Enum Class RepositoryHandlerErrorCode
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public enum RepositoryHandlerErrorCode
extends Enum<RepositoryHandlerErrorCode>
implements ExceptionMessageSet
The RepositoryHandlerErrorCode is used to define first failure data capture (FFDC) for errors that occur when working with
the Repository Handler Services. It is used in conjunction with both Checked and Runtime (unchecked) exceptions.
The 5 fields in the enum are:
- HTTP Error Code - for translating between REST and JAVA - Typically the numbers used are:
- 500 - internal error
- 400 - invalid parameters
- 403 - forbidden
- 404 - not found
- 409 - data conflict errors - eg item already defined
- Error Message Identifier - to uniquely identify the message
- Error Message Text - includes placeholder to allow additional values to be captured
- SystemAction - describes the result of the error
- UserAction - describes how a consumer should correct the error
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum
Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
Enum Constant Summary
Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionOMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-003 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied with classification {1}.OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-015 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} claims all effective dates which makes it broader than the requested effective dates of {2} to {3}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-006 - Unable to create a new {0} with {1} of {2} as there is already an entity of that name with guid {3}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-018 - Method {0} for service {1} is not supported by any of the metadata repositories connected to {2}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-001 - The {0} method has retrieved an object for unique identifier (guid) {1} which is of type {2} rather than type {3} on behalf of method {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-002 - The {0} parameter passed by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3} is invalid; value passed was: {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-001 - An unsupported property named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-005 - The property named {0} with value of {1} supplied on method {2} does not match the stored value of {3} for entity {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-004 - An unsupported type named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-008 - Method {0} is unable to modify {1} instance {2} because it has a metadata provenance of {3} with an externalSourceGUID of {4} and an externalSourceName of {5} and user {6} issued a request with the Local Cohort metadata provenance setOMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-010 - Multiple {0} entities where found with a name of {1}: the identifiers of the returned entities are {2}; the calling method is {3}, the name parameter is {4} and the server is {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-006 - Multiple {0} relationships are connected to the {1} entity with unique identifier {2}: the relationship identifiers are {3}; the calling method is {4} and the server is {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-016 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} has narrower effective dates of {2} to {3} than the requested effective dates of {4} to {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-011 - A {0} entity with unique identifier {1} can not be retrieved by method {2} from service {3} for caller {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-004 - The repository connector {0} is not returning a metadata collection objectOMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-008 - No {0} relationships are connected to the {1} entity with unique identifier {2}: the calling method is {3} and the server is {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-013 - The {0} element with unique identifier {1} is found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4} however its effectivity dates are from: {5} to {6} and the requested effective date was {7}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-009 - A null entity was returned to method {0} of server {1} during a request for entity of type {2} (guid {3}) and properties of: {4}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-011 - A null entity was returned to method {0} of server {1} during a request to add a classification of type {4} (guid {3}) to entity {2} with properties of: {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-003 - The open metadata repository services are not available for the {0} operationOMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-002 - The open metadata repository services are not initialized for the {0} operationOMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-403-002 - The {0} method is unable to delete the requested relationship between {1} {2} and {3} {4} because it was not created by the requesting user {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-017 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} has overlapping effective dates of {2} to {3} than the requested effective dates of {4} to {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-500-001 - An unexpected error {4} was returned to {5} by the metadata server during {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; message was {0}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-005 - Only an entity proxy for requested {0} object with unique identifier (guid) {1} is found in the open metadata server {2}, error message was: {3}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-500-002 - The Open Metadata Service {0} is not able to set the Anchors classification on a new entity of type {1} during method {2}.OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-010 - A {0} entity with unique identifier {1} has been retrieved by method {2} from service {3} but it is not visible to the caller {4}: effective time is {5}; entity is effective from {6} to {7} with classifications {8} and call parameters of forLineage={9} and forDuplicateProcessing={10}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-007 - The {0} entity with unique identifier {1} is not found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4}, error message was: {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-012 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} is not found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4}, error message was: {5}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-009 - The property named {0} with value of {1} supplied on method {2} is not found in entity {3}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-403-001 - User {0} is not authorized to issue the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-007 - Method {0} running on behalf of external source {1} ({2}) is unable to modify {3} instance {4} because it has a metadata provenance of {5} with an externalSourceGUID of {6} and an externalSourceName of {7} -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRetrieve a message definition object for an exception.getMessageDefinition
(String... params) Retrieve a message definition object for an exception.toString()
