Class ValidValuesHandler<B>
- Direct Known Subclasses:
ValidValuesHandler provides the methods to create and maintain lists of valid
value definitions grouped into a valid value set. Both valid value definitions and valid value sets have
the same attributes and so inherit from ValidValue where all the attributes are defined.
A set is just grouping of valid values. Valid value definitions and set can be nested many times in other valid value sets.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
assetActionDescription, auditLog, beanClass, converter, defaultZones, errorHandler, invalidParameterHandler, localServerUserId, publishZones, qualifiedNamePropertyNamesList, repositoryHandler, repositoryHelper, securityVerifier, serverName, serviceName, supportedZones
Constructor Summary
(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler information needed to interact with the repository services -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String referenceableGUID, String attributeName, int confidence, String steward, String stewardTypeName, String stewardPropertyName, String notes, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Link a valid value as a reference value to a referencable to act as a tag/classification to help with locating and grouping the referenceable.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String consumerGUID, boolean strictRequirement, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Link a valid value typically to a schema element or glossary term to show that it uses the valid values.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValue1GUID, String validValue2GUID, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a link between two valid values that should be used together to populate or validate elements for consistency.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, String validValueGUID, boolean isDefaultValue, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a link between a valid value set or definition and a set.createValidValue
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String anchorGUID, String setGUID, String suppliedTypeName, boolean isDefaultValue, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, String preferredValue, String dataType, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value definition.createValidValue
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, String preferredValue, String dataType, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value set/definition.createValidValueDefinition
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, boolean isDefaultValue, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, String preferredValue, String dataType, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value definition.createValidValueSet
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value set.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String qualifiedName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the valid value form the repository.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, String validValueGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the link between a valid value and a set it is a member of.findValidValues
(String userId, String searchString, String searchStringParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Locate valid values that match the search string.getAssignedValidValues
(String userId, String referenceableGUID, String referenceableGUIDParameter, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Page through the list of valid values assigned to referenceable element.getConsistentValidValues
(String userId, String validValueGUID, String validValueGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Page through the consistent values from different valid value sets.getReferenceValues
(String userId, String referenceableGUID, String referenceableGUIDParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Page through the list of assigned reference values for a referenceable.getSetsForValidValue
(String userId, String validValueGUID, String validValueGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Page through the list of valid value sets that a valid value definition/set belongs to.getValidValueByGUID
(String userId, String validValueGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve a specific valid value from the repository.getValidValueByName
(String userId, String name, String nameParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve a specific valid value from the repository.getValidValues
(String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Retrieve the list of valid values metadata elements.getValidValueSetMembers
(String userId, String validValueSetGUID, String validValueSetGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Page through the members of a valid value set.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String referenceableGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the reference value link between a valid value and a referenceable (item).void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String consumerGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Remove the link between a valid value and a consumer.void
(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, String preferredValue, String dataType, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean isMergeUpdate, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the properties of the valid value.Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.ReferenceableHandler
