Enum Class GenericHandlersErrorCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<GenericHandlersErrorCode>, Constable, ExceptionMessageSet

public enum GenericHandlersErrorCode extends Enum<GenericHandlersErrorCode> implements ExceptionMessageSet
The GenericHandlersErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with the Repository Handler Services. It is used in conjunction with both Checked and Runtime (unchecked) exceptions. The 5 fields in the enum are:
  • HTTP Error Code - for translating between REST and JAVA - Typically the numbers used are:
    • 500 - internal error
    • 400 - invalid parameters
    • 403 - forbidden
    • 404 - not found
    • 409 - data conflict errors - eg item already defined
  • Error Message Identifier - to uniquely identify the message
  • Error Message Text - includes placeholder to allow additional values to be captured
  • SystemAction - describes the result of the error
  • UserAction - describes how a consumer should correct the error
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-011 - An entity has been retrieved by method {0} from service {1} that has an invalid header: {2}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-012 - A relationship {0} has been retrieved by method {1} from service {2} that has an invalid entity proxy at end {3}: {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-005 - One of the converters for the {0} service is not able to populate a bean of type {1} because a metadata instance of type {2} was passed to method {3} instead of the expected type of {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-002 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied to method {1} because the unique name {2} given for the requested owner does not match the unique name of {3} returned in software capability {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-012 - At least one of the properties supplied for a new relationship of type {0} are invalid.
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-013 - A relationship has been retrieved by method {0} from service {1} that has an invalid header: {2}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-001 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied to method {1} because the requested owner {2} ({3}) is not a recognized software capability.
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-001 - An unsupported bean class named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-003 - Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {0} is not allowed claim the engine action {1} because it is already being processed by Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {2} and is in status {3}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-002 - Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {0} is not allowed to issue request {1} for engine action {2} because it is already being processed by Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {3}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-002 - The {0} service has not implemented the {1} method in a subclass of the {2} converter class for bean class {3} and so is unable to create the bean for method {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-007 - The entity for identifier {0} supplied on the {1} parameter by the {2} service on method {3} is null
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-008 - The entity for identifier {0} supplied on the {1} parameter by the {2} service on method {3} has null properties
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-004 - One of the converters for the {0} service is not able to populate a bean of type {1} because a metadata instance of type {2} has not passed to method {3}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-003 - Multiple {0} entities where found by method {1}: the values of the returned entities are {2}; the starting point is {3}; the calling service is {4} and the server is {5}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-002 - Multiple {0} entities where found with a name of {1}: the identifiers of the returned entities are {2}; the calling method is {3}, the name parameter is {4} and the server is {5}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-004 - Multiple {0} relationships where found between {1} entity {2} and {3} entity {4}: the identifiers of the returned relationships are {5}; the calling method is {6} and the server is {7}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-007 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action process because there is no first governance action process step defined
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-010 - Governance Engine {0} ({1}) does not support any request types and so it cannot run request type {2}; requested via service {3} running in server {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-010 - A null anchor GUID has been passed to local method {0} by the {1} service through method {2}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-006 - The entity for identifier {0} and {1} {2} ({3}) is null
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-001 - The {0} method is unable to delete the requested relationship between {1} {2} and {3} {4} because it was not created by the requesting user {5}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-003 - An unexpected bean class named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; the expected class name is: {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-009 - An anchor GUID of "unknown" has been passed to local method {0} by the {1} service through method {2}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-005 - Governance Engine with unique name of {0} is not found by calling service {1} running in server {2}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-006 - Unable to initiate an instance of an engine action because the governance action process step {0} does not have a Governance Engine linked via the {1} relationship
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-003 - Service {0} is unable to locate the external identifier {1} for the {2} ({3}) scope and {4} element {5}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-013 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action type because the name is not recognized
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-011 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action process because the name is not recognized
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-009 - Governance Engine {0} ({1}) does not support request type {2}; requested via service {3} running in server {4}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-004 - Service {0} is unable to locate the link between the external identifier {1} for the {2} ({3}) scope and {4} element {5}
    OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-008 - The {0} {1} does not match the {2} guid {3} at end {4} in the {5} relationship identified as {6} {7}
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve a message definition object for an exception.
    Retrieve a message definition object for an exception.
    JSON-style toString
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode INTEGRATOR_NOT_RETURNED
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-001 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied to method {1} because the requested owner {2} ({3}) is not a recognized software capability. The associated error message is: {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_INTEGRATOR_NAME
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-002 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied to method {1} because the unique name {2} given for the requested owner does not match the unique name of {3} returned in software capability {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-003 - Service {0} is unable to locate the external identifier {1} for the {2} ({3}) scope and {4} element {5}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_ENGINE_NAME
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-005 - Governance Engine with unique name of {0} is not found by calling service {1} running in server {2}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_EXECUTOR
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-006 - Unable to initiate an instance of an engine action because the governance action process step {0} does not have a Governance Engine linked via the {1} relationship

