ClassesClassDescriptionAPIOperations supports an iterator over a list of API operations elements that make up a schema.This is the base class for a connected asset.AssetDetail extends AssetSummary to provide all the properties related to this asset.ElementBase provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.Feedback contains the comments, tags, ratings and likes that consumers of the asset have created.Lineage shows the origin of the connected asset.The AssetPropertyBase class is a base class for all properties that link off of the connected asset.This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.Many open metadata entities are referenceable.AssetSummary holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.AssetUniverse extends AssetDetail which extends AssetSummary.Certifications supports an iterator over a list of certifications awarded to the asset.Stores information about a comment connected to an asset.CommentReplies supports an iterator over a list of Comment objects.Comments supports an iterator over a list of Comment objects.ConnectedAssetProperties is associated with a Connector.ConnectionProperties is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.Connections supports an iterator over a list of connections.The ConnectorType describe the implementation details of a particular type of OCF connector.An asset that is a DeployedAPI has a schema made up of operations.An asset's schema provides information about how the asset structures the data it supports.EmbeddedConnectionProperties provides a facade for the properties of a Connection that is embedded in a VirtualConnection.The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.ExternalIdentifiers supports an iterator over a list of external identifiers.ExternalReferences supports an iterator over a list of external references.InformalTags supports an iterator over a list of informal tags.Licenses supports an iterator over a list of licenses for the asset.Likes supports an iterator over a list of like objects.Locations supports an iterator over a list of locations.An asset's schema provides information about how the asset structures the data it supports.Stores information about a comment connected to an asset.NoteLogs supports an iterator over a list of note logs.Notes supports an iterator over a list of notes within a note log.PagingIterator supports an iterator over a list of objects that extend ElementBase.Base class for the iterators supporting asset universeRatings supports an iterator over a list of ratings for an asset.RelatedAssetProperties returns detailed information about an asset that is related to an asset that is linked to the original anchor asset with a relationship.RelatedAssets supports an iterator over a list of related assets.RelatedMediaReferences supports an iterator over a list of related media references.SchemaAttributes supports an iterator over a list of schema attribute elements that make up a schema.The VirtualConnectionProperties is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a virtual connector to access a virtual asset that is constructed from access to one of more other assets.