addAssignmentScope, addDataFieldValuesClassification, addGovernanceActionClassification, addGovernanceDefinitionScope, addGovernanceExpectationsClassification, addGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, addGovernedBy, addImplementedBy, addMoreInformation, addOwner, addRetentionClassification, addSecurityTags, addStakeholder, addSubjectAreaClassification, addTemplateClassification, clearBusinessSignificant, getAssignedActors, getAssignmentScope, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getBeanGUIDByQualifiedName, getCatalogTemplateList, getCollectionMembers, getCommissionedByStakeholder, getDataFieldValuesClassifiedElement, getDescriptiveElements, getElementsSourceFrom, getEntityByUniqueQualifiedName, getGovernanceActionClassifiedElements, getGovernanceDefinitionScope, getGovernedElements, getMeanings, getMoreInformation, getMoreInformation, getOwnersElements, getReferenceValueAssignees, getResourceList, getRetentionClassifiedElements, getSecurityTagsClassifiedElements, getSemanticAssignments, getSourceElements, getStakeholders, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSubjectAreaMembers, getSupportedByResource, getSupportedByTemplate, getValidValueConsumers, getVendorProperties, linkConsolidatedDuplicate, linkElementsAsPeerDuplicates, removeAssignmentScope, removeCatalogTemplate, removeDataFieldValuesClassification, removeGovernanceActionClassification, removeGovernanceDefinitionScope, removeGovernanceExpectationsClassification, removeGovernanceMeasurementsClassification, removeGovernedBy, removeImplementedBy, removeMoreInformation, removeOwner, removeResourceListMember, removeRetentionClassification, removeSecurityTags, removeSemanticAssignment, removeStakeholder, removeSubjectAreaClassification, removeTemplateClassification, saveCatalogTemplate, saveResourceListMember, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignment, saveSemanticAssignments, setBusinessSignificant, setVendorProperties, unlinkElementsAsPeerDuplicates
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPITemplateHandler
createBeanFromTemplate, createBeanFromTemplate
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIGenericHandler
addAnchorGUIDToBuilder, archiveBeanInRepository, archiveBeanInRepository, countAttachments, createBeanInRepository, createBeanInRepository, deleteAnchoredEntity, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteBeanInRepository, deleteRelationship, findAttachmentLinks, findBeans, findBeans, findBeans, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, findEntities, getAllAttachmentLinks, getAttachedElement, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUID, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElementGUIDs, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedElements, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntities, getAttachedEntity, getAttachedEntity, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLink, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getAttachmentLinks, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByUniqueName, getBeanByValue, getBeanFromEntity, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanFromRepository, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDByUniqueName, getBeanGUIDsByClassification, getBeanHistory, getBeansByIntValue, getBeansByType, getBeansByType, getBeansByValue, getBeansByValue, getEntitiesByIntValue, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByType, getEntitiesByValue, getEntitiesByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityByValue, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityFromRepository, getEntityGUIDByValue, getEntityGUIDsByValue, getRelationshipHistory, getSpecification, getSupplementaryProperties, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getUniqueAttachmentLink, getValidatedBeans, getValidatedEntities, getValidatedEntities, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, linkElementToElement, maintainSupplementaryProperties, multiLinkElementToElement, relinkElementToNewElement, relinkElementToNewElement, removeClassificationFromRepository, removeClassificationFromRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, setClassificationInRepository, uncheckedLinkElementToElement, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, undoBeanUpdateInRepository, unlinkAllElements, unlinkConnectedElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, unlinkElementFromElement, updateBeanEffectivityDates, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanInRepository, updateBeanPropertyInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateBeanStatusInRepository, updateClassificationEffectivityDates, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateElementToElementLink, updateRelationshipEffectivityDates, updateRelationshipProperties, validateAnchorEntity, validateAnchorGUID, validateEntitiesAndAnchorsForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateEntityAndAnchorForRead, validateRelationship, validateUniqueProperty, verifyExternalSourceIdentity, visibleToUserThroughRelationship
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIAnchorHandler
addAnchorsClassification, getAnchorGUIDForEntity, getAnchorGUIDFromAnchorsClassification, getDomainName, getDomainName
Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.commonservices.generichandlers.OpenMetadataAPIRootHandler
getConverter, getElementStub, getRepositoryHandler, getRepositoryHelper, getServerName, getServiceName, getSupportedZones, getTypeDefByName, setSecurityVerifier
Constructor Details
public ValidValuesHandler(OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B> converter, Class<B> beanClass, String serviceName, String serverName, InvalidParameterHandler invalidParameterHandler, RepositoryHandler repositoryHandler, OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String localServerUserId, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier securityVerifier, List<String> supportedZones, List<String> defaultZones, List<String> publishZones, AuditLog auditLog) Construct the handler information needed to interact with the repository services- Parameters:
- specific converter for the B bean classbeanClass
- name of bean class that is represented by the generic class BserviceName
- name of this serviceserverName
- name of the local serverinvalidParameterHandler
- handler for managing parameter errorsrepositoryHandler
- manages calls to the repository servicesrepositoryHelper
- provides utilities for manipulating the repository services objectslocalServerUserId
- userId for this serversecurityVerifier
- open metadata security services verifiersupportedZones
- list of zones that the access service is allowed to serve Asset instances from.defaultZones
- list of zones that the access service should set in all new Asset instances.publishZones
- list of zones that the access service sets up in published Asset instances.auditLog
- destination for audit log events.
