All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstanceProperties extends InstanceElementHeader
The InstanceProperties class provides support for properties to be added to an entity, classification or relationship instances. These properties are maintained by the consumers of metadata (typically the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs). There are some fixed properties that are available on all instances. These are:
  • effectiveFromTime: Date/Time when the instance should be used. If this value is null then the instance can be used as soon as it is created.
  • effectiveToTime: Date/Time when the instance should not longer be used. If this is null then the instance can be used until it is deleted.
Then there are variable properties that are defined in the TypeDefs. They are managed in a java.util.Map map object built around HashMap. The property name (or domain) of the map is the name of the property. The property value (or range) of the map is a subclass of InstancePropertyValue depending on the type of the property:
  • PrimitivePropertyValue: for primitives such as strings and numbers. The full list of primitives are given in PrimitiveDefCategory.
  • EnumPropertyValue: for properties with a type consisting of an enumeration of valid values. Each
  • StructPropertyValue: for properties that have a type of a complex structure (aka struct). The Struct can be thought of as a list of related properties.
  • MapPropertyValue: for properties that have a type of map. The map holds an unordered list of name-value pairs. The pairs are of the same type and the name for the pair is unique within the map.
  • ArrayPropertyValue: for properties that have a type of Array. This is an ordered list of values of the same type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      Version of the header used in this release
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • InstanceProperties

      public InstanceProperties()
      Typical constructor
    • InstanceProperties

      public InstanceProperties(InstanceProperties templateProperties)
      Copy/clone constructor.
      templateProperties - template object to copy.
  • Method Details

    • getEffectiveFromTime

      public Date getEffectiveFromTime()
      Return the date/time that this instance should start to be used (null means it can be used from creationTime).
      Date object
    • setEffectiveFromTime

      public void setEffectiveFromTime(Date effectiveFromTime)
      Set up the date/time that this instance should start to be used (null means it can be used from creationTime).
      effectiveFromTime - Date object
    • getEffectiveToTime

      public Date getEffectiveToTime()
      Return the date/time that this instance should no longer be used.
      Date object
    • setEffectiveToTime

      public void setEffectiveToTime(Date effectiveToTime)
      Set up the date/time that this instance should no longer be used.
      effectiveToTime - Date object
    • getInstanceProperties

      public Map<String,InstancePropertyValue> getInstanceProperties()
      Return the instance properties as a map.
      instance properties map.
    • setInstanceProperties

      public void setInstanceProperties(Map<String,InstancePropertyValue> instanceProperties)
      Set up the instance properties map.
      instanceProperties - map of name valued properties
    • getPropertyNames

      public Iterator<String> getPropertyNames()
      Returns a list of the instance properties for the element. If no stored properties are present then null is returned.
      list of properties
    • getPropertyValue

      public InstancePropertyValue getPropertyValue(String name)
      Returns the requested instance property for the element. If no stored property with that name is present then null is returned.
      name - String name of the property to return.
      requested property value.
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(String newPropertyName, InstancePropertyValue newPropertyValue)
      Adds or updates an instance property. If a null is supplied for the property name, an OMRS runtime exception is thrown. If a null is supplied for the property value, the property is removed.
      newPropertyName - name
      newPropertyValue - value
    • getPropertyCount

      public int getPropertyCount()
      Return the number of properties stored.
      int property count
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class Object
      JSON style description of variables.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Validate that an object is equal depending on their stored values.
      equals in class RepositoryElementHeader
      objectToCompare - object
      boolean result
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Return a hash code based on the values of this object.
      hashCode in class RepositoryElementHeader
      in hash code