Class ProfileConverter<B>

public class ProfileConverter<B> extends OMFConverter<B>
ProfileConverter generates a ProfileElement bean from a ActorProfileProperties entity.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProfileConverter

      public ProfileConverter(OMRSRepositoryHelper repositoryHelper, String serviceName, String serverName)
      repositoryHelper - helper object to parse entity
      serviceName - name of this component
      serverName - local server name
  • Method Details

    • getNewComplexBean

      public B getNewComplexBean(Class<B> beanClass, EntityDetail primaryEntity, List<EntityDetail> supplementaryEntities, List<Relationship> relationships, String methodName) throws PropertyServerException
      Using the supplied instances, return a new instance of the bean. It is used for beans such as a connection bean which made up of 3 entities (Connection, ConnectorType and Endpoint) plus the relationships between them. The relationships may be omitted if they do not have any properties.
      getNewComplexBean in class OpenMetadataAPIGenericConverter<B>
      beanClass - name of the class to create
      primaryEntity - entity that is the root of the collection of entities that make up the content of the bean
      supplementaryEntities - entities connected to the primary entity by the relationships
      relationships - relationships linking the entities
      methodName - calling method
      bean populated with properties from the instances supplied
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem instantiating the bean