All Implemented Interfaces:
ExternalIdentifiersInterface, MetadataElementInterface, MultiLanguageInterface, OpenMetadataTypesInterface, StewardshipRequestInterface, ValidMetadataValuesInterface

public class OpenMetadataStoreHandler extends OpenMetadataClientBase
OpenMetadataStoreHandler provides an interface to the open metadata store. This is part of the Governance Action Framework (GAF) and provides a comprehensive interface for working with all types of metadata, subject to the user's (and this OMAS's) security permissions. The interface supports search, maintenance of metadata elements, classifications and relationships plus the ability to raise incident reports and todos along with the ability to work with metadata valid values and translations.
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenMetadataStoreHandler

      public OpenMetadataStoreHandler(String serverName, String serverPlatformURLRoot, String serviceURLMarker, int maxPageSize) throws InvalidParameterException
      Create a new client with no authentication embedded in the HTTP request.
      serverName - name of the server to connect to
      serverPlatformURLRoot - the network address of the server running the OMAS REST services
      serviceURLMarker - url marker for the access service to call
      maxPageSize - maximum value allowed for page size
      InvalidParameterException - there is a problem creating the client-side components to issue any REST API calls.
    • OpenMetadataStoreHandler

      public OpenMetadataStoreHandler(String serverName, String serverPlatformURLRoot, String serviceURLMarker, String serverUserId, String serverPassword, int maxPageSize) throws InvalidParameterException
      Create a new client that passes userId and password in each HTTP request. This is the userId/password of the calling server. The end user's userId is sent on each request.
      serverName - name of the server to connect to
      serverPlatformURLRoot - the network address of the server running the OMAS REST services
      serviceURLMarker - url marker for the access service to call
      serverUserId - caller's userId embedded in all HTTP requests
      serverPassword - caller's password embedded in all HTTP requests
      maxPageSize - maximum value allowed for page size
      InvalidParameterException - there is a problem creating the client-side components to issue any REST API calls.