
  • Class
    APIOperation describes an API command used as part of an API schema.
    APISchemaType describes the header of an API Schema.
    Asset holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
    The Certification bean extends the Certification from the OCF properties package with a default constructor and setter methods.
    ClassificationOrigin describes the provenance of a classification attached to an entity.
    The Comment bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
    ComplexSchemaType describes a schema with multiple attributes.
    ConfidenceGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidence that should be placed in the accuracy of related data items.
    ConfidentialityGovernanceClassification defines the level of confidentiality of related data items.
    The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
    The ConnectorType describe the implementation details of a particular type of OCF connector.
    CriticalityGovernanceClassification defines how critical the related data items are to the organization.
    DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTarget defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
    ElementBase provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.
    The ElementClassification bean describes a single classification associated with an element.
    The ElementClassificationHeader bean describes the header for a classification associated with an element.
    The ElementControlHeader bean provides details of the origin and changes associated with the element.
    ElementHeader provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.
    The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.
    ElementOriginCategory defines where the metadata comes from.
    The ElementStatus defines the status of an element in the metadata collection.
    ElementStub is used to identify an element.
    The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.
    ElementVersions provides the version information for the element plus details of the creation time and last update time.
    The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection.
    The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.
    EnumSchemaType describes a schema element that has a a fixed set of values.
    ExternalIdentifier stores information about an identifier for the asset that is used in an external system.
    ExternalReference stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this asset.
    ExternalSchemaType links to another schema defined to be reusable in many assets' schema.
    GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications
    GovernedReferenceable adds governance relationships and classifications to a referenceable that represents an asset.
    InformalTag stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
    LatestChange is a bean that describes the latest change to an asset universe.
    The data economy brings licensing to data and metadata.
    The Like properties object records a single user's "like" of an asset.
    LiteralSchemaType describes a schema element that has a fixed value type.
    Location describes where the asset is located.
    MapSchemaType describes a schema element of type map.
    Meaning is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the asset consumer in understanding the content of an asset.
    Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
    NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an asset
    PrimitiveSchemaType describes a schema element that has a primitive type.
    This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.
    Stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
    Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
    ReferenceValue contains the properties for the relationship between a referencable and a valid value.
    ReferenceValueAssignedItem contains the properties for a referenceable that is linked to a requested valid value via the ReferenceValueAssignment.
    ReferenceValueAssignment describes the link to a valid value for a referenceable via a ReferenceValueAssignment relationship.
    RelatedAsset describes the relationship to other assets.
    RelatedMediaReference stores information about an link to an external media file that is relevant to this asset.
    RetentionGovernanceClassification defines the retention requirements for related data items.
    SchemaAttribute describes a single attribute within a schema.
    SchemaAttributeCategory summarizes the category of a schema attribute based on its cardinality, ordering and uniques of values stored within it.
    SchemaAttributeRelationship defines a relationship between 2 SchemaAttributes.
    The SchemaElement object provides a base class for the pieces that make up a schema for an asset.
    The SchemaType object provides a base class for the pieces that make up a schema for a data asset.
    SchemaTypeChoice supports an element that has a selection of schema types that could be used as the type of the attribute.
    SearchKeyword stores information about a keyword connected to an asset.
    SecurityTags holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
    SimpleSchemaType describes a schema element that has a primitive or enum type.
    SoftwareCapability describe the properties needed to describe a specific software server's capability.
    StructSchemaType describes a schema element that has a number of nested data fields.
    ValidValue provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
    ValidValueDefinition defines a value that can be legitimately assigned to a field.
    ValidValueImplementation contains the properties for a relationship between an asset and a valid value.
    ValidValueImplementationAsset contains the properties for a reference data set implementing a requested valid value.
    ValidValueImplementationAsset contains the properties for a reference data set implementing a requested valid value.
    ValidValueMapping contains the properties and ends of a valid value mapping.
    ValidValuesAssignment contains the properties for a valid value's reference data assignment to a referenceable.
    ValidValuesAssignmentConsumer contains the properties for a referenceable that is linked to a requested valid value via the ValidValuesAssignment.
    ValidValuesAssignmentDefinition describes the link to a valid value for a consumer of a valid value via a ValidValuesAssignment relationship.
    ValidValueSet defines a collection of valid value definitions.
    A virtual connection is for an asset that provides data by delegating requests to one or more other connections.