Class OMRSRepositoryRESTServices


public class OMRSRepositoryRESTServices extends Object
OMRSRepositoryRESTServices provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API. It is a minimal wrapper around the OMRSRepositoryConnector for the local server's metadata collection. If localRepositoryConnector is null when a REST call is received, the request is rejected. Otherwise, it uses the supplied server name to locate the appropriate metadata collection for its local repository and pass it the requested call. OMRSRepositoryRESTServices is itself wrapped by classes that provide REST annotations. In the Egeria code base OMRSRepositoryResource from the repository-services-spring module uses spring boot annotations. Other servers may use a different type of REST annotations and so the spring wrapper may be disregarded and replaced. The REST services are based around the OMRSMetadataInstanceStore interface.

OMRSMetadataInstanceStore is the common interface for working with the contents of a metadata repository. Within a metadata collection are the type definitions (TypeDefs) and metadata instances (Entities and Relationships). OMRSMetadataCollectionBase provides empty implementation of the abstract methods of OMRSMetadataInstanceStore. The methods on OMRSMetadataInstanceStore are in the following major groups:

  • Methods to retrieve information about the metadata repository - Used to retrieve or confirm the identity of the metadata repository
  • Methods for working with typedefs - Typedefs are used to define the type model for open metadata. The open metadata support had a comprehensive set of typedefs implemented, and these can be augmented by different vendors or applications. The typedefs can be queried, created, updated and deleted though the metadata collection.
  • Methods for querying Entities and Relationships - The metadata repository stores instances of the typedefs as metadata instances. Principally these are entities (nodes in the graph) and relationships (links between nodes). Both the entities and relationships can have properties. The entity may also have structured properties called structs and classifications attached. This second group of methods supports a range of queries to retrieve these instances.
  • Methods for maintaining the instances - The fourth group of methods supports the maintenance of the metadata instances. Each instance as a status (see InstanceStatus) that allows an instance to be proposed, drafted and approved before it becomes active. The instances can also be soft-deleted and restored or purged from the metadata collection.
  • Methods for repairing the metadata collections of the cohort - The fifth group of methods are for editing the control information of entities and relationships to manage changes in the cohort. These methods are advanced methods and are rarely used.
  • Methods for local maintenance of a metadata collection The final group of methods are for removing reference copies of the metadata instances. These updates are not broadcast to the rest of the Cohort as events.
  • Constructor Details

    • OMRSRepositoryRESTServices

      public OMRSRepositoryRESTServices(boolean localRepository)
      Common constructor
      localRepository - is this request for the local repository?
  • Method Details

    • setServerRepositories

      public static void setServerRepositories(String localServerName, OMRSAuditLog masterAuditLog, LocalOMRSRepositoryConnector localRepositoryConnector, OMRSRepositoryConnector enterpriseRepositoryConnector, Connection remoteEnterpriseTopicConnection, OMRSMetadataHighwayManager metadataHighwayManager, String localServerURL, AuditLog auditLog, int maxPageSize)
      Set up the local repository connector that will service the local repository REST Calls.
      localServerName - name of this local server
      masterAuditLog - top level audit Log destination
      localRepositoryConnector - link to the local repository responsible for servicing the REST calls If localRepositoryConnector is null when a REST calls is received, the request is rejected
      enterpriseRepositoryConnector - link to the repository responsible for servicing the REST calls to the enterprise.
      remoteEnterpriseTopicConnection - connection object to pass to client to enable it to listen on enterprise topic events - may be null
      metadataHighwayManager - manager of the cohort managers
      localServerURL - URL of the local server
      auditLog - auditLog destination
      maxPageSize - max number of results to return on single request.
    • stopInboundRESTCalls

      public static void stopInboundRESTCalls(String localServerName)
      Prevent new incoming requests for a server.
      localServerName - name of the server to stop
    • getEntityURL

      public static String getEntityURL(String localServerName, String... guid)
      Return the URL for the requested instance.
      localServerName - name of the local server that the requesting OMRS instance belongs to
      guid - unique identifier of the instance
    • getRelationshipURL

      public static String getRelationshipURL(String localServerName, String... guid)
      Return the URL for the requested instance.
      localServerName - name of the local server that the requesting OMRS instance belongs to
      guid - unique identifier of the instance
    • getMetadataCollectionId

      @Deprecated public MetadataCollectionIdResponse getMetadataCollectionId(String serverName)
      Returns the identifier of the metadata repository. This is the identifier used to register the metadata repository with the metadata repository cohort. It is also the identifier used to identify the home repository of a metadata instance.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      String metadata collection id. or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository.
    • getMetadataCollectionId

      public MetadataCollectionIdResponse getMetadataCollectionId(String serverName, String userId)
      Returns the identifier of the metadata repository. This is the identifier used to register the metadata repository with the metadata repository cohort. It is also the identifier used to identify the home repository of a metadata instance.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - calling user
      String metadata collection id. or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository.
    • getAllTypes

      public TypeDefGalleryResponse getAllTypes(String serverName, String userId)
      Returns the list of different types of metadata organized into two groups. The first are the attribute type definitions (AttributeTypeDefs). These provide types for properties in full type definitions. Full type definitions (TypeDefs) describe types for entities, relationships and classifications.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      TypeDefGalleryResponse: List of different categories of type definitions or InvalidParameterException the uerId is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findTypesByName

