Class ConnectorProviderBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApacheAtlasRESTProvider, ApacheKafkaAdminProvider, AssetConsumerOutTopicClientProvider, AssetConsumerOutTopicServerProvider, AssetManagerOutTopicClientProvider, AssetManagerOutTopicServerProvider, AssetOwnerOutTopicClientProvider, AssetOwnerOutTopicServerProvider, BasicFileStoreProvider, BasicFolderProvider, CommunityProfileOutTopicClientProvider, CommunityProfileOutTopicServerProvider, CSVFileStoreProvider, DataFolderProvider, DataManagerOutTopicClientProvider, DataManagerOutTopicServerProvider, DigitalArchitectureOutTopicClientProvider, DigitalArchitectureOutTopicServerProvider, EngineHostProvider, EnvVarSecretsStoreProvider, GovernanceEngineOutTopicClientProvider, GovernanceEngineOutTopicServerProvider, GovernanceServerOutTopicClientProvider, GovernanceServerOutTopicServerProvider, GovernanceServiceProviderBase, IntegrationConnectorProvider, IntegrationDaemonProvider, IsolatedConnectorProviderBase, ITInfrastructureOutTopicClientProvider, ITInfrastructureOutTopicServerProvider, JDBCResourceConnectorProvider, MetadataAccessServerProvider, OMAGServerConfigStoreProviderBase, OMAGServerPlatformProvider, OMAGServerProvider, OMRSAuditLogStoreProviderBase, OMRSCohortRegistryStoreProviderBase, OMRSRepositoryConnectorProviderBase, OMRSRepositoryEventMapperProviderBase, OMRSTopicProvider, OpenMetadataArchiveStoreProviderBase, OpenMetadataPlatformSecurityProvider, OpenMetadataServerSecurityProvider, OpenMetadataTopicProvider, OSSUnityCatalogResourceProvider, RESTClientConnectorProvider, SecurityManagerOutTopicClientProvider, SecurityManagerOutTopicServerProvider, StewardshipActionOutTopicClientProvider, StewardshipActionOutTopicServerProvider, ViewServerProvider

public abstract class ConnectorProviderBase extends ConnectorProvider implements AuditLoggingComponent
ConnectorProviderBase is a base class for a connector provider. It manages all the class loading for subclass implementations of the connector provider along with the generation of new connector guids. ConnectorProviderBase creates a connector instance with the class name from the private variable called connectorClassName. This class name is initialized to null. If the getConnector method is called when the connectorClassName is null, it throws ConnectorCheckedException. This is its default behaviour. To use the ConnectorProviderBase, create a new class that extends the ConnectorProviderBase class and in the constructor call super.setConnectorClassName("your connector's class name");
  • Field Details

    • connectorInterfaces

      protected List<String> connectorInterfaces
    • auditLog

      protected AuditLog auditLog
    • connectorTypeBean

      protected ConnectorType connectorTypeBean
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectorProviderBase

      public ConnectorProviderBase()
      Typical constructor
  • Method Details

    • getNewConnectorGUID

      protected String getNewConnectorGUID()
      Each connector has a guid to make it easier to correlate log messages from the various components that serve it. It uses a type 4 (pseudo randomly generated) UUID. The UUID is generated using a cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator.
      guid for a new connector instance
    • getConnectorClassName

      public String getConnectorClassName()
      Return the class name for the connector that the connector provider generates.
      connectorClassName will be null initially.
    • getConnectorComponentDescription

      public ComponentDescription getConnectorComponentDescription()
      Return the component description that is used by this connector in the audit log.
      Specified by:
      getConnectorComponentDescription in interface AuditLoggingComponent
      id, name, description, wiki page URL.
    • setConnectorClassName

      protected void setConnectorClassName(String newConnectorClassName)
      Update the class name for this connector provider.
      newConnectorClassName - this must be a valid Java class name for a class that implements the org.odpi.openmetadata.Connector interface.
    • setConnectorComponentDescription

      protected void setConnectorComponentDescription(ComponentDescription connectorComponentDescription)
      Update the component name to use in the creation of the connector's audit log.
      connectorComponentDescription - component description.
    • setAuditLog

      public void setAuditLog(AuditLog auditLog)
      Receive an audit log object that can be used to record audit log messages. The caller has initialized it with the correct component description and log destinations.
      Specified by:
      setAuditLog in interface AuditLoggingComponent
      auditLog - audit log object
    • getConnectorTypeProperties

      public ConnectorTypeProperties getConnectorTypeProperties()
      Returns the properties about the type of connector that this Connector Provider supports.
      Specified by:
      getConnectorTypeProperties in class ConnectorProvider
      properties including the name of the connector type, the connector provider class and any specific connection properties that are recognized by this connector.
    • getConnectorType

      public ConnectorType getConnectorType()
      Returns the properties about the type of connector that this ConnectorProvider supports.
      Specified by:
      getConnectorType in class ConnectorProvider
      properties including the name of the connector type, the connector provider class and any specific connection properties that are recognized by this connector.
    • setConnectorTypeProperties

      protected void setConnectorTypeProperties(ConnectorType connectorTypeBean)
      Setter method to enable a subclass to set up the connector type properties that are added to a connection properties object. The connector type properties guide the ConnectorBroker and ConnectorProvider on how to create and configure a Connector instance.
      connectorTypeBean - default properties for this type of connector
    • getConnector

      Creates a new instance of a connector using the name of the connector provider in the supplied connection.
      Specified by:
      getConnector in class ConnectorProvider
      connection - properties for the connector and connector provider.
      new connector instance.
      ConnectionCheckedException - an error with the connection.
      ConnectorCheckedException - an error initializing the connector.
    • getConnector

      Creates a new instance of a connector based on the information in the supplied connection.
      Specified by:
      getConnector in class ConnectorProvider
      connection - connection that should have all the properties needed by the Connector Provider to create a connector instance.
      Connector instance of the connector.
      ConnectionCheckedException - if there are missing or invalid properties in the connection
      ConnectorCheckedException - if there are issues instantiating or initializing the connector
    • getClassForConnector

      protected Class<?> getClassForConnector() throws ClassNotFoundException
      Use the standard class loader to retrieve the class for the connector.
      ClassNotFoundException - unable to locate a class by that name on the class path
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Provide a common implementation of hashCode for all OCF Connector Provider objects. The UUID is unique and is randomly assigned and so its hashCode is as good as anything to describe the hash code of the properties object.
      hashCode in class Object
      random UUID as hashcode
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Provide a common implementation of equals for all OCF Connector Provider objects. The UUID is unique and is randomly assigned and so its hashCode is as good as anything to evaluate the equality of the connector provider object.
      equals in class Object
      object - object to test
      boolean flag
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class Object
      print out of variables in a JSON-style