Class OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler<B>

Type Parameters:
B - bean class
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler<B> extends OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler<B>
OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler provides the common properties for the generic handlers.
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler

      public OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog)
      Construct the handler information needed to interact with the repository services
      converter - specific converter for this bean class
      beanClass - name of bean class that is represented by the generic class B
      serviceName - name of this service
      serverName - name of the local server
      invalidParameterHandler - handler for managing parameter errors
      repositoryHandler - manages calls to the repository services
      repositoryHelper - provides utilities for manipulating the repository services objects
      localServerUserId - userId for this server
      securityVerifier - open metadata security services verifier
      supportedZones - list of zones that the access service is allowed to serve Asset instances from.
      defaultZones - list of zones that the access service should set in all new Asset instances.
      publishZones - list of zones that the access service sets up in published Asset instances.
      auditLog - destination for audit log events.
  • Method Details

    • getAnchorGUIDFromAnchorsClassification

      public OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler.AnchorIdentifiers getAnchorGUIDFromAnchorsClassification(EntitySummary connectToEntity, String methodName)
      Retrieve the anchorGUID property from the Anchors classification if present. A null is returned if the Anchors classification is missing, or the property is missing from the classification or is null.
      connectToEntity - entity containing the classifications
      methodName - calling method
      anchorGUID or null
    • getDomainName

      public String getDomainName(EntitySummary instance)
      Return the domain name of an entity.
      instance - entity
      domain name
    • getDomainName

      public String getDomainName(String typeName)
      Return the domain name of a type.
      typeName - type to check
      domain name
    • getAnchorGUIDForEntity

      public OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler.AnchorIdentifiers getAnchorGUIDForEntity(EntityDetail connectToEntity, String connectToGUIDParameterName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws PropertyServerException, InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException
      Retrieve the anchor guid for an entity. Ths is in two phases. If the connectToEntity has an Anchors classification then the anchor information is extracted from that classification. If there is on Anchors classification then a new one is derived and added to the connectToEntity for the next time it is retrieved.
      connectToEntity - entity retrieved from the repository
      connectToGUIDParameterName - name of the parameter that passed the connectTo guid
      forLineage - the query is to support lineage retrieval
      forDuplicateProcessing - the query is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      anchor identifiers
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem accessing the properties in the repositories.
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • addAnchorsClassification

      public void addAnchorsClassification(String userId, EntityDetail anchoredElement, String anchoredElementGUIDParameterName, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException, InvalidParameterException
      Classify an element with the Anchors classification.
      userId - calling user
      anchoredElement - element to add the classification to
      anchoredElementGUIDParameterName - name of parameter
      anchorGUID - unique identifier of the anchor
      anchorTypeName - unique name of the type of the anchor
      anchorDomainName - unique name of the type of the anchor
      forLineage - the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returned
      forDuplicateProcessing - the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicate
      effectiveTime - the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      PropertyServerException - problem accessing property server
      UserNotAuthorizedException - security access problem