Method Details
public String createValidValue(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, String preferredValue, String dataType, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, String suppliedTypeName, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value set/definition.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcequalifiedName
- unique name.displayName
- displayable descriptive name.description
- further information.category
- what is the category of reference data does this fall into?usage
- how/when should this set be used.scope
- what is the scope of this set's values.isDeprecated
- is the valid value deprecatedisCaseSensitive
- is the valid value case-sensitivepreferredValue
- value to use to represent this option.dataType
- the data type of the preferred value.additionalProperties
- additional properties for this set.suppliedTypeName
- optional type name (default is ValidValueSet since it is the most flexible)extendedProperties
- properties that need to be populated into a subtype.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier for the new set
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public String createValidValueSet(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value set. This just creates the Set itself. Members are added either as they are created, or they can be attached to a set after they are created.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcequalifiedName
- unique name.displayName
- displayable descriptive name.description
- further information.category
- what is the category of reference data does this fall into?usage
- how/when should this set be used.scope
- what is the scope of this set's values.isDeprecated
- is the valid value deprecatedisCaseSensitive
- is the valid value case-sensitiveadditionalProperties
- additional properties for this set.extendedProperties
- properties that need to be populated into a subtype.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier for the new set
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public String createValidValueDefinition(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, boolean isDefaultValue, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, String preferredValue, String dataType, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value definition.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcesetGUID
- unique identifier of the set to attach this to.isDefaultValue
- is this the default value for the set?qualifiedName
- unique name.displayName
- displayable descriptive name.description
- further information.category
- what is the category of reference data does this fall into?usage
- how/when should this value be used.scope
- what is the scope of the values.preferredValue
- the value that should be used in an implementation if possible.dataType
- the data type of the preferred value.isDeprecated
- is the valid value deprecatedisCaseSensitive
- is the valid value case-sensitiveadditionalProperties
- additional properties for this definition.extendedProperties
- properties that need to be populated into a subtype.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier for the new definition
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public String createValidValue(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String anchorGUID, String setGUID, String suppliedTypeName, boolean isDefaultValue, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, String preferredValue, String dataType, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Create a new valid value definition.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourceanchorGUID
- unique identifier of the anchor for this valid valuesetGUID
- unique identifier of the set to attach this tosuppliedTypeName
- name of the type to createisDefaultValue
- is this the default value for the set?qualifiedName
- unique namedisplayName
- displayable descriptive name.description
- further information.category
- what is the category of reference data does this fall into?usage
- how/when should this value be used.scope
- what is the scope of the values.preferredValue
- the value that should be used in an implementation if possible.dataType
- the data type of the preferred value.isDeprecated
- is the valid value deprecatedisCaseSensitive
- is the valid value case-sensitiveadditionalProperties
- additional properties for this definition.extendedProperties
- properties that need to be populated into a subtype.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- unique identifier for the new definition
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void updateValidValue(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String category, String usage, String scope, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isCaseSensitive, String preferredValue, String dataType, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerExceptionObject> extendedProperties, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean isMergeUpdate, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) Update the properties of the valid value. All properties are updated. If only changing some if the properties, retrieve the current values from the repository and pass existing values back on this call if they are not to change.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.qualifiedName
- unique name.displayName
- displayable descriptive name.description
- further information.category
- what is the category of reference data does this fall into?usage
- how/when should this value be used.scope
- what is the scope of the values.preferredValue
- the value that should be used in an implementation if possible.dataType
- the data type of the preferred value.isDeprecated
- is the valid value deprecatedisCaseSensitive
- is the valid value case-sensitiveadditionalProperties
- additional properties for this valid value.extendedProperties
- properties that need to be populated into a subtype.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)isMergeUpdate
- should the new properties be merged with existing properties (true) or completely replace them (false)?forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void deleteValidValue(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String qualifiedName, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the valid value form the repository. All links to it are deleted too.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the value to deletequalifiedName
- unique name of the value to delete. This is used to verify that the correct valid value is being deleted.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void attachValidValueToSet(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, String validValueGUID, boolean isDefaultValue, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Create a link between a valid value set or definition and a set. This means the valid value is a member of the set.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcesetGUID
- unique identifier of the set.validValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value to add to the set.isDefaultValue
- is this the default value for the set?suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void detachValidValueFromSet(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String setGUID, String validValueGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the link between a valid value and a set it is a member of.- Parameters:
- calling userexternalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcesetGUID
- owning setvalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the member to be removed.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void attachConsistentValidValues(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValue1GUID, String validValue2GUID, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Create a link between two valid values that should be used together to populate or validate elements for consistency.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValue1GUID
- unique identifier of first valid valuevalidValue2GUID
