Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetowner.api

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetowner.api
The API package defines the Java interfaces supported by the Asset Owner OMAS. These Java interfaces wrap the REST API calls to the server and the asynchronous event passing through Asset Owner OMAS's Out Topic.
  • Class
    The AssetCertificationInterface provides the ability to manage the certification types that can be associated with elements.
    The AssetClassificationInterface is used by the asset owner to add classifications and detailed definitions to the asset.
    AssetCollaborationInterface defines the operations to manage comments snd note logs attached to assets and their attachments.
    The CollectionManagementInterface adds methods for managing collections that can be attached to assets and their related elements.
    ManageConnections provides methods to define connections and their supporting objects The interface supports the following types of objects Connections - the connections used to create connector instances that can access the connection. ConnectorTypes - description of a specific that can be used to access the connection. ConnectorCategories - the network information needed to access the connection. Endpoints - the network information needed to access the connection.
    The AssetDecommissioningInterface covers the steps that the asset owner needs to perform at the end of life of the asset.
    AssetKnowledgeInterface provides basic information about the types of access supported in the open metadata ecosystem
    The AssetLicenseInterface supports the management of the types of licenses (terms and conditions) associated with elements.
    AssetOnboardingAvroFileInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about an Avro file asset.
    AssetOnboardingCSVFileInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about a CSV file asset.
    AssetOnboardingFileSystem provides specialist methods for building up folder structures for a file system and cataloguing the files within them.
    AssetOnboardingInterface provides the client-side interface for an asset owner to set up the metadata about their asset.
    AssetOnboardingValidValues provides the API operations to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
    AssetOwnerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Asset Owner OMAS
    AssetOwnerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Owner OMAS.
    The AssetReviewInterface is used by the asset owner to review the state of the asset including any quality and usage metrics associated with the asset.
    The ExternalReferencesInterface is used by the governance team to define external references to elements within the governance program.
    Defines the interface that is common to multiple element types