Package org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers

package org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers
The generic handlers provide services to translate OMAS requests built around that service's private beans into calls to the repository services (through the repository handler). The aim is to reduce the coding needed in the specific handlers used by the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs) and ensuring security and visibility of assets and other sensitive objects are managed correctly. The OMAS is responsible for providing the bean implementation and a converter object that can convert the content of entities and relationships retrieved through the repository services into the OMAS's beans. The generic handlers take simple properties on create and update methods. They pack these properties into InstanceProperties objects and then pass them to the repository services to update the relevant entities/relationships/classifications in the repository. When instances are retrieved through the repository services, the generic handlers use the OMAS's converters to return the appropriate beans to return on the API. The generic handlers also support the linking and unlinking of entities in the repositories through the maintenance of relationships as well as managing classifications. A key part of the capability of the generic handlers is to manage the authorization calls to Open Metadata Security verifier and to ensure assets (and any linked entities that are anchored to it making them logically part of its lifecycle) are only visible when they are members of the supported zones. Finally, the generic handlers maintain the LatestChange classification on anchor Referenceables and the Anchors classification vor all entities that are anchored to a referenceable.
  • Classes
    ActorProfileBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an actor profile.
    ActorProfileHandler provides the exchange of metadata about actor profiles between the repository and the OMAS.
    AnnotationBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe an Open Discovery Framework (ODF) Annotation.
    AnnotationHandler manages the storage and retrieval of metadata relating to annotations as defined in the Survey Action Framework (ODF).
    AnnotationReviewBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe an Governance Action Framework (GAF) AnnotationReview and the link to the annotation.
    APIOperationHandler provides the exchange of metadata about APIOperation schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
    APIParameterListHandler provides the exchange of metadata about APIParameterList schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
    AssetBuilder creates the parts of a root repository entity for an asset.
    AssetHandler manages B objects and optionally connections in the property server.
    CertificationHandler manages Certification objects.
    CollectionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a collection.
    CollectionHandler provides the exchange of metadata about collections between the repository and the OMAS.
    CommentBuilder is able to build the properties for a Comment entity.
    CommentHandler manages Comment objects.
    CommunityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a community.
    CommunityHandler provides the exchange of metadata about communities between the repository and the OMAS.
    ConnectionBuilder is able to build the properties for both a Connection entity and a VirtualConnection entity.
    ConnectionConverter transfers the relevant properties from some Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) EntityDetail and Relationship objects into a Connection bean (or a VirtualConnection bean).
    ConnectionHandler manages Connection objects.
    ConnectorTypeBuilder is able to build the properties for an ConnectorType entity from an ConnectorType bean.
    ConnectorTypeHandler manages ConnectorType objects.
    ContactDetailsBuilder is able to build the properties for a ContactDetails entity.
    ContactDetailHandler manages the ContactDetails entity.
    ContributionRecordBuilder is able to build the properties for a ContributionRecord entity.
    ContributionRecordHandler manages the ContributionRecord entity that records the karma points for an individual.
    Handler for data fields which are part of discovery reports.
    DisplayDataContainerHandler manages the schemas for display data containers.
    EmbeddedConnectionBuilder is able to build the properties for the relationship between a connection and its embedded connections.
    EndpointHandler manages Endpoint objects.
    EngineActionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an engine action.
    EngineActionHandler manages EngineAction objects from the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
    EventTypeHandler provides the exchange of metadata about EventType schema types between the repository and the OMAS.
    ExternalIdentifierHandler manages ExternalIdentifier objects.
    ExternalReferenceBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an external reference.
    ExternalReferenceHandler manages ExternalReference objects.
    ExternalReferenceLinkHandler manages retrieval of ExternalReference objects attached to a specific element.
    FilesAndFoldersHandler provides the support for managing catalog entries about files and folders.
    GlossaryBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a glossary.
    GlossaryCategoryBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a glossary category.
    GlossaryCategoryHandler provides the exchange of metadata about glossary categories between the repository and the OMAS.
    GlossaryHandler provides the exchange of metadata about glossaries between the repository and the OMAS.
    GlossaryTermBuilder is able to build the properties for a GlossaryTerm entity from a GlossaryTerm bean.
    GlossaryTermHandler retrieves Glossary Term objects from the property server.
    GovernanceActionProcessStepBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance action process step.
    GovernanceActionProcessStepHandler manages GovernanceActionProcessStep entities and their relationships.
    GovernanceActionTypeBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance action type.
    GovernanceActionTypeHandler manages GovernanceActionType entities and their relationships.
    GovernanceDefinitionBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance definition.