- unique identifier of second valid valuesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void assignValidValueToConsumer(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String consumerGUID, boolean strictRequirement, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Link a valid value typically to a schema element or glossary term to show that it uses the valid values.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.consumerGUID
- unique identifier of the element to link to.strictRequirement
- the valid values defines the only values that are permitted.suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void unassignValidValueFromConsumer(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String consumerGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the link between a valid value and a consumer.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.consumerGUID
- unique identifier of the element to remove the link from.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void assignReferenceValueToItem(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String referenceableGUID, String attributeName, int confidence, String steward, String stewardTypeName, String stewardPropertyName, String notes, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveFrom, Date effectiveTo, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Link a valid value as a reference value to a referencable to act as a tag/classification to help with locating and grouping the referenceable.- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.referenceableGUID
- unique identifier of the element to link to.attributeName
- name of the attribute that this relationship representsconfidence
- how confident is the steward that this mapping is correct (0-100).steward
- identifier of stewardstewardTypeName
- type of element that represents stewardstewardPropertyName
- property name of steward identifiernotes
- additional notes from the stewardsuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveFrom
- starting time for this relationship (null for all time)effectiveTo
- ending time for this relationship (null for all time)forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public void unassignReferenceValueFromItem(String userId, String externalSourceGUID, String externalSourceName, String validValueGUID, String referenceableGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Remove the reference value link between a valid value and a referenceable (item).- Parameters:
- calling user.externalSourceGUID
- guid of the software capability entity that represented the external source - null for localexternalSourceName
- name of the software capability entity that represented the external sourcevalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.referenceableGUID
- unique identifier of the element to remove the link from.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicateeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public B getValidValueByGUID(String userId, String validValueGUID, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve a specific valid value from the repository.- Parameters:
- calling uservalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- Valid value bean
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getValidValueByName(String userId, String name, String nameParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve a specific valid value from the repository. Duplicates may be returned if multiple valid values have been assigned the same qualified name.- Parameters:
- calling username
- name to search for - this must be an exact match on the display name or qualified namenameParameterName
- property that provided the namestartFrom
- starting element (used in paging through large result sets)pageSize
- maximum number of results to returnforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- Valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> findValidValues(String userId, String searchString, String searchStringParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Locate valid values that match the search string. It considers the names, description, scope, usage and preferred value.- Parameters:
- calling usersearchString
- string value to look for - may contain RegEx characters.searchStringParameterName
- name of parameter providing search stringstartFrom
- paging starting pointpageSize
- maximum number of return values.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getValidValueSetMembers(String userId, String validValueSetGUID, String validValueSetGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Page through the members of a valid value set.- Parameters:
- calling uservalidValueSetGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value setvalidValueSetGUIDParameter
- name of parameter providing the validValueSetGUIDstartFrom
- paging starting pointpageSize
- maximum number of return values.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getConsistentValidValues(String userId, String validValueGUID, String validValueGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Page through the consistent values from different valid value sets.- Parameters:
- calling uservalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of the valid value setvalidValueGUIDParameter
- name of parameter providing the validValueGUIDstartFrom
- paging starting pointpageSize
- maximum number of return values.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getSetsForValidValue(String userId, String validValueGUID, String validValueGUIDParameter, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Page through the list of valid value sets that a valid value definition/set belongs to.- Parameters:
- calling uservalidValueGUID
- unique identifier of valid value to queryvalidValueGUIDParameter
- parameter name providing the validValueGUIDstartFrom
- paging starting pointpageSize
- maximum number of return values.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public B getAssignedValidValues(String userId, String referenceableGUID, String referenceableGUIDParameter, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Page through the list of valid values assigned to referenceable element.- Parameters:
- calling userreferenceableGUID
- unique identifier of anchoring referenceablereferenceableGUIDParameter
- name of parameter for referenceableGUIDforLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value consumer beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getReferenceValues(String userId, String referenceableGUID, String referenceableGUIDParameterName, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Page through the list of assigned reference values for a referenceable.- Parameters:
- calling userreferenceableGUID
- unique identifier of assigned itemreferenceableGUIDParameterName
- name of parameter for referenceableGUIDstartFrom
- paging starting pointpageSize
- maximum number of return values.forLineage
- the request is to support lineage retrieval this means entities with the Memento classification can be returnedforDuplicateProcessing
- the request is for duplicate processing and so must not deduplicatesuppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of valid value beans
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalid.UserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to make this request.PropertyServerException
- the repository is not available or not working properly.
public List<B> getValidValues(String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, boolean forLineage, boolean forDuplicateProcessing, List<String> suppliedSupportedZones, Date effectiveTime, String methodName) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException Retrieve the list of valid values metadata elements.- Parameters:
- calling userstartFrom
- paging start pointpageSize
- maximum results that can be returnedforLineage
- return elements marked with the Memento classification?forDuplicateProcessing
- do not merge elements marked as duplicates?suppliedSupportedZones
- list of zones that any asset must be a member of at least one to be visibleeffectiveTime
- the time that the retrieved elements must be effective for (null for any time, new Date() for now)methodName
- calling method- Returns:
- list of matching metadata elements
- Throws:
- one of the parameters is invalidUserNotAuthorizedException
- the user is not authorized to issue this requestPropertyServerException
- there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)