Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AssetUniverse extends AssetDetail
AssetUniverse extends AssetDetail which extends AssetSummary. AssetUniverse adds information about the common open metadata entities related to this asset.
  • meanings - glossary term(s) assigned to this asset.
  • feedback - details of the reviews, tags and comments that are connected to the asset.
  • knownLocations - details of the known locations of the asset.
  • lineage - details of the lineage for the asset.
  • relatedAssets - details of the assets linked to this asset.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AssetUniverse

      protected AssetUniverse()
      Default constructor only for subclasses
    • AssetUniverse

      public AssetUniverse(Asset assetBean, ExternalIdentifiers externalIdentifiers, RelatedMediaReferences relatedMediaReferences, NoteLogs noteLogs, ExternalReferences externalReferences, Connections connections, Licenses licenses, Certifications certifications, List<Meaning> meanings, SchemaType schema, AssetFeedback feedback, Locations knownLocations, AssetLineage lineage, RelatedAssets relatedAssets)
      Typical Constructor
      assetBean - details of this asset
      externalIdentifiers - ExternalIdentifiers list
      relatedMediaReferences - RelatedMediaReferences list
      noteLogs - NoteLogs iterator
      externalReferences - ExternalReferences iterator
      connections - List of connections attached to the asset
      licenses - List of licenses
      certifications - Certifications list of certifications
      meanings - Meanings list of glossary definitions.
      schema - SchemaType object to query schema and related data field definitions.
      feedback - Feedback object to query the feedback.
      knownLocations - Locations list
      lineage - lineage object to query the origin of the asset.
      relatedAssets - RelatedAssets list
    • AssetUniverse

      public AssetUniverse(Asset assetBean)
      Copy/clone constructor
      assetBean - bean to seed new asset detail
    • AssetUniverse

      public AssetUniverse(AssetUniverse template)
      Copy/clone Constructor note this is a deep copy
      template - template to copy
  • Method Details

    • getMeanings

      public List<Meaning> getMeanings()
      Return the list of glossary definitions assigned directly to this asset.
      getMeanings in class GovernedReferenceable
      Meanings list of glossary definitions.
    • getFeedback

      public AssetFeedback getFeedback()
      Return details of the people, products and feedback that are connected to the asset.
      Feedback object to query the feedback on the asset.
    • getKnownLocations

      public Locations getKnownLocations()
      Return the list of locations for the asset.
      Locations list of locations.
    • getLineage

      public AssetLineage getLineage()
      Return details of the lineage for the asset.
      Lineage object that allows queries about the lineage of the asset.
    • getRelatedAssets

      public RelatedAssets getRelatedAssets()
      Return the list of assets related to this asset.
      RelatedAssets list
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Standard toString method.
      toString in class AssetDetail
      print out of variables in a JSON-style
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare)
      Compare the values of the supplied object with those stored in the current object.
      equals in class AssetDetail
      objectToCompare - supplied object
      boolean result of comparison
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Hash of properties
      hashCode in class AssetDetail