Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AssetBuilder extends ReferenceableBuilder
AssetBuilder creates the parts of a root repository entity for an asset.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetBuilder

      protected AssetBuilder(OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Creation constructor used when working with classifications
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
    • AssetBuilder

      protected AssetBuilder(String typeGUID, String typeName, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Subtype constructor used when working with classifications
      typeGUID - unique identifier for the type of this asset
      typeName - unique name for the type of this asset
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
    • AssetBuilder

      protected AssetBuilder(String qualifiedName, String technicalName, String versionIdentifier, String technicalDescription, String deployedImplementationType, Map<String,String> additionalProperties, String typeGUID, String typeName, Map<String,Object> extendedProperties, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Constructor supporting all entity properties. (Classifications are added separately.)
      qualifiedName - unique name
      technicalName - new value for the name
      versionIdentifier - new value for the versionIdentifier
      technicalDescription - new description for the asset
      deployedImplementationType - technology type
      additionalProperties - additional properties
      typeGUID - unique identifier for the type of this asset
      typeName - unique name for the type of this asset
      extendedProperties - properties from the subtype
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
    • AssetBuilder

      protected AssetBuilder(String qualifiedName, String technicalName, String versionIdentifier, String technicalDescription, String deployedImplementationType, Map<String,String> additionalProperties, String typeGUID, String typeName, Map<String,Object> extendedProperties, InstanceStatus initialStatus, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      Constructor supporting all entity properties. (Classifications are added separately.)
      qualifiedName - unique name
      technicalName - new value for the name
      versionIdentifier - new value for the versionIdentifier
      technicalDescription - new description for the asset
      deployedImplementationType - technology type
      additionalProperties - additional properties
      typeGUID - unique identifier for the type of this asset
      typeName - unique name for the type of this asset
      extendedProperties - properties from the subtype
      initialStatus - status used to create the asset
      repositoryHelper - helper methods
      serviceName - name of this OMAS
      serverName - name of local server
  • Method Details

    • setAssetZones

      protected void setAssetZones(String userId, List<String> zoneMembership, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Set up the AssetZones classification for this entity. This method overrides an previously defined AssetZones classification for this entity.
      userId - calling user
      zoneMembership - list of zone names for the zones this asset is a member of
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - AssetZones is not supported in the local repository, or any repository connected by an open metadata repository cohort
    • setAssetOwnership

      protected void setAssetOwnership(String userId, String owner, int ownerType, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Set up the AssetOwnership classification for this entity. This method overrides an previously defined AssetOwnership classification for this entity.
      userId - calling user
      owner - name of the owner.
      ownerType - Enum ordinal for type of owner - 0=userId; 1= profileId; 99=other.
      methodName - calling method
      InvalidParameterException - AssetOwnership is not supported in the local repository, or any repository connected by an open metadata repository cohort
    • getInstanceProperties

      public InstanceProperties getInstanceProperties(String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Return the supplied bean properties in an InstanceProperties object.
      getInstanceProperties in class ReferenceableBuilder
      methodName - name of the calling method
      InstanceProperties object
      InvalidParameterException - there is a problem with the properties