      public TypeDefGalleryResponse findTypesByName(String serverName, String userId, String name)
      Returns a list of type definitions that have the specified name. Type names should be unique. This method allows wildcard character to be included in the name. These are * (asterisk) for an arbitrary string of characters and ampersand for an arbitrary character.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      name - name of the TypeDefs to return (including wildcard characters).
      TypeDefGalleryResponse: List of different categories of type definitions or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation or InvalidParameterException the name of the TypeDef is null.
    • findTypeDefsByCategory

      public TypeDefListResponse findTypeDefsByCategory(String serverName, String userId, TypeDefCategory category)
      Returns all the TypeDefs for a specific category.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      category - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      TypeDefListResponse: TypeDefs list or InvalidParameterException the TypeDefCategory is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findAttributeTypeDefsByCategory

      public AttributeTypeDefListResponse findAttributeTypeDefsByCategory(String serverName, String userId, AttributeTypeDefCategory category)
      Returns all the AttributeTypeDefs for a specific category.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      category - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      AttributeTypeDefListResponse: AttributeTypeDefs list or InvalidParameterException the TypeDefCategory is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findTypeDefsByProperty

      public TypeDefListResponse findTypeDefsByProperty(String serverName, String userId, TypeDefProperties matchCriteria)
      Return the TypeDefs that have the properties matching the supplied match criteria.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      matchCriteria - TypeDefProperties a list of property names.
      TypeDefListResponse: TypeDefs list or InvalidParameterException the matchCriteria is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findTypesByExternalID

      public TypeDefListResponse findTypesByExternalID(String serverName, String userId, String standard, String organization, String identifier)
      Return the types that are linked to the elements from the specified standard.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      standard - name of the standard null means any.
      organization - name of the organization null means any.
      identifier - identifier of the element in the standard null means any.
      TypeDefsGalleryResponse: A list of types or InvalidParameterException all attributes of the external id are null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • searchForTypeDefs

      public TypeDefListResponse searchForTypeDefs(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria)
      Return the TypeDefs that match the search criteria.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      searchCriteria - String search criteria.
      TypeDefListResponse: TypeDefs list or InvalidParameterException the searchCriteria is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getTypeDefByGUID

      public TypeDefResponse getTypeDefByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Return the TypeDef identified by the GUID.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique id of the TypeDef.
      TypeDefResponse: TypeDef structure describing its category and properties or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException The requested TypeDef is not known in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getAttributeTypeDefByGUID

      public AttributeTypeDefResponse getAttributeTypeDefByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Return the AttributeTypeDef identified by the GUID.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique id of the TypeDef
      AttributeTypeDefResponse: TypeDef structure describing its category and properties or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException The requested TypeDef is not known in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getTypeDefByName

      public TypeDefResponse getTypeDefByName(String serverName, String userId, String name)
      Return the TypeDef identified by the unique name.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      name - String name of the TypeDef.
      TypeDefResponse: TypeDef structure describing its category and properties or InvalidParameterException the name is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the requested TypeDef is not found in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getAttributeTypeDefByName

      public AttributeTypeDefResponse getAttributeTypeDefByName(String serverName, String userId, String name)
      Return the AttributeTypeDef identified by the unique name.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      name - String name of the TypeDef.
      AttributeTypeDefResponse: AttributeTypeDef structure describing its category and properties or InvalidParameterException the name is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the requested TypeDef is not found in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addTypeDefGallery

      public VoidResponse addTypeDefGallery(String serverName, String userId, TypeDefGallery newTypes)
      Create a collection of related types.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      newTypes - TypeDefGalleryResponse structure describing the new AttributeTypeDefs and TypeDefs.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the new TypeDef is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotSupportedException the repository is not able to support this TypeDef or TypeDefKnownException the TypeDef is already stored in the repository or TypeDefConflictException the new TypeDef conflicts with an existing TypeDef or InvalidTypeDefException the new TypeDef has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addTypeDef

      public VoidResponse addTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, TypeDef newTypeDef)
      Create a definition of a new TypeDef.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      newTypeDef - TypeDef structure describing the new TypeDef.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the new TypeDef is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotSupportedException the repository is not able to support this TypeDef or TypeDefKnownException the TypeDef is already stored in the repository or TypeDefConflictException the new TypeDef conflicts with an existing TypeDef or InvalidTypeDefException the new TypeDef has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addAttributeTypeDef

      public VoidResponse addAttributeTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, AttributeTypeDef newAttributeTypeDef)
      Create a definition of a new AttributeTypeDef.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      newAttributeTypeDef - TypeDef structure describing the new TypeDef.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the new TypeDef is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotSupportedException the repository is not able to support this TypeDef or TypeDefKnownException the TypeDef is already stored in the repository or TypeDefConflictException the new TypeDef conflicts with an existing TypeDef or InvalidTypeDefException the new TypeDef has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • verifyTypeDef

      public BooleanResponse verifyTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, TypeDef typeDef)
      Verify that a definition of a TypeDef is either new or matches the definition already stored.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      typeDef - TypeDef structure describing the TypeDef to test.
      BooleanResponse: boolean true means the TypeDef matches the local definition false means the TypeDef is not known or InvalidParameterException the TypeDef is null. RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. TypeDefNotSupportedException the repository is not able to support this TypeDef. TypeDefConflictException the new TypeDef conflicts with an existing TypeDef. InvalidTypeDefException the new TypeDef has invalid contents. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • verifyAttributeTypeDef

