Enum Class OMAGAdminErrorCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<OMAGAdminErrorCode>, Constable, ExceptionMessageSet

public enum OMAGAdminErrorCode extends Enum<OMAGAdminErrorCode> implements ExceptionMessageSet
The OMAGAdminErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur within the OMAG Server It is used in conjunction with OMAG Exceptions, both Checked and Runtime (unchecked). The 5 fields in the enum are:
  • HTTP Error Code - for translating between REST and JAVA - Typically the numbers used are:
    • 500 - internal error
    • 501 - not implemented
    • 503 - service not available
    • 400 - invalid parameters
    • 401 - unauthorized
    • 404 - not found
    • 405 - method not allowed
    • 409 - data conflict errors - eg item already defined
  • Error Message Identifier - to uniquely identify the message
  • Error Message Text - includes placeholder to allow additional values to be captured
  • SystemAction - describes the result of the error
  • UserAction - describes how a user should correct the error
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-006 - Unable to configure server {0} since access service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-005 - Unable to configure server {0} since access service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-404-100 - The {0} audit log destination connection name does not exist, so the requested {1} operation cannot proceed
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-013 - The OMAG server {0} is not able to open its configuration file {1} due to the following error: {2} which included a message {3}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-024 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed an invalid value of {1} in the {2} property.
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-041 - The connection passed to the {0} method does not describe a valid connector.
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-014 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed an invalid maximum page size of {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-026 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connector.
    OMAG-ADMIN-500-003 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connection because the connector provider is incorrect.
    OMAG-ADMIN-503-001 - A client-side exception was received from API call {0} to OMAG Server Platform at {1}.
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-033 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to override the cohort topic until the {1} cohort is set up
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-034 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to override the cohort topic for the {1} cohort because the contents of the topic connection do not follow the expected pattern
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-012 Unable to parse configuration document for OMAG server {0} due to exception {1} with message {2}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-019 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a configuration document that has no services configured
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-047 - Unable to configure server {0} since engine service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-046 - Unable to configure server {0} since engine service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-023 - The configuration document for OMAG server {0} is at version {1} which is not compatible with this OMAG Server Platform which supports versions {2}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-002 - OMAG Server Platform was requested to start OMAG Server {0} but the configuration document retrieved for it has the server name set to {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-031 - The configuration document for server {0} includes configuration for a {1} but also has configuration for the {2} subsystem which is not a compatible combination
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-052 - Unable to configure an event mapper for OMAG server {0} because its local repository mode is set to {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-008 - The local repository mode has not been set for OMAG server {0}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-032 - The supplied configuration for server {0} was not accepted because there is no value provided for property {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-011 No configuration document was found for OMAG server {0}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-025 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed a null enterprise OMRS topic for server {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-017 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to add open metadata services until the event bus is configured
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-020 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null root URL for the remote {2} access service
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-021 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null server name for the remote {2} access service
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-038 - OMAG server {0} has been called by {1} with a null client config
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-007 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null cohort name
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-027 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a null connection for method {1}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-022 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null file name for an Open Metadata Archive
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-001 - OMAG server has been called with a null local server name
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-003 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null local server user identifier (userId)
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-018 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a null metadata collection name
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-040 - The {0} service of server {1} has been configured with a null name for the remote server
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-039 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null root URL for its remote OMAG Server
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-028 - The OMAG Server Platform has been called with a null connection for method {0}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-105 - The {0} property in the configuration for server {1} is null
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-010 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed a configuration document with no open metadata repository services configuration
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-009 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed null configuration
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-045 - The {0} service of server {1} has been configured with a null service URL marker
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-004 - A REST API call to OMAG server {0} has been made with a null user identifier (userId)
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-043 - A retrieve all configurations has been attempted, but operation is not supported by the configuration store connector
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-016 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to set up new event bus configuration because other services are already configured
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-044 - User {0} has attempted to obtain a server config store to be able to retrieve the OMAG server stored configurations but an error occurred
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-035 - Unable to classify the type of server for OMAG server {0} from its configuration document
    OMAG-ADMIN-500-001 - Method {1} for OMAG server {0} returned an unexpected {2} exception with message {3}
    OMAG-ADMIN-500-004 - The {0} service detected an unexpected {1} exception with message {2} during initialization
    OMAG-ADMIN-500-002 - Method {0} returned an unexpected {1} exception with message {2}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-042 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) has been passed an invalid configuration of {1} in the {2} property
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-051 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for server {1} requires a max page size of at least {2}, but was configured with {3}
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-037 - Unable to configure server {0} since view service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform
    OMAG-ADMIN-400-036 - Unable to configure server {0} since view service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve a message definition object for an exception.
    Retrieve a message definition object for an exception.
    JSON-style toString
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_LOCAL_SERVER_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-001 - OMAG server has been called with a null local server name