JSON-style toStringstatic RepositoryHandlerErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static RepositoryHandlerErrorCode[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Enum Constant Details
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-001 - An unsupported property named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-002 - The {0} parameter passed by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3} is invalid; value passed was: {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-003 - Service {0} is unable to process the properties supplied with classification {1}. The associated error message was: {2} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-004 - An unsupported type named {0} was passed to the repository services by the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; error message was: {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-005 - The property named {0} with value of {1} supplied on method {2} does not match the stored value of {3} for entity {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-006 - Unable to create a new {0} with {1} of {2} as there is already an entity of that name with guid {3} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-007 - Method {0} running on behalf of external source {1} ({2}) is unable to modify {3} instance {4} because it has a metadata provenance of {5} with an externalSourceGUID of {6} and an externalSourceName of {7} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-008 - Method {0} is unable to modify {1} instance {2} because it has a metadata provenance of {3} with an externalSourceGUID of {4} and an externalSourceName of {5} and user {6} issued a request with the Local Cohort metadata provenance set -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-009 - The property named {0} with value of {1} supplied on method {2} is not found in entity {3} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-010 - A {0} entity with unique identifier {1} has been retrieved by method {2} from service {3} but it is not visible to the caller {4}: effective time is {5}; entity is effective from {6} to {7} with classifications {8} and call parameters of forLineage={9} and forDuplicateProcessing={10} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-400-011 - A {0} entity with unique identifier {1} can not be retrieved by method {2} from service {3} for caller {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-403-001 - User {0} is not authorized to issue the {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-403-002 - The {0} method is unable to delete the requested relationship between {1} {2} and {3} {4} because it was not created by the requesting user {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-001 - The {0} method has retrieved an object for unique identifier (guid) {1} which is of type {2} rather than type {3} on behalf of method {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-002 - The open metadata repository services are not initialized for the {0} operation -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-003 - The open metadata repository services are not available for the {0} operation -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-004 - The repository connector {0} is not returning a metadata collection object -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-005 - Only an entity proxy for requested {0} object with unique identifier (guid) {1} is found in the open metadata server {2}, error message was: {3} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-006 - Multiple {0} relationships are connected to the {1} entity with unique identifier {2}: the relationship identifiers are {3}; the calling method is {4} and the server is {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-007 - The {0} entity with unique identifier {1} is not found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4}, error message was: {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-008 - No {0} relationships are connected to the {1} entity with unique identifier {2}: the calling method is {3} and the server is {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-009 - A null entity was returned to method {0} of server {1} during a request for entity of type {2} (guid {3}) and properties of: {4} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-010 - Multiple {0} entities where found with a name of {1}: the identifiers of the returned entities are {2}; the calling method is {3}, the name parameter is {4} and the server is {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-011 - A null entity was returned to method {0} of server {1} during a request to add a classification of type {4} (guid {3}) to entity {2} with properties of: {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-012 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} is not found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4}, error message was: {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-013 - The {0} element with unique identifier {1} is found for method {2} of access service {3} in open metadata server {4} however its effectivity dates are from: {5} to {6} and the requested effective date was {7} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-015 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} claims all effective dates which makes it broader than the requested effective dates of {2} to {3} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-016 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} has narrower effective dates of {2} to {3} than the requested effective dates of {4} to {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-017 - The {0} relationship with unique identifier {1} has overlapping effective dates of {2} to {3} than the requested effective dates of {4} to {5} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-404-018 - Method {0} for service {1} is not supported by any of the metadata repositories connected to {2} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-500-001 - An unexpected error {4} was returned to {5} by the metadata server during {1} request for open metadata access service {2} on server {3}; message was {0} -
OMAG-REPOSITORY-HANDLER-500-002 - The Open Metadata Service {0} is not able to set the Anchors classification on a new entity of type {1} during method {2}. The resulting exception was {3} with error message {4}
Method Details
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.- Returns:
- an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)- Parameters:
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.- Returns:
- the enum constant with the specified name
- Throws:
- if this enum class has no constant with the specified nameNullPointerException
- if the argument is null
Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are no message inserts.- Specified by:
in interfaceExceptionMessageSet
- Returns:
- message definition object.
Retrieve a message definition object for an exception. This method is used when there are values to be inserted into the message.- Specified by:
in interfaceExceptionMessageSet
- Parameters:
- array of parameters (all strings). They are inserted into the message according to the numbering in the message text.- Returns:
- message definition object.
JSON-style toString- Overrides:
in classEnum<RepositoryHandlerErrorCode>
- Returns:
- string of property names and values for this enum