      public BooleanResponse verifyAttributeTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, AttributeTypeDef attributeTypeDef)
      Verify that a definition of an AttributeTypeDef is either new or matches the definition already stored.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      attributeTypeDef - TypeDef structure describing the TypeDef to test.
      BooleanResponse: boolean true means the TypeDef matches the local definition false means the TypeDef is not known or InvalidParameterException the TypeDef is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotSupportedException the repository is not able to support this TypeDef or TypeDefConflictException the new TypeDef conflicts with an existing TypeDef or InvalidTypeDefException the new TypeDef has invalid contents or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateTypeDef

      public TypeDefResponse updateTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, TypeDefPatch typeDefPatch)
      Update one or more properties of the TypeDef. The TypeDefPatch controls what types of updates are safe to make to the TypeDef.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      typeDefPatch - TypeDef patch describing change to TypeDef.
      TypeDefResponse: updated TypeDef or InvalidParameterException the TypeDefPatch is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the requested TypeDef is not found in the metadata collection or PatchErrorException the TypeDef can not be updated because the supplied patch is incompatible with the stored TypeDef or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • deleteTypeDef

      public VoidResponse deleteTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, String obsoleteTypeDefGUID, String obsoleteTypeDefName)
      Delete the TypeDef. This is only possible if the TypeDef has never been used to create instances or any instances of this TypeDef have been purged from the metadata collection.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      obsoleteTypeDefGUID - String unique identifier for the TypeDef.
      obsoleteTypeDefName - String unique name for the TypeDef.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the one of TypeDef identifiers is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the requested TypeDef is not found in the metadata collection or TypeDefInUseException the TypeDef can not be deleted because there are instances of this type in the metadata collection. These instances need to be purged before the TypeDef can be deleted or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • deleteAttributeTypeDef

      public VoidResponse deleteAttributeTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, String obsoleteTypeDefGUID, String obsoleteTypeDefName)
      Delete an AttributeTypeDef. This is only possible if the AttributeTypeDef has never been used to create instances or any instances of this AttributeTypeDef have been purged from the metadata collection.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      obsoleteTypeDefGUID - String unique identifier for the AttributeTypeDef.
      obsoleteTypeDefName - String unique name for the AttributeTypeDef.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the one of AttributeTypeDef identifiers is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the requested AttributeTypeDef is not found in the metadata collection. TypeDefInUseException the AttributeTypeDef can not be deleted because there are instances of this type in the metadata collection. These instances need to be purged before the AttributeTypeDef can be deleted or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reIdentifyTypeDef

      public TypeDefResponse reIdentifyTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, String originalTypeDefGUID, TypeDefReIdentifyRequest requestParameters)
      Change the guid or name of an existing TypeDef to a new value. This is used if two different TypeDefs are discovered to have the same guid. This is extremely unlikely but not impossible so the open metadata protocol has provision for this.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      originalTypeDefGUID - the original guid of the TypeDef.
      requestParameters - the original name of the TypeDef, the new identifier for the TypeDef and the new name for this TypeDef.
      TypeDefResponse: typeDef: new values for this TypeDef, including the new guid/name or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the TypeDef identified by the original guid/name is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reIdentifyAttributeTypeDef

      public AttributeTypeDefResponse reIdentifyAttributeTypeDef(String serverName, String userId, String originalAttributeTypeDefGUID, TypeDefReIdentifyRequest requestParameters)
      Change the guid or name of an existing TypeDef to a new value. This is used if two different TypeDefs are discovered to have the same guid. This is extremely unlikely but not impossible so the open metadata protocol has provision for this.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      originalAttributeTypeDefGUID - the original guid of the AttributeTypeDef.
      requestParameters - the original name of the AttributeTypeDef and the new identifier for the AttributeTypeDef and the new name for this AttributeTypeDef.
      AttributeTypeDefResponse: attributeTypeDef: new values for this AttributeTypeDef, including the new guid/name or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeDefNotKnownException the AttributeTypeDef identified by the original guid/name is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support this call or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • isEntityKnown

      public EntityDetailResponse isEntityKnown(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Returns a boolean indicating if the entity is stored in the metadata collection. This entity may be a full entity object, or an entity proxy.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity
      the entity details if the entity is found in the metadata collection; otherwise return null InvalidParameterException the guid is null. RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntitySummary

      public EntitySummaryResponse getEntitySummary(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Return the header and classifications for a specific entity. The returned entity summary may be from a full entity object or an entity proxy.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity
      EntitySummary structure or InvalidParameterException the guid is null. RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityDetail

      public EntityDetailResponse getEntityDetail(String serverName, String guid)
      Return the header, classifications and properties of a specific entity. This method supports anonymous access to an instance. The call may fail if the metadata is secured.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail structure or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection or EntityProxyOnlyException the requested entity instance is only a proxy in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityDetail

      public EntityDetailResponse getEntityDetail(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Return the header, classifications and properties of a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail structure or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection or EntityProxyOnlyException the requested entity instance is only a proxy in the metadata collection or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityDetail

      public EntityDetailResponse getEntityDetail(String serverName, String userId, String guid, HistoryRequest asOfTime)
      Return a historical version of an entity. This includes the header, classifications and properties of the entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity.
      asOfTime - the time used to determine which version of the entity that is desired.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail structure or InvalidParameterException the guid or date is null or the asOfTime property is for a future time or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection at the time requested or EntityProxyOnlyException the requested entity instance is only a proxy in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityDetailHistory

      public EntityListResponse getEntityDetailHistory(String serverName, String userId, String guid, HistoryRangeRequest historyRangeRequest)
      Return all historical versions of an entity within the bounds of the provided timestamps. To retrieve all historical versions of an entity, set both the 'fromTime' and 'toTime' to null.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the entity.
      historyRangeRequest - detailing the range of times and paging for the results
      EntityList structure or InvalidParameterException the guid or date is null or fromTime is after the toTime RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection at the time requested. EntityProxyOnlyException the requested entity instance is only a proxy in the metadata collection. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support history. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationshipsForEntity

      public RelationshipListResponse getRelationshipsForEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, TypeLimitedFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the relationships for a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier for the entity.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: Relationships list. Null means no relationships associated with the entity or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property is not valid for the attached classifications or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationshipsForEntityHistory

      public RelationshipListResponse getRelationshipsForEntityHistory(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the relationships for a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier for the entity.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: Relationships list. Null means no relationships associated with the entity or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property is not valid for the attached classifications or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntities

      public EntityListResponse findEntities(String serverName, String userId, EntityFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that match the supplied conditions. The results can be returned over many pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByHistory

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByHistory(String serverName, String userId, EntityHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that match the supplied conditions. The results can be returned over many pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByProperty

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByProperty(String serverName, String userId, EntityPropertyFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that match the supplied properties according to the match criteria. The results can be returned over many pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByPropertyHistory

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByPropertyHistory(String serverName, String userId, EntityPropertyHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that match the supplied properties according to the match criteria. The results can be returned over many pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByClassification

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByClassification(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, PropertyMatchFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that have the requested type of classification attached.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - name of the classification a null is not valid.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or ClassificationErrorException the classification request is not known to the metadata collection. PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for the requested type of classification or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByClassificationHistory

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByClassificationHistory(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, PropertyMatchHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities that have the requested type of classification attached.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - name of the classification a null is not valid.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or ClassificationErrorException the classification request is not known to the metadata collection. PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for the requested type of classification or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByPropertyValue

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByPropertyValue(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria, EntityPropertyFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities whose string based property values match the search criteria. The search criteria may include regex style wild cards.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      searchCriteria - String expression of the characteristics of the required relationships.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property specified is not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findEntitiesByPropertyValueHistory

      public EntityListResponse findEntitiesByPropertyValueHistory(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria, EntityPropertyHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of entities whose string based property values match the search criteria. The search criteria may include regex style wild cards.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      searchCriteria - String expression of the characteristics of the required relationships.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: a list of entities matching the supplied criteria where null means no matching entities in the metadata collection or InvalidParameterException a parameter is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property specified is not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • isRelationshipKnown

      public RelationshipResponse isRelationshipKnown(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Returns a boolean indicating if the relationship is stored in the metadata collection.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: relationship details if the relationship is found in the metadata collection; otherwise return null or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse getRelationship(String serverName, String guid)
      Return a requested relationship. This is the anonymous form for repository. The call may fail if security is required.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      guid - String unique identifier for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: A relationship structure or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the metadata collection does not have a relationship with the requested GUID stored or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse getRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Return a requested relationship.
      serverName - name of the active server
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: a relationship structure or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the metadata collection does not have a relationship with the requested GUID stored or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse getRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String guid, HistoryRequest asOfTime)
      Return a historical version of a relationship.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the relationship.
      asOfTime - the time used to determine which version of the entity that is desired.
      RelationshipResponse: a relationship structure or InvalidParameterException the guid or date is null or the asOfTime property is for a future time or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested entity instance is not known in the metadata collection at the time requested or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelationshipHistory

      public RelationshipListResponse getRelationshipHistory(String serverName, String userId, String guid, HistoryRangeRequest historyRangeRequest)
      Return all historical versions of a relationship within the bounds of the provided timestamps. To retrieve all historical versions of a relationship, set both the 'fromTime' and 'toTime' to null.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      guid - String unique identifier for the relationship.
      historyRangeRequest - detailing the range of times and paging for the results
      RelationshipList structure or InvalidParameterException the guid or date is null or fromTime is after the toTime RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship instance is not known in the metadata collection at the time requested. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support history. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationships

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationships(String serverName, String userId, InstanceFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the requested conditions. The results can be broken into pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of relationships or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationshipsByHistory

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationshipsByHistory(String serverName, String userId, InstanceHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the requested conditions. The results can be broken into pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of relationships or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationshipsByProperty

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationshipsByProperty(String serverName, String userId, PropertyMatchFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the requested properties by the matching criteria. The results can be broken into pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of relationships or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationshipsByPropertyHistory

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationshipsByPropertyHistory(String serverName, String userId, PropertyMatchHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the requested properties by the matching criteria. The results can be broken into pages.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException the properties specified are not valid for any of the requested types of relationships or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationshipsByPropertyValue

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationshipsByPropertyValue(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria, TypeLimitedFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the search criteria. The results can be paged.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      searchCriteria - String expression of the characteristics of the required relationships.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • findRelationshipsByPropertyValueHistory

      public RelationshipListResponse findRelationshipsByPropertyValueHistory(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria, TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return a list of relationships that match the search criteria. The results can be paged.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      searchCriteria - String expression of the characteristics of the required relationships.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      RelationshipListResponse: a list of relationships. Null means no matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException the type guid passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getLinkingEntities

      public InstanceGraphResponse getLinkingEntities(String serverName, String userId, String startEntityGUID, String endEntityGUID, OMRSAPIFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return all the relationships and intermediate entities that connect the startEntity with the endEntity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      startEntityGUID - The entity that is used to anchor the query.
      endEntityGUID - the other entity that defines the scope of the query.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      InstanceGraphResponse: the sub-graph that represents the returned linked entities and their relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by either the startEntityGUID or the endEntityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getLinkingEntitiesHistory

      public InstanceGraphResponse getLinkingEntitiesHistory(String serverName, String userId, String startEntityGUID, String endEntityGUID, OMRSAPIHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return all the relationships and intermediate entities that connect the startEntity with the endEntity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      startEntityGUID - The entity that is used to anchor the query.
      endEntityGUID - the other entity that defines the scope of the query.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      InstanceGraphResponse: the sub-graph that represents the returned linked entities and their relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by either the startEntityGUID or the endEntityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityNeighborhood

      public InstanceGraphResponse getEntityNeighborhood(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, int level, EntityNeighborhoodFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the entities and relationships that radiate out from the supplied entity GUID. The results are scoped both the instance type guids and the level.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - the starting point of the query.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      level - the number of the relationships out from the starting entity that the query will traverse to gather results.
      InstanceGraphResponse the sub-graph that represents the returned linked entities and their relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException one of the type guids passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the entityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEntityNeighborhoodHistory

      public InstanceGraphResponse getEntityNeighborhoodHistory(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, int level, EntityNeighborhoodHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the entities and relationships that radiate out from the supplied entity GUID. The results are scoped both the instance type guids and the level.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - the starting point of the query.
      level - the number of the relationships out from the starting entity that the query will traverse to gather results.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      InstanceGraphResponse the sub-graph that represents the returned linked entities and their relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException one of the type guids passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the entityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException there is a problem with one of the other parameters or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelatedEntities

      public EntityListResponse getRelatedEntities(String serverName, String userId, String startEntityGUID, RelatedEntitiesFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the list of entities that are of the types listed in instanceTypes and are connected, either directly or indirectly to the entity identified by startEntityGUID.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      startEntityGUID - unique identifier of the starting entity.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: list of entities either directly or indirectly connected to the start entity or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException one of the type guids passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the startEntityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property specified is not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getRelatedEntitiesHistory

      public EntityListResponse getRelatedEntitiesHistory(String serverName, String userId, String startEntityGUID, RelatedEntitiesHistoricalFindRequest findRequestParameters)
      Return the list of entities that are of the types listed in instanceTypes and are connected, either directly or indirectly to the entity identified by startEntityGUID.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      startEntityGUID - unique identifier of the starting entity.
      findRequestParameters - find parameters used to limit the returned results.
      EntityListResponse: list of entities either directly or indirectly connected to the start entity or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or TypeErrorException one of the type guids passed on the request is not known by the metadata collection or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the startEntityGUID is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the sequencing property specified is not valid for any of the requested types of entity or PagingErrorException the paging/sequencing parameters are set up incorrectly or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support asOfTime parameter or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse addEntity(String serverName, String userId, EntityCreateRequest requestBody)
      Create a new entity and put it in the requested state. The new entity is returned.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      requestBody - parameters for the new entity
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the new header plus the requested properties and classifications. The entity will not have any relationships at this stage or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or ClassificationErrorException one or more of the requested classifications are either not known or not defined for this entity type or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addExternalEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse addExternalEntity(String serverName, String userId, EntityCreateRequest requestBody)
      Save a new entity that is sourced from an external technology. The external technology is identified by a GUID and a name. These can be recorded in a Software Server Capability (guid and qualifiedName respectively). The new entity is assigned a new GUID and put in the requested state. The new entity is returned.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      requestBody - parameters for the new entity
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the new header plus the requested properties and classifications. The entity will not have any relationships at this stage or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or ClassificationErrorException one or more of the requested classifications are either not known or not defined for this entity type or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addEntityProxy

      public VoidResponse addEntityProxy(String serverName, String userId, EntityProxy entityProxy)
      Create an entity proxy in the metadata collection. This is used to store relationships that span metadata repositories.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityProxy - details of entity to add.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the entity proxy is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or ClassificationErrorException one or more of the requested classifications are either not known or not defined for this entity type or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support entity proxies as first class elements or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateEntityStatus

      public EntityDetailResponse updateEntityStatus(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, InstanceStatus newStatus)
      Update the status for a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - unique identifier (guid) for the requested entity.
      newStatus - new InstanceStatus for the entity.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the current entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection. StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateEntityProperties

      public EntityDetailResponse updateEntityProperties(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, InstancePropertiesRequest propertiesRequestBody)
      Update selected properties in an entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      propertiesRequestBody - a list of properties to change.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • undoEntityUpdate