    GovernanceDefinitionHandler provides the exchange of metadata about definition definitions between the repository and the OMAS.
    GovernanceDomainBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a GovernanceDomainDescription.
    GovernanceDomainHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governance domains between the repository and the OMAS.
    GovernanceMetricBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance metric.
    GovernanceMetricHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governanceMetrics between the repository and the OMAS.
    GovernanceZoneBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a governance zone definition.
    GovernanceZoneHandler provides the exchange of metadata about governance zones between the repository and the OMAS.
    InformalTagBuilder is able to build the properties for an InformalTag entity.
    InformalTagHandler manages InformalTag objects.
    ITInfrastructureBuilder provides the builder functions for classifications and relationships.
    OperatingPlatformHandler provides the exchange of metadata about hosts, software server platforms and software servers between the repository and the OMAS.
    LicenseHandler manages License objects.
    LikeBuilder is able to build the properties for a Like entity.
    LikeHandler provides access and maintenance for Like objects and their attachment to Referenceables.
    LocationBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a location.
    LocationHandler manages Location objects.
    NoteBuilder is able to build the properties for a Note entity.
    NoteLogHandler manages NoteLog objects.
    NoteLogBuilder is able to build the properties for a NoteLog entity.
    NoteLogHandler manages NoteLog objects.
    OCFConverter provides the generic methods for the OCF beans converters.
    OpenMetadataAPIDummyBean is a dummy class for use with Generic Handlers when there is not need to return a real bean
    OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter provides the generic methods for the bean converters used to provide translation between specific Open Metadata API beans and the repository services API beans.
    OpenMetadataAPIGenericBuilder provides the common functions for building new entities, relationships and classifications.
    OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter provides the generic methods for the bean converters used to provide translation between specific Open Metadata API beans and the repository services API beans.
    OpenMetadataAPIGenericHandler manages the exchange of Open Metadata API Bean content with the repository services (via the repository handler).
    The properties for an Anchors classification.
    OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler provides the common properties for the generic handlers.
    OpenMetadataAPITemplateHandler provides the methods for managing the creation of elements using templates.
    OperatingPlatformBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents an operating platform (model 0030).
    OperatingPlatformHandler provides the exchange of metadata about operating platforms between the repository and the OMAS.
    PersonRoleBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a person role plus manages the properties for the relationships.
    PersonRoleHandler provides the exchange of metadata about roles between the repository and the OMAS.
    PortBuilder is able to build the properties for a Port entity.
    Manages the maintenance of port entities.
    ProcessBuilder creates the parts of a root repository entity for a process.
    ProcessHandler provides the methods to create and maintain processes and their contents.
    ProjectBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a Project.
    ProjectHandler provides the exchange of metadata about projects between the repository and the OMAS.
    PropertyFacetBuilder is able to build the properties for a SearchKeyword entity.
    RatingBuilder is able to build the properties for a Rating entity.
    RatingHandler manages the Rating entity.
    ReferenceableBuilder creates Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) objects based on the bean properties supplied in the constructor.
    ReferenceableHandler manages methods on generic referenceables.
    ReferenceDataHandler provides the methods to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.
    RelatedAssetHandler manages B objects and optionally connections in the property server.
    RelatedMediaHandler manages RelatedMedia objects.
    RelationalDataHandler manages the assets and schemas for relational data.
    ODFConverter provides the generic methods for the Data Manager beans converters.
    SchemaAttributeBuilder creates instance properties for a schema attribute.
    SchemaAttributeHandler manages Schema Attribute objects.
    SchemaTypeBuilder manages the properties for a schema type.
    SchemaTypeHandler manages SchemaType objects.
    SearchKeywordBuilder is able to build the properties for a SearchKeyword entity.
    SearchKeywordHandler manages SearchKeyword objects.
    SoftwareCapabilityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a software capability.
    SoftwareCapabilityHandler provides the support for managing software capabilities.
    SubjectAreaBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a subject area definition.
    SubjectAreaHandler provides the exchange of metadata about subject areas between the repository and the OMAS.
    SurveyReportBuilder supports the creation of the entities and relationships that describe a Survey Analysis Framework (SAF) Survey Report.
    SurveyReportHandler manages the storage and retrieval of metadata relating to survey reports as defined in the Survey Analysis Framework (SAF).
    UserIdentityBuilder creates the parts for an entity that represents a user identity.
    UserIdentityHandler provides the exchange of metadata about users between the repository and the OMAS.
    ValidValuesBuilder is used to manage the properties of a valid values set and definition.
    ValidValuesHandler provides the methods to create and maintain lists of valid value definitions grouped into a valid value set.