Class TypeDefNotSupportedException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TypeDefNotSupportedException extends OMRSCheckedExceptionBase
TypeDefNotSupportedException provides a checked exception for reporting that a typedef can not be added because the local repository can not support it. The OMRSErrorCode adds specific details for the cause/effect of the error.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      public TypeDefNotSupportedException(ExceptionMessageDefinition messageDefinition, String className, String actionDescription)
      This is the typical constructor used for creating an exception.
      messageDefinition - content of the message
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      public TypeDefNotSupportedException(ExceptionMessageDefinition messageDefinition, String className, String actionDescription, Map<String,Object> relatedProperties)
      This is the typical constructor used for creating an exception. The properties allow additional information to be associated with the exception.
      messageDefinition - content of the message
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      relatedProperties - arbitrary properties that may help with diagnosing the problem.
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      public TypeDefNotSupportedException(ExceptionMessageDefinition messageDefinition, String className, String actionDescription, Throwable caughtError)
      This is the constructor used for creating an exception when an unexpected error has been caught. The properties allow additional information to be associated with the exception.
      messageDefinition - content of the message
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      caughtError - previous error causing this exception
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      public TypeDefNotSupportedException(ExceptionMessageDefinition messageDefinition, String className, String actionDescription, Throwable caughtError, Map<String,Object> relatedProperties)
      This is the constructor used for creating an exception when an unexpected error has been caught. The properties allow additional information to be associated with the exception.
      messageDefinition - content of the message
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      caughtError - previous error causing this exception
      relatedProperties - arbitrary properties that may help with diagnosing the problem.
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      public TypeDefNotSupportedException(int httpCode, String className, String actionDescription, String errorMessage, String errorMessageId, String[] errorMessageParameters, String systemAction, String userAction, String caughtErrorClassName, Map<String,Object> relatedProperties)
      This is the constructor used when receiving an exception from a remote server. The values are stored directly in the response object and are passed explicitly to the new exception. Notice that the technical aspects of the exception - such as class name creating the exception are local values so that the implementation of the server is not exposed.
      httpCode - http response code to use if this exception flows over a REST call
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      errorMessage - description of error
      errorMessageId - unique identifier for the message
      errorMessageParameters - parameters that were inserted in the message
      systemAction - actions of the system as a result of the error
      userAction - instructions for correcting the error
      caughtErrorClassName - previous error causing this exception
      relatedProperties - arbitrary properties that may help with diagnosing the problem.
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      @Deprecated public TypeDefNotSupportedException(int httpCode, String className, String actionDescription, String errorMessage, String systemAction, String userAction)
      This is the typical constructor for creating a TypeDefNotSupportedException. It captures the essential details about the error, where it occurred and how to fix it.
      httpCode - code to use across a REST interface
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      errorMessage - description of error
      systemAction - actions of the system as a result of the error
      userAction - instructions for correcting the error
    • TypeDefNotSupportedException

      @Deprecated public TypeDefNotSupportedException(int httpCode, String className, String actionDescription, String errorMessage, String systemAction, String userAction, Throwable caughtException)
      This constructor is used when an unexpected exception has been caught that needs to be wrapped in a TypeDefNotSupportedException in order to add the essential details about the error, where it occurred and how to fix it.
      httpCode - code to use across a REST interface
      className - name of class reporting error
      actionDescription - description of function it was performing when error detected
      errorMessage - description of error
      systemAction - actions of the system as a result of the error
      userAction - instructions for correcting the error
      caughtException - the exception/error that caused this exception to be raised