      public EntityDetailResponse undoEntityUpdate(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID)
      Undo the last update to an entity and return the previous content.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support undo or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • deleteEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse deleteEntity(String serverName, String userId, String obsoleteEntityGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Delete an entity. The entity is soft-deleted. This means it is still in the graph, but it is no longer returned on queries. All relationships to the entity are also soft-deleted and will no longer be usable. To completely eliminate the entity from the graph requires a call to the purgeEntity() method after the delete() call. The restoreEntity() method will switch an entity back to Active status to restore the entity to normal use.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      obsoleteEntityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      EntityDetailResponse details of the deleted entity or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support soft-deletes (use purgeEntity() to remove the entity permanently) UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeEntity

      public VoidResponse purgeEntity(String serverName, String userId, String deletedEntityGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Permanently removes a deleted entity from the metadata collection. This request can not be undone.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      deletedEntityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or EntityNotDeletedException the entity is not in DELETED status and so can not be purged or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • restoreEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse restoreEntity(String serverName, String userId, String deletedEntityGUID)
      Restore the requested entity to the state it was before it was deleted.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      deletedEntityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the restored entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or EntityNotDeletedException the entity is currently not in DELETED status and so it can not be restored or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support soft-delete or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • classifyEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse classifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String classificationName, InstancePropertiesRequest propertiesRequestBody)
      Add the requested classification to a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      propertiesRequestBody - list of properties to set in the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is either not known or not valid for the entity or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • classifyEntity

      public ClassificationResponse classifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, ProxyClassificationRequest requestBody)
      Add the requested classification to a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      requestBody - list of properties to set in the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is either not known or not valid for the entity or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • classifyEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse classifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String classificationName, ClassificationRequest classificationRequestBody)
      Add the requested classification to a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      classificationRequestBody - values for the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is either not known or not valid for the entity or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • classifyEntity

      public ClassificationResponse classifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, ClassificationProxyRequest requestBody)
      Add the requested classification to a specific entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      requestBody - values for the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is either not known or not valid for the entity or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • declassifyEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse declassifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String classificationName)
      Remove a specific classification from an entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is not set on the entity or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • declassifyEntity

      public ClassificationResponse declassifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, EntityProxy entityProxy)
      Remove a specific classification from an entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      entityProxy - details of the entity associated with the classification
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is not set on the entity or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateEntityClassification

      public EntityDetailResponse updateEntityClassification(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String classificationName, InstancePropertiesRequest propertiesRequestBody)
      Update one or more properties in one of an entity's classifications.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the entity.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      propertiesRequestBody - list of properties for the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is not attached to the classification or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateEntityClassification

      public ClassificationResponse updateEntityClassification(String serverName, String userId, String classificationName, ProxyClassificationRequest requestBody)
      Update one or more properties in one of an entity's classifications.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      classificationName - String name for the classification.
      requestBody - list of properties for the classification.
      EntityDetailResponse: EntityDetail showing the resulting entity header, properties and classifications or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or ClassificationErrorException the requested classification is not attached to the classification or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse addRelationship(String serverName, String userId, RelationshipCreateRequest createRequestParameters)
      Add a new relationship between two entities to the metadata collection.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      createRequestParameters - parameters used to fill out the new relationship
      RelationshipResponse: Relationship structure with the new header, requested entities and properties or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or EntityNotKnownException one of the requested entities is not known in the metadata collection or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • addExternalRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse addExternalRelationship(String serverName, String userId, RelationshipCreateRequest createRequestParameters)
      Save a new relationship that is sourced from an external technology. The external technology is identified by a GUID and a name. These can be recorded in a Software Server Capability (guid and qualifiedName respectively). The new relationship is assigned a new GUID and put in the requested state. The new relationship is returned.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      createRequestParameters - parameters used to fill out the new relationship
      RelationshipResponse: Relationship structure with the new header, requested entities and properties or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or EntityNotKnownException one of the requested entities is not known in the metadata collection or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateRelationshipStatus

      public RelationshipResponse updateRelationshipStatus(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, InstanceStatus newStatus)
      Update the status of a specific relationship.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      newStatus - new InstanceStatus for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: Resulting relationship structure with the new status set or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or StatusNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support the requested status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • updateRelationshipProperties

      public RelationshipResponse updateRelationshipProperties(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, InstancePropertiesRequest propertiesRequestBody)
      Update the properties of a specific relationship.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      propertiesRequestBody - list of the properties to update.
      RelationshipResponse: Resulting relationship structure with the new properties set or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • undoRelationshipUpdate

      public RelationshipResponse undoRelationshipUpdate(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID)
      Undo the latest change to a relationship (either a change of properties or status).
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: Relationship structure with the new current header, requested entities and properties or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support undo or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • deleteRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse deleteRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String obsoleteRelationshipGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Delete a specific relationship. This is a soft-delete which means the relationship's status is updated to DELETED, and it is no longer available for queries. To remove the relationship permanently from the metadata collection, use purgeRelationship().
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      obsoleteRelationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      RelationshipResponse: Updated relationship or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection does not support soft-deletes or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeRelationship

      public VoidResponse purgeRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String deletedRelationshipGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Permanently delete the relationship from the repository. There is no means to undo this request.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      deletedRelationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or RelationshipNotDeletedException the requested relationship is not in DELETED status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • restoreRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse restoreRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String deletedRelationshipGUID)
      Restore a deleted relationship into the metadata collection. The new status will be ACTIVE and the restored details of the relationship are returned to the caller.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      deletedRelationshipGUID - String unique identifier (guid) for the relationship.
      RelationshipResponse: Relationship structure with the restored header, requested entities and properties or InvalidParameterException the guid is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the requested relationship is not known in the metadata collection or RelationshipNotDeletedException the requested relationship is not in DELETED status or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support soft-deletes UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reIdentifyEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse reIdentifyEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String newEntityGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Change the guid of an existing entity to a new value. This is used if two different entities are discovered to have the same guid. This is extremely unlikely but not impossible so the open metadata protocol has provision for this.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - the existing identifier for the entity.
      newEntityGUID - new unique identifier for the entity.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      EntityDetailResponse: entity: new values for this entity, including the new guid or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-identification or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reTypeEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse reTypeEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, TypeDefChangeRequest typeDefChangeRequest)
      Change an existing entity's type. Typically, this action is taken to move an entity's type to either a super type (so the subtype can be deleted) or a new subtype (so additional properties can be added.) However, the type can be changed to any compatible type and the properties adjusted.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - the unique identifier for the entity to change.
      typeDefChangeRequest - the details of the current and new type.
      EntityDetailResponse: entity: new values for this entity, including the new type information or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the instance's properties are not valid for the new type. ClassificationErrorException the instance's classifications are not valid for the new type. EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-typing or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reHomeEntity

      public EntityDetailResponse reHomeEntity(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, String newHomeMetadataCollectionId, String newHomeMetadataCollectionName, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Change the home of an existing entity. This action is taken for example, if the original home repository becomes permanently unavailable, or if the user community updating this entity move to working from a different repository in the open metadata repository cohort.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - the unique identifier for the entity to change.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - the existing identifier for this entity's home.
      newHomeMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier for the new home metadata collection/repository.
      newHomeMetadataCollectionName - display name for the new home metadata collection/repository.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      EntityDetailResponse: entity: new values for this entity, including the new home information or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-homing or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reIdentifyRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse reIdentifyRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, String newRelationshipGUID, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Change the guid of an existing relationship. This is used if two different relationships are discovered to have the same guid. This is extremely unlikely but not impossible so the open metadata protocol has provision for this.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - the existing identifier for the relationship.
      newRelationshipGUID - the new unique identifier for the relationship.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      RelationshipResponse: relationship: new values for this relationship, including the new guid or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the relationship identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-identification or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reTypeRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse reTypeRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, TypeDefChangeRequest typeDefChangeRequest)
      Change an existing relationship's type. Typically, this action is taken to move a relationship's type to either a super type (so the subtype can be deleted) or a new subtype (so additional properties can be added.) However, the type can be changed to any compatible type.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - the unique identifier for the relationship.
      typeDefChangeRequest - the details of the current and new type.
      RelationshipResponse: relationship: new values for this relationship, including the new type information or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException the instance's properties are not valid for th new type. RelationshipNotKnownException the relationship identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-typing or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • reHomeRelationship

      public RelationshipResponse reHomeRelationship(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, String newHomeMetadataCollectionId, String newHomeMetadataCollectionName, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Change the home of an existing relationship. This action is taken for example, if the original home repository becomes permanently unavailable, or if the user community updating this relationship move to working from a different repository in the open metadata repository cohort.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      relationshipGUID - the unique identifier for the relationship.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - the existing identifier for this relationship's home.
      newHomeMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier for the new home metadata collection/repository.
      newHomeMetadataCollectionName - display name for the new home metadata collection/repository.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      RelationshipResponse: relationship: new values for this relationship, including the new home information or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the relationship identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance re-homing or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • saveEntityReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse saveEntityReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, EntityDetail entity)
      Save the entity as a reference copy. The id of the home metadata collection is already set up in the entity.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entity - details of the entity to save.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the entity is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or HomeEntityException the entity belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity or InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getHomeClassifications

      public ClassificationListResponse getHomeClassifications(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID)
      Retrieve any locally homed classifications assigned to the requested entity. This method is implemented by repository connectors that are able to store classifications for entities that are homed in another repository.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - unique identifier of the entity with classifications to retrieve
      list of all the classifications for this entity that are homed in this repository or InvalidParameterException the entity is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity is not recognized by this repository or UserNotAuthorizedException to calling user is not authorized to retrieve this metadata or FunctionNotSupportedException this method is not supported
    • getHomeClassifications

