ClassDescriptionArrayPropertyValue stores the values of an array within an entity or relationship properties.The Classification class stores information about a classification assigned to an entity.Capture the differences between classification instances.ClassificationEntityExtension is used to represent a single classification for an entity.ClassificationOrigin describes the provenance of a classification attached to an entity.General class for capturing differences.Defines the valid values for the differences.EntityDetail stores all the type-specific properties for the entity.Capture the differences between EntityDetail objects.EntityProxy summarizes an entity instance.Capture the differences between EntityProxy objects.EntitySummary provides the basic header attributes for an open metadata entity.Capture the differences between EntitySummary objects.An EnumPropertyValue stores the value for an enum property.InstanceAuditHeader manages the attributes that are common to classifications, entities and relationships.InstanceElementHeader provides a common base for all instance information from the metadata collection.InstanceGraph stores a subgraph of entities and relationships and provides methods to access its content.InstanceHeader manages the attributes that are common to entities and relationship instances.The InstanceProperties class provides support for properties to be added to an entity, classification or relationship instances.Capture the differences between instance properties.The InstancePropertyCategory defines the list of value types for the properties for open metadata.InstancePropertyValue provides a common class for holding an instance type and value.InstanceProvenanceType defines where the metadata comes from and, hence if it can be updated.The InstanceStatus defines the status of an instance (classification, relationship or an entity) in the metadata collection.InstanceType contains information from the instance's TypeDef that are useful for processing the instance.MapPropertyValue stores the values of a map within an entity, struct or relationship properties.PrimitivePropertyValue stores a single primitive property.Relationship is a POJO that manages the properties of an open metadata relationship.Capture the differences between relationship instances.StructPropertyValue supports the value part of property that is defined as a complex structure.