Interface StewardshipRequestInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
OpenMetadataClient, OpenMetadataClientBase, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreClient, OpenMetadataStoreHandler

public interface StewardshipRequestInterface
StewardshipRequestInterface defines methods that are used to request help for a situation that the caller can not handle.
  • Method Details

    • createIncidentReport

      String createIncidentReport(String userId, String qualifiedName, int domainIdentifier, String background, List<IncidentImpactedElement> impactedResources, List<IncidentDependency> previousIncidents, Map<String,Integer> incidentClassifiers, Map<String,String> additionalProperties, String originatorGUID) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create an incident report to capture the situation detected by the caller. This incident report will be processed by other governance activities.
      userId - caller's userId
      qualifiedName - unique identifier to give this new incident report
      domainIdentifier - governance domain associated with this action (0=ALL)
      background - description of the situation
      impactedResources - details of the resources impacted by this situation
      previousIncidents - links to previous incident reports covering this situation
      incidentClassifiers - initial classifiers for the incident report
      additionalProperties - additional arbitrary properties for the incident reports
      originatorGUID - the unique identifier of the person or process that created the incident
      unique identifier of the resulting incident report
      InvalidParameterException - null or non-unique qualified name for the incident report
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the userId is not permitted to perform this operation
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem with the metadata store
    • openToDo

      String openToDo(String userId, String qualifiedName, String title, String instructions, String category, int priority, Date dueDate, Map<String,String> additionalProperties, String assignToGUID, String sponsorGUID, String originatorGUID, List<NewActionTarget> actionTargets) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a "To Do" request for someone to work on.
      userId - caller's userId
      qualifiedName - unique name for the to do. (Could be the engine name and a guid?)
      title - short meaningful phrase for the person receiving the request
      instructions - further details on what to do
      category - a category of to dos (for example, "data error", "access request")
      priority - priority value (based on organization's scale)
      dueDate - date/time this needs to be completed
      additionalProperties - additional arbitrary properties for the incident reports
      assignToGUID - unique identifier of the Actor element for the recipient
      sponsorGUID - unique identifier of the element that describes the rule, project that this is on behalf of
      originatorGUID - unique identifier of the source of the to do
      actionTargets - the list of elements that should be acted upon
      unique identifier of new to do element
      InvalidParameterException - either todoQualifiedName or assignedTo are null or not recognized
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the userId is not permitted to perform this operation
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem connecting to (or inside) the metadata store