Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AssetSummary extends Asset
AssetSummary holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text. It includes the following properties:
  • type - metadata type information for the asset
  • guid - globally unique identifier for the asset
  • url - external link for the asset
  • qualifiedName - The official (unique) name for the asset. This is often defined by the IT systems management organization and should be used (when available) on audit logs and error messages. (Sourced from qualifiedName from Referenceable - model 0010)
  • displayName - A consumable name for the asset. Often a shortened form of the asset's qualifiedName for use on user interfaces and messages. The asset's displayName should be only be used for audit logs and error messages if the qualifiedName is not set. (Sourced from displayName attribute name within Asset - model 0010)
  • shortDescription - short description about the asset. (Sourced from assetSummary within ConnectionsToAsset - model 0205)
  • description - full description of the asset. (Sourced from attribute description within Asset - model 0010)
  • owner - name of the person or organization that owns the asset. (Sourced from classification AssetOwnership or Ownership attached to Asset - model 0445)
  • ownerTypeName - name of the element type identifying the person or organization that owns the asset. (Sourced from classification AssetOwnership or Ownership attached to Asset - model 0445)
  • ownerPropertyName - name of the property identifying person or organization that owns the asset. (Sourced from classification AssetOwnership or Ownership attached to Asset - model 0445)
  • ownerType - type of the person or organization that owns the asset. (Sourced from classification AssetOwnership attached to Asset - model 0445)
  • zoneMembership - list of governance zones assigned to the asset
  • classifications - list of classifications assigned to the asset
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetSummary

      protected AssetSummary()
      Default constructor only for subclasses
    • AssetSummary

      public AssetSummary(Asset assetBean)
      Bean constructor - initializes AssetSummary using a bean returned by the REST interface.
      assetBean - asset properties bean
    • AssetSummary

      public AssetSummary(AssetSummary templateAssetSummary)
      Copy/clone constructor. Note, this is a deep copy
      templateAssetSummary - template values for asset summary