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode NO_PROCESS_IMPLEMENTATION
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-007 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action process because there is no first governance action process step defined

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode WRONG_END_GUID
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-008 - The {0} {1} does not match the {2} guid {3} at end {4} in the {5} relationship identified as {6} {7}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_REQUEST_TYPE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-009 - Governance Engine {0} ({1}) does not support request type {2}; requested via service {3} running in server {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode NO_REQUEST_TYPE_FOR_ENGINE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-010 - Governance Engine {0} ({1}) does not support any request types and so it cannot run request type {2}; requested via service {3} running in server {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_PROCESS
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-011 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action process because the name is not recognized

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_PARAMETER
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-012 - At least one of the properties supplied for a new relationship of type {0} are invalid. The {1} exception was returned with error message: {2}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_GOVERNANCE_ACTION_TYPE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-400-013 - Unable to initiate an instance of the {0} governance action type because the name is not recognized

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode ONLY_CREATOR_CAN_DELETE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-001 - The {0} method is unable to delete the requested relationship between {1} {2} and {3} {4} because it was not created by the requesting user {5}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode INVALID_PROCESSING_USER
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-002 - Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {0} is not allowed to issue request {1} for engine action {2} because it is already being processed by Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {3}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode INVALID_ENGINE_ACTION_STATUS
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-403-003 - Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {0} is not allowed claim the engine action {1} because it is already being processed by Engine Host OMAG Server with a userId of {2} and is in status {3}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-002 - Multiple {0} entities where found with a name of {1}: the identifiers of the returned entities are {2}; the calling method is {3}, the name parameter is {4} and the server is {5}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MULTIPLE_BEANS_FOUND
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-003 - Multiple {0} entities where found by method {1}: the values of the returned entities are {2}; the starting point is {3}; the calling service is {4} and the server is {5}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MULTIPLE_RELATIONSHIPS_FOUND
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-404-004 - Multiple {0} relationships where found between {1} entity {2} and {3} entity {4}: the identifiers of the returned relationships are {5}; the calling method is {6} and the server is {7}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode INVALID_BEAN_CLASS
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-001 - An unsupported bean class named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MISSING_CONVERTER_METHOD
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-002 - The {0} service has not implemented the {1} method in a subclass of the {2} converter class for bean class {3} and so is unable to create the bean for method {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNEXPECTED_BEAN_CLASS
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-003 - An unexpected bean class named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; the expected class name is: {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MISSING_METADATA_INSTANCE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-004 - One of the converters for the {0} service is not able to populate a bean of type {1} because a metadata instance of type {2} has not passed to method {3}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-005 - One of the converters for the {0} service is not able to populate a bean of type {1} because a metadata instance of type {2} was passed to method {3} instead of the expected type of {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode NULL_EXTERNAL_ID_ENTITY
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-006 - The entity for identifier {0} and {1} {2} ({3}) is null

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MISSING_ENGINE_ACTION
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-007 - The entity for identifier {0} supplied on the {1} parameter by the {2} service on method {3} is null

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode MISSING_ENGINE_ACTION_PROPERTIES
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-008 - The entity for identifier {0} supplied on the {1} parameter by the {2} service on method {3} has null properties

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode UNKNOWN_ANCHOR_GUID
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-009 - An anchor GUID of "unknown" has been passed to local method {0} by the {1} service through method {2}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode NULL_ANCHOR_GUID
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-010 - A null anchor GUID has been passed to local method {0} by the {1} service through method {2}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_ENTITY
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-011 - An entity has been retrieved by method {0} from service {1} that has an invalid header: {2}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_ENTITY_PROXY
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-012 - A relationship {0} has been retrieved by method {1} from service {2} that has an invalid entity proxy at end {3}: {4}

      public static final GenericHandlersErrorCode BAD_RELATIONSHIP
      OMAG-GENERIC-HANDLERS-500-013 - A relationship has been retrieved by method {0} from service {1} that has an invalid header: {2}
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static GenericHandlersErrorCode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static GenericHandlersErrorCode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getMessageDefinition

      public ExceptionMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition()
      Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are no message inserts.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface ExceptionMessageSet
      message definition object.
    • getMessageDefinition

      public ExceptionMessageDefinition getMessageDefinition(String... params)
      Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are values to be inserted into the message.
      Specified by:
      getMessageDefinition in interface ExceptionMessageSet
      params - array of parameters (all strings). They are inserted into the message according to the numbering in the message text.
      message definition object.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      JSON-style toString
      toString in class Enum<GenericHandlersErrorCode>
      string of property names and values for this enum