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_NAMES
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-002 - OMAG Server Platform was requested to start OMAG Server {0} but the configuration document retrieved for it has the server name set to {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_LOCAL_SERVER_USERID
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-003 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null local server user identifier (userId)

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_USER_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-004 - A REST API call to OMAG server {0} has been made with a null user identifier (userId)

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode ACCESS_SERVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-005 - Unable to configure server {0} since access service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode ACCESS_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-006 - Unable to configure server {0} since access service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_COHORT_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-007 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null cohort name

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode LOCAL_REPOSITORY_MODE_NOT_SET
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-008 - The local repository mode has not been set for OMAG server {0}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_SERVER_CONFIG
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-009 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed null configuration

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_REPOSITORY_CONFIG
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-010 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed a configuration document with no open metadata repository services configuration

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NO_CONFIG_DOCUMENT
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-011 No configuration document was found for OMAG server {0}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode CONFIG_DOCUMENT_PARSE_ERROR
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-012 Unable to parse configuration document for OMAG server {0} due to exception {1} with message {2}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_CONFIG_FILE
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-013 - The OMAG server {0} is not able to open its configuration file {1} due to the following error: {2} which included a message {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_MAX_PAGE_SIZE
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-014 - The OMAG server {0} has been passed an invalid maximum page size of {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode TOO_LATE_TO_SET_EVENT_BUS
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-016 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to set up new event bus configuration because other services are already configured

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NO_EVENT_BUS_SET
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-017 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to add open metadata services until the event bus is configured

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_METADATA_COLLECTION_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-018 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a null metadata collection name

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode EMPTY_CONFIGURATION
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-019 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a configuration document that has no services configured

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_ACCESS_SERVICE_ROOT_URL
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-020 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null root URL for the remote {2} access service

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_ACCESS_SERVICE_SERVER_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-021 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null server name for the remote {2} access service

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_FILE_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-022 - OMAG server {0} has been configured with a null file name for an Open Metadata Archive

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode INCOMPATIBLE_CONFIG_FILE
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-023 - The configuration document for OMAG server {0} is at version {1} which is not compatible with this OMAG Server Platform which supports versions {2}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_CONFIG_PROPERTIES
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-024 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed an invalid value of {1} in the {2} property. The resulting {3} exception included the following message: {4}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NO_ENTERPRISE_TOPIC
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-025 - The {0} Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) has been passed a null enterprise OMRS topic for server {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_TOPIC_CONNECTOR
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-026 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connector. The error message was {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_CONNECTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-027 - OMAG server {0} has been called with a null connection for method {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_PLATFORM_CONNECTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-028 - The OMAG Server Platform has been called with a null connection for method {0}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode INCOMPATIBLE_SUBSYSTEMS
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-031 - The configuration document for server {0} includes configuration for a {1} but also has configuration for the {2} subsystem which is not a compatible combination

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode MISSING_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-032 - The supplied configuration for server {0} was not accepted because there is no value provided for property {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode COHORT_NOT_KNOWN
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-033 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to override the cohort topic until the {1} cohort is set up