      public ClassificationListResponse getHomeClassifications(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, HistoryRequest requestBody)
      Retrieve any locally homed classifications assigned to the requested entity. This method is implemented by repository connectors that are able to store classifications for entities that are homed in another repository.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      entityGUID - unique identifier of the entity with classifications to retrieve
      requestBody - the time used to determine which version of the entity that is desired.
      list of all the classifications for this entity that are homed in this repository or InvalidParameterException the entity is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity is not recognized by this repository or UserNotAuthorizedException to calling user is not authorized to retrieve this metadata or FunctionNotSupportedException this method is not supported
    • deleteEntityReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse deleteEntityReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, EntityDetail entity)
      Remove a reference copy of the entity from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or entities that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      entity - the instance to purge.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the entity is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or HomeEntityException the entity belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity or InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeEntityReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse purgeEntityReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, EntityDetail entity)
      Remove a reference copy of the entity from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or entities that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      entity - the instance to purge.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the entity is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this entity's type or HomeEntityException the entity belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity or InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeEntityReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse purgeEntityReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Remove a reference copy of the entity from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or entities that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      entityGUID - the unique identifier for the entity.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - identifier of the metadata collection that is the home to this entity.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or HomeEntityException the entity belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • refreshEntityReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse refreshEntityReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, String entityGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      The local repository has requested that the repository that hosts the home metadata collection for the specified entity sends out the details of this entity so the local repository can create a reference copy.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      entityGUID - unique identifier of requested entity.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - identifier of the metadata collection that is the home to this entity.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or EntityNotKnownException the entity identified by the guid is not found in the metadata collection or HomeEntityException the entity belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • saveClassificationReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse saveClassificationReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, ClassificationWithEntityRequest requestBody)
      Save the classification as a reference copy. The id of the home metadata collection is already set up in the classification. The entity may be either a locally homed entity or a reference copy.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      requestBody - entity that the classification is attached to and classification to save.
      void response or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null. RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata. TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection. EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity. InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support reference copies of instances. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeClassificationReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse purgeClassificationReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, ClassificationWithEntityRequest requestBody)
      Remove the reference copy of the classification from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or relationships that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting user.
      requestBody - entity that the classification is attached to and classification to purge.
      void response or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null. PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this classification type. RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored. TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection. EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity. InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents. UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation. FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support maintenance of metadata.
    • saveRelationshipReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse saveRelationshipReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, Relationship relationship)
      Save the relationship as a reference copy. The id of the home metadata collection is already set up in the relationship.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting userId.
      relationship - relationship to save.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the relationship is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException one of the entities identified by the relationship is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or HomeRelationshipException the relationship belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or RelationshipConflictException the new relationship conflicts with an existing relationship. InvalidRelationshipException the new relationship has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • deleteRelationshipReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse deleteRelationshipReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, Relationship relationship)
      Remove the reference copy of the relationship from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or relationships that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      relationship - the instance to purge.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the relationship is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException one of the entities identified by the relationship is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or HomeRelationshipException the relationship belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or RelationshipConflictException the new relationship conflicts with an existing relationship. InvalidRelationshipException the new relationship has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeRelationshipReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse purgeRelationshipReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, Relationship relationship)
      Remove the reference copy of the relationship from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or relationships that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      relationship - the instance to purge.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException the relationship is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException one of the entities identified by the relationship is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or HomeRelationshipException the relationship belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or RelationshipConflictException the new relationship conflicts with an existing relationship. InvalidRelationshipException the new relationship has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • purgeRelationshipReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse purgeRelationshipReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      Remove the reference copy of the relationship from the local repository. This method can be used to remove reference copies from the local cohort, repositories that have left the cohort, or relationships that have come from open metadata archives.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      relationshipGUID - the unique identifier for the relationship.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier for the home repository for this relationship.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the relationship identifier is not recognized or HomeRelationshipException the relationship belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • refreshRelationshipReferenceCopy

      public VoidResponse refreshRelationshipReferenceCopy(String serverName, String userId, String relationshipGUID, String homeMetadataCollectionId, TypeDefValidationForRequest typeDefValidationForRequest)
      The local repository has requested that the repository that hosts the home metadata collection for the specified relationship sends out the details of this relationship so the local repository can create a reference copy.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      relationshipGUID - unique identifier of the relationship.
      homeMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier for the home repository for this relationship.
      typeDefValidationForRequest - information about the type used to confirm the right instance is specified.
      VoidResponse: void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or RelationshipNotKnownException the relationship identifier is not recognized or HomeRelationshipException the relationship belongs to the local repository so creating a reference copy would be invalid or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support instance reference copies or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • saveInstanceReferenceCopies

      public VoidResponse saveInstanceReferenceCopies(String serverName, String userId, InstanceGraphRequest instances)
      Save the entities and relationships supplied in the instance graph as a reference copies. The id of the home metadata collection is already set up in the instances. Any instances from the home metadata collection are ignored.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server.
      instances - instances to save
      void response or InvalidParameterException the relationship is null or RepositoryErrorException there is a problem communicating with the metadata repository where the metadata collection is stored or TypeErrorException the requested type is not known, or not supported in the metadata repository hosting the metadata collection or EntityNotKnownException one of the entities identified by the relationship is not found in the metadata collection or PropertyErrorException one or more of the requested properties are not defined, or have different characteristics in the TypeDef for this relationship's type or EntityConflictException the new entity conflicts with an existing entity or InvalidEntityException the new entity has invalid contents or RelationshipConflictException the new relationship conflicts with an existing relationship or InvalidRelationshipException the new relationship has invalid contents or FunctionNotSupportedException the repository does not support reference copies of instances or UserNotAuthorizedException the userId is not permitted to perform this operation.
    • getEnterpriseOMRSTopicConnection

      public ConnectionResponse getEnterpriseOMRSTopicConnection(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the connection for remote access to the enterprise topic connector. May be null if remote access to this topic is not configured in the OMAG Server.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server
      userId - unique identifier for requesting server
      null or connection object or InvalidParameterException unknown servername UserNotAuthorizedException unsupported userId RepositoryErrorException null local repository