Class OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder

Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationBuilder, AnnotationReviewBuilder, ContactDetailsBuilder, EmbeddedConnectionBuilder, InformalTagBuilder, IntegrationReportBuilder, ITInfrastructureBuilder, LikeBuilder, MetadataElementBuilder, RatingBuilder, ReferenceableBuilder, SearchKeywordBuilder

public class OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder extends Object
OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder provides the common functions for building new entities, relationships and classifications. Subtypes push details of their classifications to this supertype. They manage their instance properties.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder

      public OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder(String typeGUID, String typeName, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Constructor for working with classifications.
      typeGUID - type GUID to use for the entity
      typeName - type name to use for the entity
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
    • OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder

      protected OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder(String typeGUID, String typeName, Map<String,Object> extendedProperties, InstanceStatus instanceStatus, List<Classification> existingClassifications, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Constructor for type specific creates.
      typeGUID - type GUID to use for the entity
      typeName - type name to use for the entity
      extendedProperties - properties for the sub ype (if any)
      instanceStatus - status to use on the request
      existingClassifications - classifications that are currently stored
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
    • OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder

      protected OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder(String typeGUID, String typeName, Map<String,Object> extendedProperties, InstanceStatus instanceStatus, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<Classification> existingClassifications, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Constructor for type specific creates.
      typeGUID - type GUID to use for the entity
      typeName - type name to use for the entity
      extendedProperties - properties for the subtype (if any)
      instanceStatus - status to use on the request
      effectiveFrom - date to make the element active in the governance program (null for now)
      effectiveTo - date to remove the element from the governance program (null = until deleted)
      existingClassifications - classifications that are currently stored
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
  • Method Details

    • setClassification

      public void setClassification(Classification newClassification)
      Add a classification to the entity. This overrides any existing value for this classification.
      newClassification - classification object ready for the repository
    • isClassificationSet

      public boolean isClassificationSet(String classificationName)
      Return whether a particular classification has been set up by the caller.
      classificationName - name of the classification to test for
    • setTemplateClassifications

      public void setTemplateClassifications(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, List<Classification> templateClassifications, Map<String,String> placeholderProperties, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Set up the list of classifications from a template entity.
      userId - calling user
      externalSourceGUID - guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for local
      externalSourceName - name of the software capability entity that represented the external source
      templateClassifications - list of classifications from the template
      placeholderProperties - map of placeholder names to placeholder values to substitute into the template properties
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - the type of one of the classifications is not supported
    • setTemplateSubstitute

      public void setTemplateSubstitute(String userId, String methodName) throws PropertyServerException
      Set up the "TemplateSubstitute" classification for this entity. This is used when a new entity is being created, and it is known to be created as a template substitute.
      userId - calling user
      methodName - calling method
      PropertyServerException - a null anchors GUID has been supplied
    • setAnchors

      public void setAnchors(String userId, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, String methodName) throws PropertyServerException
      Set up the "Anchors" classification for this entity. This is used when a new entity is being created, and it is known to be connected to a specific anchor.
      userId - calling user
      anchorGUID - unique identifier of the anchor entity that this entity is linked to directly or indirectly
      anchorTypeName - unique identifier of the anchor entity's type
      anchorDomainName - unique identifier of the anchor entity's domain
      methodName - calling method
      PropertyServerException - a null anchors GUID has been supplied
    • setEffectivityDates

      public void setEffectivityDates(Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo)
      Set up the effective dates for the entity. This determines
      effectiveFrom - date that the element is effective from
      effectiveTo - date that the element is effective to
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Return the bean's type name
      string name
    • getTypeGUID

      public String getTypeGUID()
      Return the bean's type id
      string id
    • getInstanceStatus

      public InstanceStatus getInstanceStatus()
      Return the status that this entity should be created with.
      instance status enum
    • getInstanceProperties

      public InstanceProperties getInstanceProperties(String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Return the supplied bean properties in an InstanceProperties object.
      methodName - name of the calling method
      InstanceProperties object
      InvalidParameterException - there is a problem with the properties
    • getInstanceProperties

      public InstanceProperties getInstanceProperties(Map<String,InstancePropertyValue> propertyMap, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo) throws InvalidParameterException
      Return the properties based on the parameters supplied. This is typically used for relationship and classification properties.
      propertyMap - map of property names to values
      effectiveFrom - date to make the element active in the governance program (null for now)
      effectiveTo - date to remove the element from the governance program (null = until deleted)
      repository services properties
      InvalidParameterException - problem mapping properties
    • updateInstanceProperties

      protected InstanceProperties updateInstanceProperties(InstanceProperties properties, Map<String,InstancePropertyValue> propertyMap) throws InvalidParameterException
      Add the supplied properties to the supplied instance properties object.
      properties - current accumulated properties
      propertyMap - map of property names to values
      repository services properties
      InvalidParameterException - problem mapping properties
    • setEffectivityDates

      protected InstanceProperties setEffectivityDates(InstanceProperties properties)
      Set the supplied effectivity dates into the instance properties.
      properties - current accumulated properties
      augmented instance properties
    • getEntityClassifications

      public List<Classification> getEntityClassifications()
      Return a list of entity classifications that can be stored in the metadata repository.
      list of entity classification objects