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode COHORT_TOPIC_STRANGE
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-034 - The OMAG server {0} is unable to override the cohort topic for the {1} cohort because the contents of the topic connection do not follow the expected pattern

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode UNCLASSIFIABLE_SERVER
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-035 - Unable to classify the type of server for OMAG server {0} from its configuration document

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode VIEW_SERVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-036 - Unable to configure server {0} since view service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode VIEW_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-037 - Unable to configure server {0} since view service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_CLIENT_CONFIG
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-038 - OMAG server {0} has been called by {1} with a null client config

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_OMAG_SERVER_ROOT_URL
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-039 - The {0} service of OMAG server {1} has been configured with a null root URL for its remote OMAG Server

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_OMAG_SERVER_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-040 - The {0} service of server {1} has been configured with a null name for the remote server

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_CONNECTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-041 - The connection passed to the {0} method does not describe a valid connector. Connection object is: {1}. The resulting exception {2} had message of {3}, system action of {4} and user action of {5}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode VIEW_SERVICE_CONFIG
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-042 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) has been passed an invalid configuration of {1} in the {2} property

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode RETRIEVE_ALL_CONFIGS_NOT_SUPPORTED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-043 - A retrieve all configurations has been attempted, but operation is not supported by the configuration store connector

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_SERVER_CONFIG_STORE
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-044 - User {0} has attempted to obtain a server config store to be able to retrieve the OMAG server stored configurations but an error occurred

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_SERVICE_URL_MARKER
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-045 - The {0} service of server {1} has been configured with a null service URL marker

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode ENGINE_SERVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-046 - Unable to configure server {0} since engine service {1} is not registered in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode ENGINE_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-047 - Unable to configure server {0} since engine service {1} is not enabled in this OMAG Server Platform

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode VIEW_SERVICE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE_TOO_LOW
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-051 - The {0} Open Metadata View Service (OMVS) for server {1} requires a max page size of at least {2}, but was configured with {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode LOCAL_REPOSITORY_MODE_NOT_PROXY
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-052 - Unable to configure an event mapper for OMAG server {0} because its local repository mode is set to {1}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode NULL_PROPERTY_NAME
      OMAG-ADMIN-400-105 - The {0} property in the configuration for server {1} is null

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode AUDIT_LOG_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND
      OMAG-ADMIN-404-100 - The {0} audit log destination connection name does not exist, so the requested {1} operation cannot proceed

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-500-001 - Method {1} for OMAG server {0} returned an unexpected {2} exception with message {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode UNEXPECTED_PLATFORM_EXCEPTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-500-002 - Method {0} returned an unexpected {1} exception with message {2}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode BAD_TOPIC_CONNECTOR_PROVIDER
      OMAG-ADMIN-500-003 - Method {0} called on behalf of the {1} service detected a {2} exception when creating an open metadata topic connection because the connector provider is incorrect. The error message was {3}

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION
      OMAG-ADMIN-500-004 - The {0} service detected an unexpected {1} exception with message {2} during initialization

      public static final OMAGAdminErrorCode CLIENT_SIDE_REST_API_ERROR
      OMAG-ADMIN-503-001 - A client-side exception was received from API call {0} to OMAG Server Platform at {1}. The error message was {2}
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static OMAGAdminErrorCode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static OMAGAdminErrorCode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getMessageDefinition

      public ExceptionMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition()
      Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are no message inserts.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface ExceptionMessageSet
      message definition object.
    • getMessageDefinition

      public ExceptionMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition(String... params)
      Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are values to be inserted into the message.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface ExceptionMessageSet
      params - array of parameters (all strings). They are inserted into the message according to the numbering in the message text.
      message definition object.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      JSON-style toString
      toString in class Enum<OMAGAdminErrorCode>
      string of property names and values for this enum