromSubclass

      public abstract AttributeTypeDef cloneFromSubclass()
      Delegate the process of cloning to the subclass.
      subclass of AttributeTypeDef
    • getVersion

      public long getVersion()
      Return the version of the AttributeTypeDef. Versions are created when an AttributeTypeDef's properties are changed. If a description is updated, then this does not create a new version.
      String version number
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(long version)
      Set up the version of the AttributeTypeDef. Versions are created when an AttributeTypeDef's properties are changed. If a description is updated, then this does not create a new version.
      version - long version number
    • getVersionName

      public String getVersionName()
      Return the version name, which is a more of a human readable form of the version number. It can be used to show whether the change is a minor or major update.
      String version name
    • setVersionName

      public void setVersionName(String versionName)
      Set up the version name, which is a more of a human readable form of the version number. It can be used to show whether the change is a minor or major update.
      versionName - String version name
    • getCategory

      public AttributeTypeDefCategory getCategory()
      Return the category of the TypeDef.
      AttributeTypeDefCategory enum
    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(AttributeTypeDefCategory category)
      Set up the category of the TypeDef.
      category - AttributeTypeDefCategory enum
    • getGUID

      public String getGUID()
      Return the unique identifier for this TypeDef.
      String guid
    • setGUID

      public void setGUID(String guid)
      Set up the unique identifier for this TypeDef.
      guid - String guid
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Return the type name for this TypeDef. In simple environments, the type name is unique but where metadata repositories from different vendors are in operation it is possible that 2 types may have a name clash. The GUID is the reliable unique identifier.
      String name
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Set up the type name for this TypeDef. In simple environments, the type name is unique but where metadata repositories from different vendors are in operation it is possible that 2 types may have a name clash. The GUID is the reliable unique identifier.
      name - String name
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Return the short description of this AttributeTypeDef.
      String description
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Set up the short description of this AttributeTypeDef.
      description - String description
    • getDescriptionGUID

      public String getDescriptionGUID()
      Return the unique identifier of the glossary term that describes this AttributeTypeDef. Null means there is no known glossary term.
      String guid
    • setDescriptionGUID

      public void setDescriptionGUID(String descriptionGUID)
      Set up the unique identifier of the glossary term that describes this AttributeTypeDef. Null means there is no known glossary term.
      descriptionGUID - String guid
    • getDescriptionWiki

      public String getDescriptionWiki()
      Return the URL to the wiki page that gives more information for this type.
      url string
    • setDescriptionWiki

      public void setDescriptionWiki(String descriptionWiki)
      Set up the URL to the wiki page that gives more information for this type.
      descriptionWiki - url string
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class Object
      JSON style description of variables.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Validate that an object is equal depending on their stored values.
      equals in class RepositoryElementHeader
      objectToCompare - object
      boolean result
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return a hash code based on the values of this object.
      hashCode in class RepositoryElementHeader
      in hash code