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DataStage Adapter

Integrating with Egeria

Integrating with Egeria

The IBM DataStage connector is implemented as a data engine proxy that runs through the Egeria OMAG Platform (server chassis). It does so by being implemented as a Data Engine Connector and implementing the methods defined by this connector's interface.

Integrating with DataStage

Just like the IBM Information Governance Catalog connector, all communication occurs through IBM Information Server's REST API and the connector only supports reading metadata. All write operations can only be done by a user directly through IBM Information Server's supported web UIs or thick clients.


Read-only data engine proxy connector

Poll-based change retrieval (no events)

Integrates column-level lineage information from IBM Information Server

Creates a process hierarchy in Egeria

  • each sequence is a process
  • each job is a process, with each sequence it appears in as a parent process
  • each stage is a process, with the job it is contained in as a parent process

Configurable operation

  • inclusion / exclusion of virtual assets
  • maximum window of changes to include in each poll


Unable to detect or communicate the deletion of jobs

Some specific elements and scenarios may not yet be handled

For example:

  • shared containers
  • nested sequences
  • routines
  • custom operators