Direct Known Subclasses:
APIOperation, APISchemaType, ComplexSchemaType, ExternalSchemaType, LiteralSchemaType, MapSchemaType, SchemaTypeChoice, SimpleSchemaType

public class SchemaType extends SchemaElement

The SchemaType object provides a base class for the pieces that make up a schema for a data asset. A schema provides information about how the data is structured in the asset. Schemas are typically described as nested structures of linked schema elements. Schemas can also be reused in other schemas.

Schema type has a number of subtypes that hold additional properties.

  • PrimitiveSchemaType is for a leaf element in a schema.
  • MapSchemaType is for an attribute of type Map
  • APIOperation is for operations in an API
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SchemaType

      public SchemaType()
      Default constructor
    • SchemaType

      public SchemaType(SchemaType template)
      Copy/clone Constructor.
      template - template object to copy.
  • Method Details

    • getFormula

      public String getFormula()
      Return the formula used to combine the values of the queries. Each query is numbers 0, 1, ... and the formula has placeholders in it to show how the query results are combined.
      String formula
    • setFormula

      public void setFormula(String formula)
      Set up the formula used to combine the values of the queries. Each query is numbers 0, 1, ... and the formula has placeholders in it to show how the query results are combined.
      formula - String formula
    • getFormulaType

      public String getFormulaType()
      Return the specification language for the formula.
      string description
    • setFormulaType

      public void setFormulaType(String formulaType)
      Set up the specification language for the formula.
      formulaType - string description
    • getQueries

      public List<DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTarget> getQueries()
      Return the list of queries that are used to create the derived schema element.
      list of queries
    • setQueries

      public void setQueries(List<DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTarget> queries)
      Set up the list of queries that are used to create the derived schema element.
      queries - list of queries
    • cloneSchemaElement

      public SchemaElement cloneSchemaElement()
      Returns a clone of this object as the abstract SchemaElement class.
      Specified by:
      cloneSchemaElement in class SchemaElement
    • cloneSchemaType

      public SchemaType cloneSchemaType()
      Return a clone of this schema type.
      Clone of subclass.
    • getVersionNumber

      public String getVersionNumber()
      Return the version number of the schema element - null means no version number.
      String version number
    • setVersionNumber

      public void setVersionNumber(String versionNumber)
      Set up the version number of the schema element - null means no version number.
      versionNumber - String version number
    • getAuthor

      public String getAuthor()
      Return the name of the author of the schema element. Null means the author is unknown.
      String author name
    • setAuthor

      public void setAuthor(String author)
      Set up the name of the author of the schema element. Null means the author is unknown.
      author - String author name
    • getUsage

      public String getUsage()
      Return the usage guidance for this schema element. Null means no guidance available.
      String usage guidance
    • setUsage

      public void setUsage(String usage)
      Set up the usage guidance for this schema element. Null means no guidance available.
      usage - String usage guidance
    • getEncodingStandard

      public String getEncodingStandard()
      Return the format (encoding standard) used for this schema. It may be XML, JSON, SQL DDL or something else. Null means the encoding standard is unknown or there are many choices.
      String encoding standard
    • setEncodingStandard

      public void setEncodingStandard(String encodingStandard)
      Set up the format (encoding standard) used for this schema. It may be XML, JSON, SQL DDL or something else. Null means the encoding standard is unknown or there are many choices.
      encodingStandard - String encoding standard
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
      Return the name of the namespace that this type belongs to.
      string name
    • setNamespace

      public void setNamespace(String namespace)
      Set up the name of the namespace that this type belongs to.
      namespace - string name
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class SchemaElement
      print out of variables in a JSON-style
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Compare the values of the supplied object with those stored in the current object.
      equals in class SchemaElement
      objectToCompare - supplied object
      boolean result of comparison
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Hash of properties
      hashCode in class SchemaElement